Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, July 28, 2014

耶 1:5 - “我未将你造在腹中,我已晓得你;你未出母胎,我已分别你为圣;我已派你作列国的先知。”


You Are Not Alone

Monday, July 28, 2014

Psalm 139:9-10 - If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea. Even there your hand will guide me; your right hand will hold me fast.

Do you ever feel that sometimes you are left all alone in circumstances? You might feel being outcast and there is no one by your side that can fully understand all your needs. Are there problems and circumstances looming, which makes you feel so insecure and nowhere out? Today, keep your heart secure and know that your Father in Heaven loves you eternally.

Always remember that you are never alone. Even though the waves and the storms might seem to be gigantic, but you have a support that is unshakable. That man is Jesus Christ. Just like what Psalm says if I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, and your right hand will hold me fast. How loving! It means that even though you are at the far side, His hands will always be there to guide and protect. Today, no matter where you are, even though you are rise and above, He is still there guiding you; even though you are far away, He is still holding you.

You might be far away, but when Jesus holds you with His right hand, He is bringing you back into His embrace! It means that when He is with you, He will bring you back to the land of joy! Right in the pit of your life, He is there. So, whom shall you fear?

Today, when the hands that created heaven and earth is with you, when the nail pierced hands are guiding you; you will see that nothing can hold against you when you are in the embrace of God! Jesus' finished work is there leading you into a better place and a better hope! Therefore, look upon Him and see that His right hand is there holding you fast, so you are not alone!


Sunday, July 27, 2014

诗篇91:7 - 虽有千人仆倒在你旁边,万人仆倒在你右边,这灾却不得临近你。
诗篇91:10 - 祸患必不临近你,灾害也不挨近你的帐棚。




Inaccessible Place

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Psalm 9:9 - The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Where are you going to look for refuge in times of troubles or lacking? Many of us tend to run away from God and turn to the problems instead. Today, you are to know that when problems come, when poverty drops by, you are to run to your Father in Heaven directly!

He is refuge for the oppressed. In the original meaning, refuge here means an inaccessible place. It means Jesus is an inaccessible place for all your problems! Then, you are to be assured that poverty has no access to Jesus, sicknesses have no access to Jesus, broken relationship has no access to Jesus, and even condemnation has no access to Jesus! Therefore, they have no access to you too! Probably you had been crushed by all the oppositions, financial problems, guilt; however, this is a day that you can run to Jesus. You don't have to wait until you settle everything by your own or when you are whole, you can run to Him anytime! In Him, everything that is bad is all inaccessible, you are well protected in His embrace!

In times of trouble, He is your stronghold! It means that He is forever in front of you to shield you! When condemnation comes, Jesus has it first! When accusation comes, Jesus has it for you! When curses come, they hit Jesus first! This is what He has done for you on the cross! A stronghold that you can always rely on! So run to Him today!

Your God And You

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Dear friend, do you know that you are created in God's own image? There is a lot of times we forgot our own identity, we tend to forget who we are, what we have and what we can do.
When problems come, we will usually react negatively towards the problems and forget we are actually bigger than the problems for we are created in God's own image.
We are in this world but not of this world. We are belong to God. We are his creation and we are his beloved. Do you know how precious we are in his sight? He loves us until an extent He has given Jesus Christ, the one and only Son to die for us and redeem us from all things.
Because of Him, we are more than conquerors and able to enjoy all that He has.

In this complicated world, many of us were blinded by the problems and all that belong to the world.
There is a lot of times we forgot that we are of God who is there to bless, to give and finally forgive. In this world, we are used to get get get and finally forget. We are rushing and fighting for living a good life in this world by our own effort and finally ends up forgetting who we are, what we have and what we can do.
So, now is the time to change, friend. Now is the time to be awaken.

Let's go back to the origin. Remember that we are created in the same image of God. So, we have the dunamis power to overcome all circumstances, we have the authority to handle all that being assigned to us, we can do all things through God who gives us strength!
As Christ is, so are you in this world. There is nothing can harm you, nothing can stop you from doing all that God has given to you.
So, start to walk your life with who you are, what you have and what you can do.
Praise the Lord!


