Daily Devotion 每日灵修

His Grace Is Sufficient

Friday, August 22, 2014

2Cor 12:9 But he said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Hey friend, are you afraid of challenges? Are you worrying about your future? No matter what is the bondage that hold you back, always bear in mind that the grace of God is sufficient for you!
When you are down, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that hold you up;
When you are angry, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that calm you down;
When you are worry, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that give you peace;
When you are in lack, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that provide to you abundantly;
When you are sick, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that make you healthy;
When problems come, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that help you to overcome problems!

In Him, you can have the unmerited and unearned favor.
When there is grace, there is supplies.
Therefore, when you start to use and apply the grace of God, that is when you encounter blessings flow.
The grace of God enable you to reign in life. So, be thankful for the grace of God.


Friday, August 22, 2014

我们活在这世上,有时候难免会介意或是在乎别人对我们的看法。比如:一个孩子会在意父母对他的看法;一个员工会在意他上司对他的看法;一对情侣会在乎另一半对自己的看法等等,而这些人的看法会影响我们的表现。那有多少人曾经想过神对我们的看法是如何?有没有人曾经在意过神对我们的看法呢?其实,神看人不像人看人,人是看外貌,神是看内心。(撒上 16:7)神是通过耶稣来看我们的,因此,祂看到的是耶稣基督,因为我们是披戴基督的。(加 3:27)

今天,神看我们是公义的,是圣洁的,是有智慧的,(林前 1:30)是完美无瑕的,是充满恩惠慈爱的,是神眼里的瞳人,(箴 7:2)是神所爱的,是祂的至宝。(赛 43:4)因为耶稣如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)在基督里,我们是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。(林后 5:17)以前的我们无论发生过什么事,都已经是过去式的,它再也不能伤害我们,不能做我们生命的一部分。若今天你还觉得自己在神的眼中是不圣洁,不配得,不能够来到神的面前,祂不会爱这样充满软弱,充满污秽的我们,那你就大错特错了。你知道吗?在神的眼里,我们是全然圣洁,美丽,而且是毫无瑕疵的,祂爱我们到一个地步愿意牺牲祂的独生爱子来拯救我们。因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须走上十架;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须忍受一切的试探和灾难;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须舍下祂王子的身份来代替我们的罪;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须死在十架上,掰开祂的身体,流出祂的宝血来拯救我们。当神为了我们还作罪人的时候,把祂儿子牺牲了给我们,那你还在犹豫什么?怎样的爱才能为了一个人而牺牲?



Friday, August 22, 2014

上帝渴望我们的后半生比前半生好,明日比今日更好,因为义人的道路是越来越明亮的(箴言4:18);有美好的人生永远不会太迟。也许有些人会泼你冷水說:“你无法把炒蛋回復成生蛋。。。一切都无法改变”。話是沒錯,但上帝却能把炒蛋变成美味的烘蛋捲,在祂沒 有难成的事(马太19:26)!
腓立比书1:6也说到:我深信那在你们心里动了善工的,必成全这工,直到耶稣基督的日子。哈利路亚! 上帝要与你一起完成生命中的功課,祂不会疲倦也不會半途而废,更不会違背祂所立的約,也不改变祂口中所出的(诗篇89:34)。祂会一直堅持,永不放弃你,直到把你帶領到祂要你到达之处。上帝不要你只是「有些」蒙福,祂要你大大蒙福;祂不要你只是「部份」得着医治,祂要你灵魂体都兴盛;祂要你的生命显明大能、喜乐、丰盛;活在丰盛之中,要你燃 起心中的希望;祂要你既完整又滿足。阿们!

Recognise Him

Thursday, August 21, 2014

2 John 1:9-10 - Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them.

It is so important to keep ourselves focusing on the teaching and the Word of God, as the truth only comes from Jesus, any teaching other than what is in the Word and any lies that divert us away from Christ are definitely of the thief. In John 10:1 says that anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. Jesus made such a true parable that any other than Him is a thief and a robber. Imagine someone who climbs in to your house or your territory through the other way instead of the main gate, you will immediately assume that that is a thief! Likewise, any other words that are not of God, bringing you into fear and depression, any other teachings that do not stay in line with the Word of God bringing you condemnation and separation, these are not of God, but of the thief, the devil! Therefore, we are to recognise our Shepherd and continues in His Word.

