Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

罗马书8:30 - 预先所定下的人又召他们来;所召来的人又称他们为义;所称为义的人又叫他们得荣耀。



不!你的人生是天父预定的,而一切祂所预定的都是要你得到最好的。问题、贫穷、伤害、患难、死亡,疾病等从来都不在祂的计划里。耶利米书29:11说: 我对你们所怀的意念是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末后有指望。所以,你的人生,上帝预定了给你一切最好的!罗马书8:32说神即不爱惜自己的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和祂一同白白地赐给我们吗?


Believe and See

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

John 11:40 - Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"

Regardless how impossible the situation that you are in right now, please do not give up. Do you know what, the glory of God means that whenever man cannot, with God all things are possible! The next time when you look at your circumstances and realise that it is impossible, that is the time where God can manifest His glory! When the glory of God manifests, it is impossible for that problems, that sickness, that fear to stay any longer! However, the key to see the glory of God is not by your effort, or your work, but instead Jesus says "if you believed". Many of times, what hinders us from seeing the glory of God manifesting is our believe. Instead of believing that we are His children, we are loved by Him, many Christian still choose to believe that God is there to reject them and the love of God is not constant and it is conditional; instead of believing that we are already healed in Christ, many still choose to believe that sicknesses are greater than the healing promises that Christ has purchased for us with His blood. Hence, if we cannot believe, we cannot see the glory of God, that simple. But likewise, if we believe, we will see! Therefore, start to see yourself in the eyes of Christ, draw near to His word for faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word! You need the Word of God to help you to believe, for His Word never pass away, for God watches over His Word to make it happen in your life! If you will believe, you will see the glory of God!


Monday, September 15, 2014

林前 13:4-8a - 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。


很多时候,我们总说我们很难去爱一个人,其实,神的爱已藉着圣灵浇灌在我们的心里,(罗 5:5)如今,我们都已被神的爱所充满了。这爱不是肉体的爱,属肉体的爱是附带条件的,也是不能长久的爱;这爱是从神而来的,是永恒的爱,是不能被磨灭的爱。若是肉体的爱,我们不能长久,也很难去行出来;但若是靠着神的爱,当我们知道神如何爱我们,我们就懂得如何去爱身边的每一个人。

朋友们,爱是一件神所赐给我们的礼物。信,望,爱,最大的就是爱,(林前13:13)在我们一切所行的事上,若没有爱,就什么都不是。所以,好好的领受从神所赐给我们的爱,用神的爱去爱我们身边的人,去爱我们所看得到的人。当我们甘心听从神的话,就必吃地上的美物。(赛 1:19)阿门!

His Grace

Monday, September 15, 2014

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. (‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬ NIV)

Many people are finding reasons to rejoice daily, however do you know that you are one good reason to be rejoiced of? For you are wonderfully made and you are a new creation in Christ! Know that you have Jesus in your everyday and He is the very reason to rejoice! Be thankful of His grace for wherever Jesus is, there is grace! And in His grace, there's supply! Therefore, you are not alone but well taken care of! thank God for His grace is always sufficient for you, regardless of what situation today, know that you have the grace of God! When you have grace, you have supply! :)


Sunday, September 14, 2014

撒母耳记下 22:29 – 耶和华啊,你是我的灯,耶和华必照明我的黑暗。



所以,当你有了神的话,你就有了耶稣的这盏灯,照亮你的每一个黑暗。约翰福音1:5说 光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光。当你的心眼明亮了,一切似乎也释然了;当光一来到,人的心里顿时松懈了,不会再顾虑太多,而是勇往直前。当你亲近耶稣,爱慕神的话,你就更加知道你在基督里的身份,乃是重价赎回来的(林前6:20),是何等尊贵,何等独一无二。阿们!

Give Thanks

Sunday, September 14, 2014

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

You may be finding it hard to give thanks in the midst of a bad day, especially when everything seems to be going wrong. However, do know that your Father in heaven knows you better than anyone else, regardless what happen to you right now, He sure knows and He is your solution. Even if your feeling says no, and yet when you choose to give thanks to Him not because of that bad situation, but because of He is good, it helps you in breaking through your fear and worries towards that situation. Stop and remember who Jesus is today, He is the I AM, the author of your life and your faith. Hence, you are to be dependant on Him on everything, and know that every good gift is from Him! Being as a child of God, let's let our mouth flow with thanksgiving instead of complaints and curses today! You will see that it makes a difference!