Saturday, July 26, 2014

创 1:27

我们是活在这世上但我们却不是属于这世界的。我们是属神的。 我们是他的创造更是他所爱的。你可知道我们在他眼中有多珍贵吗?他爱我们到一个地步牺牲他所爱的独生子耶稣基督,给了我们为我们死在十字架上为了救赎我们脱离一切。

很多时候我们忘了我们是属于那一位一直在给、祝福、原谅的神的。在这世界上,我们习惯性的拿,拿,拿,拿到我们忘记了。 我们一直都在匆匆忙忙凭自己的努力不断争取能够过得更好的生活,而结果忘了自己是谁,拥有什么,能做什么。

让我们回到那最起初的。记得我们乃是按照神的形象造的。 所以,我们拥有那浩大的能力来战胜一切的环境,我们拥有权柄来管理一切托付我们的事情,靠着那加给我们力量的我们凡事都能做!

Sure Blessings

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Numbers 23:20 - I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it.

Do you know that your blessings today are sure and certain? Probably you will say "what did I do that deserve all the blessings?", "I don't deserve any blessings because of my past!" we will always directly relate the blessings that we get with our own deeds. However, you are to know that the Father in Heaven blesses you not because of your achievement, but it is solely about Jesus is His pleasure! Jesus is the very reason that Father blesses you!

Do you know that in Luke 24:51 say that while Jesus was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven? It means that God's heart for you is to bless you but not to curse you! How beautiful is this picture! How unwilling He left us! However, you are to remember that even though Jesus is now at the right hand side of the Father; He is still blessing you! When the Father sees Him, He pleases the Father! Which makes Him all the more wants to bless you with all goodness and heaven resources!

Today, Jesus received a command to bless from the Father, because as He is so are you in this world! You are to be certain that it cannot change! That's how sure the blessings he has for you. Finding love, security, and a new life? Look upon the cross, and you will see Jesus' hands spreading wide to bless you ceaselessly!


Friday, July 25, 2014

弗 1:23 - 教会是祂的身体,是那充满万有者所充满的。

一个完整的身体,是任何部分都不可缺的。而最重要的就是带领者,我们的头。若没有了头,全身就活不了了。在基督里,我们是主的肢体,而基督是我们的头。我们需要有一个头来引领我们,而这个头就是耶稣基督。在我们人生的道路上,我们需要被引领,而神的话就是我们脚前的灯,是我们路上的光。(诗 119:105)我们身为肢体的一部分,是要顺服我们的头,就是耶稣基督。我们每个肢体,都要连于我们的元首耶稣基督,全身都靠祂联络得合式,百节各按各职,照着各体的功用彼此相助,便叫身体渐渐增长,在爱中建立自己。(弗 4:15-16)我们每个人在基督里都扮演着重要的角色,都是被需要的,但更不可少的是我们的元首。当我们甘心顺从,听从神的话,跟随祂的指引,作好主的肢体,行祂要我们所行的,我们就必吃那地上的美物。(赛 1:19)

朋友们,我们与基督是同一体的,是不能分离的。当我们跟基督合而为一的时候,如今祂所有的都是我们的。你知道吗,基督不容许病痛在我们身上,祂不允许贫穷在我们身上,祂不允许我们有任何的委屈或苦难,因为当一个肢体受苦,全身都会跟着受苦;当一个肢体得荣耀,全身都跟着得荣耀。所以今天基督如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)因为我们是同一体的,祂要我们是灵魂体都兴盛的。(约三:2)



Thursday, July 24, 2014




Find Jesus

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Proverbs 8:35 - For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.

Many are searching and finding in this world, and everyone has a different goal to achieve in life. Some are looking for prosperity, some are looking for health, some are looking for love, and some are looking for freedom. You might be one of them searching and looking all these years, and you end up wounded and found that everything just turn you down. That's why we are unable to rely on human being or even our surroundings, because whatever that we can see are all temporary and what we cannot see are eternal. That's why you just have to rely on Jesus Christ and him alone because only He is eternal and forever.