A sheep recognises its shepherd's voice. Likewise, we are to recognise Jesus' voice. When we continue to stay in the Word of God, in the teaching of Christ, we have both the Father and the Son! How wonderful to know that wherever we are, as long as we keep the truth, we have both the Father and the Son! We can't help but being blessed, we can't help but prosper, we can't help but enjoy good life! Therefore, made up your mind not to welcome any other word that is not of God, do not take them into your house! Never let those lies rooted in your mind, but always remember and keep yourself being reminded on what Jesus has promised, "You are so wonderfully made!" "You are precious and honorable in my sight!" "There is no more condemnation in Christ Jesus!" "I love you and I will not depart away from you!" "I am always with you!" "You are healthy and strong!" "You enjoy long life!"

Listen to Him, keep it in your heart, and do not entertain any other statement that is not of Him, knowing that as you keep the Word, you are enjoying both the Father and the Son, how blessed it is!!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

箴 12:3 - 人靠恶行不能坚立;义人的根,必不动摇。

一个建筑物,若要建的高,建的阔,建的稳固,就必须要有非常稳固、非常深的根基来支撑。这根基不能随随便便的打,不能偷工减料,不然若这根基不够稳固,这建筑物就容易倒塌。同样的在我们的生命中也是如此,我们需要稳固的根基来支撑我们的生命,而这根基就是耶稣基督。经上记着说:那立好的根基就是耶稣基督,此外没有人能立别的根基。(林前 3:11)耶稣基督成为了义人的根,而这根是不随着世上的问题而动摇,祂不跟这世上的的问题妥协,更不会因着风吹、雨打、水冲而倒塌。

朋友们,这根基已经立了给我们,我们需要把祂在我们的生命中打得更深更稳固,好让我们的脚步不随这世上的事情而偏离真道,而是在这真道上站稳,做大丈夫,做刚强的人。(林前 16:13)若没有耶稣基督这根基,我们就好像把生命建在沙土上,当我们遇见问题,很快的就被打倒了;反之,若我们转眼仰望耶稣,把祂的话刻在我们的心版上,昼夜思想,并且相信神的话每一句都带能力,要在我们的生命中作成,那么我们的生命肯定是稳固的,是可以站在问题之上的。俗语有句话说:好人不长命,祸害遗千年。这句话不属实。在神的眼里,没有好人坏人之分,只有活人死人之分。接受耶稣成为我们救主的人,就有生命,因为经上说:人有了神的儿子,就有生命;没有神的儿子就没有生命。(约一 5:12)而我们这些身为神儿子的人,我们的身份自然而然就转到义人的身份,而我们拥有那健全稳固的根,就是耶稣基督。

因此,若要我们的生命是站得高,建的宽,活出那美好的一切,我们就要立对的根基,就是耶稣基督,就是神的话。(约 1:1)让我们的眼目不离开神的话,总要存记在心中,这样,我们的生命肯定是得胜有余,并且是居在至高之处的。这世上的任何东西都不能搅扰我们,纵有千人万人扑倒在我们左右,我们也必不至遭害的。(诗 91:7) 阿门!

Battlefield of the Mind

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

3 John 2 - Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Your soul plays an very important role in your life. Soul is the realm of your mind, thoughts, and intellect. It is your soul that determines to yield to your flesh or to your spirit. That's why it is very important for every child of God to have a constant renewal of mind, renewal of mind cannot be done only on a Sunday service, but renewal of mind has to be done every single moment. The battlefield that every Christian has today is no longer fighting to get healing or fighting to win and have victory. We already own the victory, we already have the healing that we need, we already have the supply and abundance, we already have all that we need throughout our Christian life. But the point is, the only battlefield that we need to fight on is the battlefield of the mind. Fighting the battle of the mind cannot be done by just having good thoughts, or trying so hard not to think on negatives, but in order to win this battle of the mind, you need the Word of God.