Saturday, September 13, 2014

西 3:23 无论作什么,都要从心里作,像是给主作的,不是给人作的。



Linger In His Presence

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Deuteronomy 33:27 - The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

If you are in the midst of frustration, fear and worry now, all you need is to begin to linger in the peaceful presence of God. Knowing that He is always with you makes so much difference to your reaction in life. The moment when you choose to relax in His everlasting arms, and know that how safe and secure you are, fear ceases and worry fades. Jesus is the only solid foundation that you can rely on, and do you know what? The moment when you choose to enjoy in His very presence, it produces joy and unmeasured fullness in your life!! You will start to praise Him, your heart will delight in Him, and you will celebrate His ultimate presence! Linger in His presence today, and know that you are always safe and secure in His everlasting arms!

For The Lord

Friday, September 12, 2014

Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Dear friend, are you busying with many things in life? Are you working so hard to please people in order to gain assurance and seek approval from men?
Perhaps you have done a lot of things for people around you, and yet you have not seen any appreciation by them;
Perhaps you will feel like giving up and ceasing from moving on in life;
Perhaps you may have a lot of complains;
Perhaps you may have a lot of worries and doubts that others may not understand...
No matter how many "perhaps" you have in life right now, let's put an end on all those "perhaps" and disappointments, stop seeking approval from men, but to start relying on the Lord your God who loves you with unfailing love.
Men may disappoint you but God will never let you down;
Men may ceasing in helping you but God will never leaves you nor forsakes you;
Men may pull you down but God is always there to lift you up;
Men may put a lot of "STOP" in your life but God clears all the "STOP" in your life so that you can move on with hope and peace...

Therefore, friend, do all things from the bottom of your heart for God and not for men.
Put your trust in the Lord instead of men.
When you do all things for God, you will definitely know that all the strength you have to produce all the fruitful things is come from God;
When you do all things for God and be Christ-Centered, you will no longer see the problems bigger than your God;
When you do all things for God, you will surely be blessed with joy and peace.
When you do all things for God, whatever you touch shall prosper!


Friday, September 12, 2014

希 10: 23 - 也要坚守我们所承认的指望,不至摇动,因为那应许我们的是信实的。


是的,纵然在这世上是有苦难,你会面对问题的。但是我们不要被问题给击垮,而放弃了神的应许,乃要坚持的往前走,直到你领受了所有的应许。不要怀疑到底我们的神是不是祝福的神,祂把自己的独生爱子赐下给我们,还有什么是祂不愿意给你的呢?(罗 8:32)有什么东西比生命更重要?何况,在这世上有什么是大过耶稣的?



Friday, September 12, 2014

哥林多后书4:3 但我们既有信心,正如经上记着说:“我因信,所以如此说话。”我们也信,所以也说话。

在约书亚记6:2 耶和华晓谕約书亞說:「看哪,我已經把耶 利哥,和耶利哥的王,並大能的勇士,都交在你手中。」祂不是說:「我將要把。。。」,乃是說:「我已經把….」。耶利哥城已經屬於以色列人了, 現在只叫他們去佔領。但問題是:如何佔領呢?在人看來,這是不可能的事,但在神,没有一样是祂不能的!于是上帝又晓谕他们该如何做。




Thursday, September 11, 2014

In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. (Psalm 33:21 NIV)

Your heart may be crying in tears now, remembering that past and that hurt which had crushed you so much, but do you know that God longs to give you a new life? It's a life of joy, no longer tears. Be assured today that as you have Jesus in your life, regardless how big is the storm, regardless how painful that past may be, He is able to turn death into life, curses into blessings, tears into joy! He is always there to restore you. But, you are to be in Him, and to be In Him you need to be In His Word! The moment when you are in His Word more than that hurtful past, His Word is able to give you life, and joy! Therefore, trust in His holy name, the name of Jesus is far above all powers and principalities. The moment when you call His name, you shall be saved! My dear friends, rejoicing is a choice that you can make when you know who is your supporter; when you truly trust that Jesus' name is higher than any other names, your heart will bounce with joy, your tongue will be full of praise, for you know that when all problems bow under the name of Jesus, they shall too bow down to you! :)