Therefore, today if you are discouraged by all the circumstances around you, remember that there is one direction that you can always run to! That is to the embrace of your father in heaven. it says here in Proverbs that whoever finds me finds life. So, today when you find Jesus, you will find life! Life in terms on not only breathe, but also health, sound mind, peace, goodness, prosperity and good relationships with family! This is exactly the life that God wants to bless you with!

Not only that, you will receive favor from the Lord! How wonderful when you are searching for Him and beholding Jesus, you will see life and favor manifest in your life! It means wherever you are, you find favor in people's eyes. You have no idea why people will just help you and show favor on you! It is all because of God's glory are manifesting on you when you choose to find Jesus and behold His beauty all the time!

So find him today in the Words of God, and you will find life and receive favor super abundantly!

He Has Done It For You

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Isaiah 26:12 - Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.

Always remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and when you are in Him, you will have sure peace in all your circumstances. People in the world are all praying and wishing for a life of peace, they thought that by doing good, they can receive. However, peace in the world is all about when everything is good, and then you will feel good. But the peace that Jesus gave us is a peace that is unshakable and certain.

You might be in the midst of a storm or struggling with problems, however do you know that the Peace of Jesus can still the roaring waves and storms? Today, this exact peace has been established in your life! Therefore, when the shalom peace is manifest in you, you shall see abundance, goodness, favor, prosperity, health, wholeness, and so much more blessings shall fall upon you!

It is never by our doings that we can achieve anything in life, because without him we are all nothing. Therefore, the only one that we need is Jesus. You are to remember Jesus is the one blessings, you and establishing you when you succeed, whatever that you can accomplish by your bare hands are all actually what He has done for you! It means that your business opportunities are all from Him, your health are all from Him, you abundance are all from Him, your fruitfulness are all from Him!

The peace has been established, the finished work of Jesus Christ is irrevocable; so therefore, hold on to Him and witness that whatever that your hands touch shall prosper abundantly!

Showing His True Love

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Psalm 42:8 - The Lord shows his true love every day. At night I have a song, and I pray to my living God.

The world might be full of hypocrisy and lies as still it lies under the power of the darkness (1 John 5:19), however we do not need to lose hope as regardless what the world may seems to be, regardless how people treated you, regardless how much disappointment you received, always remember that there is a Father who loves you so much! In Romans 3:3-4 says "it is true that some Jews were not faithful to God. But will that stop God from doing what he promised? No! God will continue to be true even when every person is false." Therefore, if everything around ceases, remember God will continue to be true! Nothing can stop God from doing what He has promised you! When He has promised you freedom, love, protection, supply, goodness, favor, it is unstoppable!

Hence, wake up every day knowing that God eager to show you His true love. Never a day He will miss in loving you. He loves you constantly, regardless how worst or how many times you may fail. And guess what? This love empowers you! This love enables you to move on and never give up, this love enables you to rejoice in every circumstances! Therefore, remember today that you are loved, and let's be discern on how He shows you His true love everyday! Isn't it exciting?


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

箴言27:3 - 因为他心怎样思量,他为人就是怎样。




He Is Mighty

Monday, June 23, 2014

Psalm 93:4 – Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the Lord on high is mighty.

What are the things that troubling you right now? Probably it is because of your medical report, or your financial report; no matter what you are to know that there is nothing too hard that God cannot settle it for you! Whatever that seems to be difficult, God can turn it into possible!

Your God is mightier than the thunder of the great waters; He is the creator of the universe. He holds everything together and He is the first. Likewise today, He is mightier than all your circumstances, poverty, sicknesses, fear, anxiety and so much more! Just because His name is higher than every name and His ways are always higher than our own ways! Trusting in Him is never a decision that you will feel regret in the end. Instead, you shall see many turning points started to happen in your life just because you have a mighty Father!