That's why in Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word of God itself is a weapon, Paul also mentioned that in Ephesians 6:17. It can pierced through and divide your soul and spirit, you are able to determine what is of your own flesh, feeling and own thoughts, and what is of God! Not only that it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word of God is just like a discerner, a detector, a scanner, that it is able to discern which not of God and which is of God! Therefore, in order to have victory in this battlefield of the mind, you cannot win without the Word of God.

The Word of God is there to give you discernment and alert on who you are in Christ, what you can do in Christ and what do you have in Christ. It is a reminder and a constant alarm. Therefore, you need to keep your thought life in line with the Word, meditating it day and night until it became your life! Of course we know it is hard especially when what you are seeing with your bare eyes are so difficult to overcome, but all things are possible in God! As you will fix your gaze upon the Word, the Word itself will work for you! As you will let the Word to have dominion in your thought life, the Word itself will fight the wrong thoughts of the evil one for you! You have to choose what you think of! If you do not think of the Word, same thing you will think of other thing else, so a lot of times, we think of the worldly kind of things. We are molded into the mold of the world, we do not think in line with the Word but instead, we think in line with the world's thought. Therefore, it defeats us!

A victorious life starts with a victorious mindset. Start to win the battlefield of the mind through the Word of God, as your soul prospers, as your mind prospers, you will prosper in all things and be in health! The key is your mind!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014



紧紧抓住伤害并不能减少伤痛,唯有当我们晓得我们是被爱的,是耶稣的至宝,祂的爱才是我们前进的动力。如果还是紧握着不愿放手,到最后落得失去更多;所以,我们不要再做停顿的人,而是要一直的往前走。要怎样的往前走呢?靠着自己,不能;靠耶稣,看似不可行的,都要成为可行的。祂已经为我们开一条又新又活的路(希伯来书 10:20),给了我们全新的盼望。所以朋友们,当你朝着耶稣的方向直跑,生命肯定不会空跑,也不会徒劳的(腓立比书 2:16)。 阿门!

Strong & Courageous

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Joshua 1:7 - Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

When Joshua received the baton from Moses to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land, he was just at his young age. However, at such a young age, what is the secret of success of Joshua in leading thousands of Israelite? After the death of Moses, God shown to Joshua and gave him His command, which is His Word. What did He say?

In Joshua 1:5 says no one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. I believe that as the Lord gave Joshua this Word, Joshua sure knows what God meant at that time. Joshua has seen how Moses led the Israelite out from Egypt, how the Red Sea departed, the incident of the serpent on the pole, Joshua sure knows when God is with Moses, what had happened! Therefore, the moment when Joshua received and believed in this God who keeps His covenant with His people, he knows that when God says no one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life, I will never leave you nor forsake you, He meant it and He will surely accomplish it! It keeps Joshua strong and courageous!

Likewise, God has given us His Word, and our responsibility is to believe in what He says and act on what He says. God in Joshua 1:6-9 has been keep on telling Joshua to be strong and courageous. How are we supposed to be strong and courageous when things around us seems to be so overwhelming? How to be strong and courageous when you look at yourself and see yourself unable to lead this multitude of people? The answer lies in Joshua 1:7-8, be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you, do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful in wherever you go. Do not let this Book of Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and successful. In order to be strong and courageous, the first thing is you have to keep the Word within you, meditate on it day and night, talk about it and act on it. This is the instruction that God gave Joshua.

Only when you started to see His Word highly than your own, when you started to be Word-conscious instead of self conscious, then only you can be strong and courageous! Strong and courageous doesn't come from your own, it comes from the revelation of God, by knowing who you are in Christ, what you can do in Christ and what do you have in Christ! If you do not have this revelation, most of the time you will live your life like a yo-yo. The moment when you keep the Word within you, the next thing is to be conscious of God is with you. This enable Joshua to stay strong and courageous throughout his journey!