Speak in Faith

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak, (2 Corinthians 4:13 NIV)

Do you know that there are thousands and thousands of word that you speak everyday? However, not many Christian understand the power of their tongue. That they allow it to be affected by what they believe in. For instance, one who believes in having a weak body since young will always say that he is weak and he gets sick easily. One who believes that there is cancer in their bloodline always speak of the symptoms that he or she suspects that he has. You see, tongue carries power, but without your believe, it is like a car without oil. Even if you started the engine, it brings you nowhere. Likewise, if you are speaking of something that you do not believe in, it brings you nowhere; for example, when Christian speak of victory, they often speak it in fear, fearing that God still judge and does not love them when they fail. It brings no fruit in your life.

However, if you will speak of what you believe in the word, that you are righteous, holy, blameless, deeply loved and highly favored, it brings effect the moment when you proclaim in faith! Faith is the key and the activation code, in accessing all that you have, and your voice is the address, for all these which belong to you to be sent to you!

Remember, Your speaking is affected by what you believe. Therefore guard your tongue from evil, instead speak what you believe in God! By faith, believe and speak forth that: I'm more than a conqueror, I'm strong and healthy, I'm in wholeness, I live in abundance and favor! :)


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

朋友们,当我们口里承认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死里复活那一刻开始,我们终身的事就在神的手中了。(诗 31:15)很多时候,当在我们的生命中发生问题,或是面临问题的时候,我们总喜欢把一切问题推在恶者的身上。要知道,当我们成为神的儿女,与神彼此相交,就不再与恶者打交道了。恶者在我们的生命中是毫无能力的,它不能影响我们一丝一毫,更不能伤害我们一根汗毛。虽说这世界是恶者在掌权,因此很多的天灾人祸发生。但是身为神儿女的我们不要担心,因为早在两千多年前,恶者就已被打败了。因此耶稣说,在世上虽有苦难,但是你们可以放心,因为我已胜了这世界。(约 16:33)虽有千人仆倒在你旁边,万人仆倒在你右边,这灾却不得临近你。(诗 91:7)只因我们是神所爱的,是祂的至宝。

你知道吗?一个失败者是不能对我们造成任何的伤害的,因为它已经输了,它没有能力了。所以我们不要怕恶者,它只不过是一只纸老虎,只能吼叫吓人,却不能实际的伤害我们。并且,我们不是与恶者眼对眼看,因为它已被打败,在我们的脚底下了,不要把它抬举与我们平等,因为它是失败者,而我们是得胜有余的子民。今天,神的儿子显现,为要除去魔鬼的作为,(约一 3:8)因此当耶稣打了胜仗,恶者就被除去了,在我们的生命也没有恶者可以讲话主宰我们的地步。

所以,让我们紧抓着神的话,跟随祂的每一个脚步,更要清楚地知道今天在我们生命中掌权的是耶稣基督而不是其他的。这样,我们的道路就能勇往直前,是吃地上的美物(赛 1:19),是作首不做尾,居上但不居下的。阿门!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

被委任为代表国家家對外的大使,乃是一項極大的荣誉和职责,身份是代表一个国家。身為基督徒,我们是「基督的使者」(哥林多后书5:20),祂藉基督使我们与祂和好,又将劝人与祂和好的职分赐给我们(哥林多后书5:18)。我們現在也要使人与上帝「和好」(哥林多后书5:19)。我们要传递的信息是:神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不致灭亡,反得永生(约翰福音3:16)。只要愿意,人都能夠在基督里得到救赎,因為上帝「使那無罪的,替我 們成為罪」。(哥林多后书5:21)。


No One Like Him

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Exodus 15:11 - Who among the gods is like you, O Lord? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?

No one can understand you, love you and care of you like Jesus did. The purpose of His coming, His death and His resurrection, He did everything solely because of you. He did not do it out of unwilling, but out of love, He displayed His love through every single deeds of Him. How awesome to know that even when you were still a sinner, He chose to die for you. No love can compare to the love of Christ, this agape love is above feelings, regardless how much failures that you have gone through, or how many times that you were faithless, He still sees the best of you. He sees the potential in you, that treasure in you, that wonderful future and power in you. Therefore, come to have an assurance today that God wants to work wonders in your life, and the very access to this encounter is by faith. Believing the finished work of Jesus Christ today, that He loves you and longs to have intimate relationship with you, no one can be like Him, full of glory and awesome in working wonders. And, the good news is, He loves you! Walk in His love today, you will be surprised!


