Life In Christ
Colossians 3:3 - For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Do you know that the moment when you accepted Jesus, your old nature has died? The old nature with disease, with ear, with curses, with spiritual death, with poverty has died because Jesus has done it all at the cross. Therefore, you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, the new you carry exactly the same nature, the same attributes, the same mindset as Jesus Christ. However, you have to allow your mind to be constantly renew and lean on to the Word of God instead of your feeling. When your mind and your spirit are agreeing on the truth and the finished work of Jesus, you shall see transformation happens! Therefore, know that your life now is hidden with Christ in God. You are no longer you who live, but Christ lives in you. When He is in you, when your life is hidden in Him, you can be sure of that peace, joy, inheritances, abundance, blessings, favour are all yours! In Him, you will find life and life more abundantly. You are no longer the same, you are the child of God, you are extraordinary, you are new, you are powerful, you are with authority, believe that!