Therefore, regardless how weak you may feel right now, turn your focus to the Word and be conscious of His presence with you. Then you can live your life strong and courageous, no one will be able to withstand you all the days of your life. How great is our God!

The Best Medicine

Monday, August 18, 2014

Proverbs 4:22 - For they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.

The Word itself carries power, just like a seed. It may seem to be so small and nothing much that it can do by human's mere perception, but you do not know how much power that it carries. From the natural realm, we can see that the seed itself has the power of growth inside of it; although it may seem to be small, but regardless how many years you have kept the seed with you without planting it, the moment when you plant, the life and growth still can be released! Likewise, the Word of God is like a seed, as Jesus parabled. Though it may seem to be small initially, but if you will allow your self to plaint it in a good soil, which is your believing heart, it can grow and bear fruits!

However, in the book of Proverbs, it says that you are to find them. The Word of God is life to those who find them. Find here carries meaning of to come forth to, attain, acquire, meet, to be present, catch, get hold of, and meet with. In order to find something, you need to find it at a certain location. The Bible is that location, but though the Word is always there, but many of times, we do not make any effort to find the Word. The hustle bustle of life has robbed us away from seeking, come forth to, to attain, to meet and get hold of the Word of God. But if you will come forth to the Word, if you will acquire and attain, if you will spend time "meeting" the Word, if you will catch it and get hold of it, they are LIFE to those who find them! It brings forth the very life of God to you when you find it!

Life means alive, fresh, strong, merry, quick, lively, and appetite! As you start to meet with the Word, catch it and get hold of it; they are alive, fresh, strong, merry, it quickens, it is lively and it is your appetite! Thus, it brings health to a man's whole body. Which means, the Word of God itself has power that heals. The health and wholeness of Jesus is in the Word, why? Jesus is the Word made flesh. If the flesh of Jesus is flowing with health and wholeness, with power to heal the sick, the blind, the leprosy, the woman with the issue of blood; then, the Word of God too is flowing with health and wholeness, with power to heal the sick, the blind, the leprosy, and just like the woman with the issue of blood, as you touch the Word, power flows out into your body!

What are the health issues that you face today? Regardless how serious it is in the eyes of the doctor, but you have the best medicine in hand. We are created by God, He is our Creator, so if there is something wrong with this body, we will need medicine from our Creator, our Manufacturer, our Source! The Word itself is our medicine, it can complete our body. Not just a part, but whole body! Regardless it is just a pimple, or a tumor, in the eyes' of God, no sickness is too big that He cannot heal! Therefore, start to seek, to find, to meet with and get hold of the Word today, until you see the health and wholeness in the seed manifests in your body!


Monday, August 18, 2014

可 10:45 - 因为人子来,并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。

服事,是我们对神的爱的一种回应。或许你会问,既然耶稣来是服事人,不是被人服事,那为什么我们还要服事呢?在教会里,在人的身上,你所花的时间、金钱、体力等等,这一切为什么还要去做呢?其实,我们服事不是为了要讨好耶稣,或是我们不做神就不爱我们了。而是我们服事是因为我们要更像基督,祂如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)祂来是服事人的,那我们的生命也是服事人,只因我们的生命要效法基督(林前 11:1),要做更大的事。当我们有了榜样,就不会自己去乱闯,我们的生命就不需要重蹈失败的挫折,我们可以更快的迈向成功,因为当我们有了神的带领,当我们听从神的话,我们就必吃这地上的美物。(赛 1:19)

朋友们,今天我们服事,不是靠我们自己的意愿,也不靠我们自己的能力,乃是按着神的旨意,是祂所召的。很多时候,人总喜欢凭自己的感觉去服事,到最终却搞得自己疲乏困倦,不能继续地往前走了。若我们的服事是出于神的选召,那么我们必不致缺乏,我们的灵是不会疲累的。我们不会做的充满埋怨、不会心里烦乱,而是我们会享受在其中。就算当中有问题发生,但是我们依然能很快地解决,因为我们有神的智慧,有圣灵的带领。我们所做的,不是为了人而作,乃是给主作的。(西 3:23)当我们的中心点放对了,那么我们的服事自然是恩膏的,是顺利的。