Monday, September 8, 2014

罗 12:2 - 不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。



总而言之,不要被我们眼见的所影响,而要继续仰望相信那所不见的。因为我们不是顾念所见的,乃是顾念所不见的。因为所见的是暂时的,所不见的是永远的。(林后 4:18)要知道这世上的一切都会成为过去,而我们在这世上也只是寄居的,只是客旅,我们真正的家是在天堂。所以,不要效法这世上的一切,只要单单的信靠我们的主基督耶稣,谨守遵行祂所说的一切话,这样,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利了,阿门!

Jesus Is With You

Monday, September 8, 2014

Genesis 28:15 - I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

There might be thousands and thousands of things that you planned to achieve in life, regardless what have you planned, remember that you are to trust Jesus in doing what you could never do for yourself in life. It is such a deep comfort to know and realise that Jesus is with you always, not just here on earth, but everywhere and at anytime. Instead of knowing this great truth by your head only, learn to practice His presence at all times. He is watching over you wherever you are, wherever you go, providing you and sustaining you with His grace. The reality is not God is far away and will never want to draw close with you, the reality and the truth is, He loves you, He is with you and in you, and He longs to draw close to you more than yourself! Therefore, build your life on this truth today, knowing that Jesus will not leave you, He is always there ready to hear from you, to help you, to provide you, to bring you through and to be your every present help!


Sunday, September 7, 2014

当我们口里承认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死里复活那一刻开始,我们的身份就转换成义人了。(罗 10:9)而身为义人的我们,我们得着了许许多多,各式各样从神而来的福分。主的眼是看顾义人,祂的耳听义人的祷告。(彼前 3:12) 意思就是我们无论有什么需要,当我们祈求,就给我们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给我们开门。(太 7:7) 而祂的应许是信实的,祂从不背弃祂的约。不但如此,我们义人更是可以靠神欢喜快乐,因为祂是我们喜乐的泉源。

义人的脚步也是神所立定的,他的道路,耶和华也喜爱。(诗 37:23)义人的口是生命的泉源,(箴 10:11) 因此我们的口要说生命的话,因为生死在舌头的权下,喜爱它的必吃它所结的果子。(箴 18:21)若要看到我们的生命是美好的,我们的口就必须说出好的话。不但如此,神的手从来没有离开过义人,祂是扶持义人的,并且义人是承受产业,是神的后裔。今天,义人的家中多有财宝,(箴 15:6)一切的好处不在神以外,(诗 16:2)而且所有的好处都归给义人,列国的财宝也归在义人的账上。(赛 60:5)义人的根是永不动摇的,就算在这上有任何的风吹雨打,义人的根基依然是稳固的,是站立得住的。(箴 12:3,7)义人的道路好像黎明的光,是越照越明的,(箴 4:18)所以义人的道路是亨通,是又新又活的路。

朋友们,义人拥有一切神所赐的福分,并且是继承神产业的一群。你知道吗?我们最大的福分就是认识主耶稣基督,并且接受祂成为我们生命的救主,好让我们今天得以与神和好,来享受祂一切丰盛的应许。所以,让我们继续跟随主的道路,继续为神疯狂,继续享受祂一切丰盛的应许吧! 阿门!

Be Still & Know That He is God

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Psalm 46:10 - Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

Every morning you are to let your mind focus on Christ, let your thoughts and feelings subjected to you and let the Word of God massage your whole being. There are moments where you need to cease striving and be still, instead of striving without knowing what is your very focus. Let Christ be the centre, and all things shall fall into its place. You are created to enjoy God, know God and to have your life revolves around Him. The world may be pulling you down and giving you a lot substitute, but do know that none can satisfy you like Christ does. He wants you to come to the acknowledgement of Him, remembering that He is with you, and know that He is your God. Hence, be still today, and know that you have Him as your God; and when He is with you, all things are possible.