When God is with you, who can stand against you? When God is alongside leading you throughout the journey of your life, you can be full assured that as He is so are you in this world! You can stand above the storm but not beneath! He is mighty, so you can rely on Him in all things and for the rest of your life!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

诗 73:28 – 但我亲近神是与我有益。我以主耶和华为我的避难所,好叫我述说你一切的作为。

当我们的思想被神的话给充满的时候,神的话能攻破一切的营垒,能抵挡恶者一切的火箭。要如何让我们的思想被神的话充满?就是常常默想神的话,把神的话刻在心版上,遵行神的话,走在神的旨意里。当我们亲近神,神就必与我们亲近。(各 4:8)所以,朋友们,让我们每天把亲近神放成是我们第一的中心点,让我们与祂亲近就好。这样,我们所过的每一天必定是充足,丰盛,喜乐的一天。阿门!


Monday, June 9, 2014

2 Corinthians 6:18 – I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

There are a lot of people today think that God is really someone that is far away, majority of the Christians are living in religion consciousness rather than God consciousness. Many will think that God is a dictator that demands a lot and wants us to serve Him like a slave. But a thousand times no! If you are to know who is your God, you are to go back to the bible and search and understand your Father. He is definitely a loving Father that wants to have relationship with you rather than having a religion with you. Therefore He said, I will be a Father to you.

Many in this world carries a wrong concept about a father, they see the Father in heaven from the lens of this world. But know that God your Father is not the same as you know of from your earthly father, He wants to be a Father to you. To love you, protect you, provide you, understand you is all that He wants to do in your life. He wants you to live your life knowing that there is always a Father for you. You are never alone, but you are a child of God Most High. He is your Dad.

Therefore, today, come to Him boldly and you can call Him Abba Father! Enjoy in His embrace and enjoy in this fatherly love! :)

His Wounds Made Your Healing 因祂受的鞭伤你得医治

1 Peter 2:24b “…Jesus' wounds made my healing.”
彼得前书 2:24b “。。。因祂受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。”

You might be overwhelmed by the report that the doctor gave you, it might seems to be no cure for your sickness. But always remember that although you are in this world, but you do not belong to this world. You do not belong to the system of the world, and when you accepted Jesus, you are operated in the kingdom of God. Therefore, the next time when the symptoms hit, the next time when the pain comes, ask yourself, "Is Jesus' wounds are sure?" How sure is Jesus' wounds, do you really believe that He has wounded for you? As sure as He is wounded, then you have to be as sure on your healing. Whatever that Jesus has done at the cross, the moment when he said "it is finished", it means it is finished. Not even a single devil is able to reverse everything back, so therefore you can rejoice all the more! If Jesus has conquered death, and when Jesus has already wounded for you, remember one thing, your healing is for sure. You are no longer in sickness but you are now healthy and strong! Therefore, be reminded daily, and each moment "Jesus' wounds made my healing"! Amen!


Strength And Peace 力量与平安

Psalms 29:11 The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.
诗篇 29:11 耶和华必赐力量给祂的百姓,耶和华必赐平安的福给祂的百姓。

Hi friend, how do you do? Regardless how busy you are, no matter what kind of stress or challenges you are facing right now, bear in mind that you have a God who cares for you, He will sustain you with His strength and peace.
When you are surrounded by problems, do not give up! Instead, meditate on the word of God and be surrounded by the love, manifest the strength and peace the Lord has given to you.
When you are weak, do not be afraid! Instead, meditate on the word of God and be strong, manifest the strength and peace the Lord has given to you.
When you are sick, let not your heart be troubled! Instead, meditate on the word of God that He has healed you and be anxious of nothing, manifest the strength and peace the Lord has given to you.
When you are in lack, do not worry about your tomorrow! Instead, meditate on the word of God and be thankful of His supplies, manifest the strength and peace the Lord has given to you.
When you are lost, do not panic! Instead, meditate on the word of God that directs you, manifest the strength and peace the Lord has given to you.
Despite of how big your problems might be or how hard is the situation, abide in Him through the word and enjoy the strength and peace you have from God. Dear friend, do not be stagnant and stay in the problems. Let's move on in life and experience how wonderful the strength and the peace of God can be in your daily life. Surely, you are heading to a better and higher place to glorify Him!