Monday, August 18, 2014

约翰福音6:33 - 因为神的粮就是那从天上降下来,赐生命给世界的。


你要看到在你的灵里,你的人生里,是充满着活力的话,你每一天都要有耶稣。而耶稣所要给你的生命,是那不能朽坏的生命,就算天地都废弃,祂却是长存(路加21:33)。 到祂那里的必定不饿,信祂的,必定不渴;在祂那里没有缺乏,没有粮食断货的时刻;祂必照祂荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里使你们一切所需用的都充足(腓立比4:19)。祂的供应不会短缺,祂的粮食不会过期,而那里有无限的生命!阿们。

Sure Victory

Monday, August 18, 2014

Colossians 2:15 - And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

During the times of Rome, when Rome conquered another nation they would strip the king and all his dignitaries of their royal garments, jewelries, crowns, and anything that symbolized their former authority. Then they would parade them through the streets of Rome for all the Romans to insult and mock. Do you know that when Jesus triumphed at the cross, the same applies to the devil?

Jesus disarmed all the powers and authorities that were used to be over you! Therefore in Colossians 1:13 says that for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. You are no longer under the dominion of the darkness, because all these dominion, powers and authorities has been disarmed! In other word, it means that the dominion of sickness, powers of curses has been broken off. The right and authority that Adam sold to the Devil has been taken back right now! Disarmed means demobilize, demilitarize, and it means take the weapon away from the enemies.

All the weapon that enemies use against you have been taken away, how wonderful! Not only that, Jesus stripped the enemies from all its dignitaries, from all things that symbolizes its power, and make a public spectacle of them! Therefore, the enemies has no right over you now, he absolutely has no authority over you! The moment when you meditate and let this truth to sink and rooted in your heart, you will realize that no power can be above the power of Jesus, and since you are already holding the authority, why are you afraid of the schemes of devil?

The devil can only manipulate the truths, giving you lies and hoping that you will buy it. But many of times, we tend to buy his lies and sink into deep depression and condemnation, we tend to believe in what the devil is telling us, and allowed our lives to be defeated. But as you sit down and think about it now, the real one who is in power and authority is you, not the devil anymore. Hence, when you resist the devil, the devil has no choice but to flee from you! (James 4:7)

Therefore, be fearful no more, you are now sitting at the right hand of the King, the authority that Adam gave away to Satan is now back in your hand, you have the whole heaven back you up, you have all the heavenly resources, you are the precious child of the King Most High! Where is your enemy? The Devil has been stripped off from his power and authority, he has no dignity, he is being mocked and jeered in the public, and you know what? You just need to eat at the table of your Father in heaven, in the presence of your enemies (Psalm 23:5)!!!

You Are In Good Hand

Sunday, August 17, 2014

John 10:29 - My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.

Things may seem to be overwhelmingly great right now and you could not find any solution to get through, challenges may be ahead hindering you from moving forward, but always remember that when there seems to be no way, Jesus is the only way. You can always find your answer and your solution in Christ. Do you know that our thought can be a magnifying glass? Whatever that we focus on shall be magnified. There are times when we focus on the symptoms we are having, magnifying them until fear started to take root in our lives. Your thought can either magnify problems or minimize them, likewise it is the same on your perspectives toward God your Father.

Jesus said nothing can be greater than our Father in Heaven, and nothing can snatch us out from the hand of our Father. Take time and meditate on this wonderful picture, that you are now in a good hand! And be sure enough that God is well able to handle you, and of course all the problems and challenges that you face ahead! You are under a good care, the best refuge, you are in the hand of power! Therefore, know that no sickness, no problems, no fear can be greater than Him! When you are in His hand, you only enjoy freedom, joy, power, good health, and supply! Trust your Father in Heaven today, and when He is with you and holding you, you'll never ever fall!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

诗 68:19 天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神,是应当称颂的。




We Enjoy The Blessings, Jesus Bears The Burdens

Friday, August 15, 2014

Psalms 68:19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.

Hello friend, how do you do? Regardless it is a raining day, a cloudy day or a sunny day, it is always a good day that the Lord has made, therefore, we can enjoy and be glad in it.
Today, no matter what burden you have that is bothering you, here is the hope you have in Jesus Christ.
You know what, Jesus has took your place of curses so that you can now enjoy the position of righteousness and blessing.
He has borne your sicknesses through His broken body so that now you can receive supernatural healing and wholeness.
Jesus has took your place of poverty so that you can now enjoy all the blessings and prosperity He has for you.
Jesus has been mocked so that now you can lift up your head with glory.
Jesus has been rejected so that you are accepted.

So, do know that Jesus has sacrificed all that He has for the sake of you.
Now is the time for you to receive.
Give up all your troubles to Jesus and receive all the solutions from Jesus.
Give up all your bondage to Jesus and receive the freedom from Jesus.
Give up all your anxieties to Jesus and receive the peace from Jesus.
Give up all your sicknesses to Jesus and receive healing from Jesus.
Give up all your impossibles to Jesus and receive all the possibles from Jesus.
Give up all your insufficient to Jesus and receive all the sufficient from Jesus.
Give up all your lacks to Jesus and receive all the provisions from Jesus.

Beloved, we can now enjoy all the blessings and good stuffs simply because Jesus has borne it all for us.
So, do not doubt but to trust in Jesus wholeheartedly.
When you believe, you are to receive!


Friday, August 15, 2014

彼前 3:12 - 因为主的眼看顾义人,主的耳听他们的祈祷;。。。

很多时候,人们总会觉得自己所谓的运气,好的事从来不会发生在自己身上,眼睁睁的看着别人得到,自己却没有。也有些人说,他们祷告了那么久,却依然没有看见什么改变,或是没有得到他们所要的等等,不懂神有没有在听他们的祷告。其实,人得不到不是因为神有没有在听,而是关乎他自己有没有信心。我们信的有多快,得到就有多快。因为经上记着说,凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是什么,只要信是得着的,就必得着。(可 11:24)所以当我们相信,我们肯定得着。

有时候,人们总会怀疑,到底我们的神是不是二十四小时都在看顾我们?祂不需要休息吗?不需要放假吗?或是信主的人那么多,祂会看得见我的需要吗?很多的疑问在人的脑中浮现,总觉得我们的神可能并不能时时刻刻都在看顾我们。其实,在圣经里说到,我们的神是不打盹,也不睡觉的,因祂是时时刻刻的保护我们,看守我们。(诗 121:4) 所以我们可以放心,无论我们在哪里,做着什么,神都不会遗忘了我们。



Friday, August 15, 2014

诗篇 66:12 -“我们经过水火,你却使我们到丰富之地。”




Esteem Him

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Matthew 16:24-25 - Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever losses his life for me will find it."

As you read through the whole chapter of Matthew 16, you will realize that before Jesus said this, Peter recognized Jesus is the Son of the Living God, he knows that He is Christ, the One whom God sent for mankind. Jesus said Peter knew it not by flesh, but by the revelation of God. However, the next thing is when Jesus started to reveal on His redemption plan to the disciples, again Peter took him aside and began to rebuke Jesus saying that "This shall not happen to you!"

You see, as a man live by natural perspectives, whatever he sees tend to be limited. He will not grasp the power and the plan of God, and it causes him unable to move in the power of God. Peter in a sense was trying to stop Jesus from fulfilling the plan of God, though his intention was to protect Jesus. Jesus then said whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Jesus will find it. He doesn't mean to die, but He means if you esteem your own life more than the plan and the Word of God, you will lose the real life that you could enjoy! And many of times if we are to live in our own natural perspectives, we are bound by limit. And the will of God is that we to live in Him, and in Him there is limitless! That's why we lose the real life that Jesus wants us to live, we missed the full potential!

However, Jesus said but if we will esteem His Word more than our own selfishness in life, we will find life! The matter lies on how much we weigh His Word, just like Peter, a moment before that he esteemed Jesus as Christ, but the next moment he stopped Jesus from fulfilling the plan of God. Therefore, many of times, the devil will try all sorts of way to trigger us to live in flesh, selfishness, and in natural senses rather than living in the very Word of God. The natural tends to hinder us from moving into supernatural, however, we are to be like Jesus, rebuke all the things that are not in line with the Word of God, and start to esteem Him more than ourselves.

For it is not I who live, but Christ lives in me, Paul said (Galatians 2:20). So it is not we who live now, but Christ in us.

Full In Him

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ephesians 1:23 (AMP) - Which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all (for in that body lives the full measure of Him who makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with Himself.

Do you know that we are the body of Christ and Jesus is the head of the church? In the natural as you studied the creation of mankind, you will realize that the head is always in connection with the body. No body or any other parts of the body can function without the head; likewise, no head can function itself without needing the body. The same applies in the relationship of God and us, without Him we cannot, and without us He will not. Therefore, we are to constantly abide and connect with our head, or otherwise we are unable to function as we should in Christ.

This verse carries a great revelation of our identity in Christ, it says that the body lives the full measure of Him who makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with Himself. It simply means that now when we are in Christ, we live in the full measure of Him who makes everything complete. When the Word of God says so, it means that we do have it and we can live it out! However, there are times that our thoughts and our flesh limit the full measure of God from flowing from our spirit to our body and to the physical world; that's why we need to have constant renewal of mind through the Word of God. Throughout our lives on this earth, as long as we live here, we need to have constant renewal of mind until we go back to our Father! We live in the full measure of Jesus who makes everything complete, which means Jesus has made everything completed and perfected in our spirit, our spirit man has the same measure of righteousness, holiness, perfection, wholeness, completeness, power, character, attributes like Him!

Lastly, the Word of God says that he fills everything everywhere with Himself, which means that the presence of God is everywhere. No matter where you are not only you have the same attributes and the full measure of Jesus in you, the presence of God is also with you! Therefore, you are surrounded with the fullness of God, when God is with you, who can stand against you?


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

诗 42:5 - 我的心哪!你为何忧闷?为何在我里面烦躁?应当仰望神,因他笑脸帮助我,我还要称赞他。

每一天,我们会为了许许多多的事情而烦躁、不安,甚至郁闷。与其被这些事情所困扰,为何我们的眼目不定睛在那能使我们心情愉快,并且乐在其中的事情呢?肯定的,我们活在这世上会面对许多的问题,有些问题甚至会把我们给打倒了,但是,要记得我们有个爱我们的主,全能的神在我们的生命里掌权。当我们有了神的大能彰显在我们生命中,我们就能胜过一切仇敌的诡计。你知道吗?我们的神无时无刻都在我们身边帮助我们,不但如此,无论我们面对再难的问题,祂都能笑脸应对,因为在这世上没有什么东西是比神还大。因此,耶稣祂如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)耶稣能笑脸面对问题,我们也能;耶稣能站在问题之上,我们也能;耶稣是得胜的神,而我们是得胜有余的子民!(罗 8:37)

朋友们,当我们的眼目是看向耶稣,仰望祂的时候,断没有什么能拦阻我们前进。因为当我们把这宝贝耶稣基督放在瓦器里,就是我们的生命中,要显明这莫大的能力,是出于神,不是出于我们。我们四面受敌,却不被困住。心里作难,却不至失望。遭逼迫,却不被丢弃。打倒了,却不至死亡。(林后 4:7-9)所以,我们无论在什么样的情况中,我们都是不至死亡的,因为有神的笑脸帮助我们。正所谓:喜乐的心乃是良药(箴 17:22),很多时候我们的忧虑会把我们压得喘不过起来,会使我们的灵枯干,进而影响到我们的外在了。
