Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Thursday, August 7, 2014





First Importance

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ephesians 1:21 - God made Christ more important than all rulers, authorities, powers and kings. Christ is more important than anything in this world or in the next world.

Things that we value as important vary among individuals, some may see money as their first importance, some may see their family as the first importance, some may see their careers as the first importance; however, evaluating all these things that we value so much and so important, none of these last forever. It is of course that all these things are important, but in the end of the day, what is our FIRST importance out of all these things? The Word of God says Christ is MORE important than anything in this world. Jesus Christ should be at the first place among all the "first" we have in our lives! Many would have thought that this God is a dictator, but He is not. It is biblical as stated in Colossians 1:17-18 that Christ was there before anything was made. And all things continue because of him. He is the head of the body. Everything comes from Him. And He is the first one who raised from death. So in all things Jesus is most important.

If you will put Christ as the most important out of your 100 other important things, you can be sure that He is well able to take care of all the rest! Therefore, instead of putting your fear, your emotion, your feeling as the first, put Christ as the first! But how? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1), therefore as you start to put the Word of God as the first importance in your life, you shall see that the rest that you concerned of shall be well taken by Him! Being as a child of God, just trust your Daddy God enough that He is well able to do it!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

我们若甘心听从神的话,祂必让我们吃那地上的美物。(赛 1:19)我们每天的生活都需要耶稣基督的同在,而祂是不撇下我们,也从来不曾丢弃我们,祂是爱我们到底的神。(书 1:5,约 13:1)祂要与我们有密切的关系,祂不愿看到祂所爱的人活在问题当中。我们原是祂的工作,祂必作成祂的工,并且确保祂所造的我们是完美的。今天我们不能靠自己变得完美,但是那造我们的主却能。试问看,在这世上的人类,当他们创造了一样物品,他们肯定确保这物品是完美的,若有一点点的瑕疵,他们也会想办法改善,使这物品成为最好的。同样的今天,当神创造了我们,就算我们在成长过程中或许犯错了,或许跌倒了,或许迷失了,但是神的慈爱却是领我们悔改,再次回到祂面前的,并且祂的恩典够我们用,使我们能重新得力,再次的勇往向前。

His Love Watches Over You

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Psalm 89:28 - My love will watch over him forever. My agreement with him never end.

It is such an assurance to know that the love of God is watching over you day and night. When His love is watching over you, you can be sure that you are not afraid of any evil, no pestilence and harm can come near you. Ultimately in the love of God there is no fear! Therefore regardless how many bad news is surrounding you, keep yourself focus on His love and you shall find rest in Him.

Not only that, His agreement with you shall never end. Man made promises may fail, but when God is here to have a covenant with you, this covenant shall last forever! In a covenant, it signifies that all that belong to Him are yours, and all that you have is His; He is your covenant partner, and if you are in lack, you can just say "Jesus, where is our cheque book?"! As this covenant is bonded by the blood of Jesus, you can be sure that as you come to the throne of grace, you can find help and favor in times of need!

Just simply focus on His love today, remember that you have the best covenant partner, He loves you, He watches over you, He is your shield, He is your Comforter, He is your all in all!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

我們常让負面思想、話語和其它可怕的細菌进入我們的思想,这不知不觉地改变我們的軟件,破坏我們的知识或价值观。我們是依照上帝的形像受造,甚 至在我們受造之前,祂就設定我們有個丰盛的生命,要喜乐、健康與完整地活着。祂来不是要定我们的罪,乃是藉着祂的独生爱子来救赎我们(约翰3:17-18)。

Your Protection

Monday, August 4, 2014

The world might be bombarding you with news of new deadly viruses that has killed thousands, but do you know that you are under the wings of the God Almighty? Under His refuge, you can be sure that you are well taken care of.
Therefore, let's meditate the verses below, make it your daily meditation, and you shall find rest and confidence in the Word.

Psalm 91:1-16
Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by God All-Powerful.
I will say to the Lord "You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God, and I trust you."
God will save you from hidden traps and from deadly diseases.
He will protect you like a bird spreading its wing over its young. His truth will be like your armor and shield.
You will not fear any danger by night or an arrow during the day.
You will not be afraid of diseases that come in the dark or sickness that strikes at noon.
At your side 1,000 people may die, or even 10,000 right beside you. But you will not be hurt.
You will only watch what happens. You will see the wicked punished.
The Lord is your protection. You have made God Most High your place of safety.
Nothing bad will happen to you. No disaster will come to your home.
He has put his angels in charge of you. They will watch over you wherever you go.
They will catch you with their hands. And you will not hit your foot on a rock.
You will walk on lions and cobras. You will step on strong lions and snakes.
The Lord says "If someone loves me, I will save him. I will protect those who know me.
They will call to me, and I will answer them. I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue them and honor them.
I will give them a long, full life. They will see how I can save.


Monday, August 4, 2014


朋友们,我们要用对的态度来面对问题。若要有对的态度,就要有对的根基,对的相信。而这个对的根基就是耶稣基督,此外没有人可以立别的根基在我们的生命中。(林前 3:11)当基督成为我们的根基,我们的生命肯定不倒塌,因为祂是那稳固的磐石,并且祂胜过这是世界,所以在这世上没有什么能胜过耶稣基督。我们若要在世上过着得胜的生活,我们的生命就肯定要连接于耶稣基督,因为离了祂我们不能做什么。(约 15:5)同样的,若要看到我们的生命在这世上是茁壮成长,得胜有余的话,那么神的话不可离开我们的眼目,总要刻在心版上,昼夜思想。当我们这样行的时候,我们就能过着作首不做尾,居上但不居下的生命。



Monday, August 4, 2014





Your Care Taker

Monday, August 4, 2014

Psalm 16:5- No, the Lord is all I need. He takes care of me.

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but do know that the Word of God shall never pass away. He has promised to love you with an everlasting love, not only that He has blessed you with all that you need throughout your journey with Him. Therefore, as men are seeking all sorts of ways to help themselves, do be reminded that you have the Lord! When you have Jesus, you have all! He is your all in all! Furthermore, He longs to fill you with all that He has done, and crown you with His glory!

Therefore, all that you need today is Jesus. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all that you need shall be added! Desire Him along the day, meditate on His love every moment, seek His Word from time to time, and you shall see yourself soak in His love! Most importantly, when no one takes care of you, He takes care of you! How great! Be sure that He is a good care taker, He will make sure all things are well in your life, never be troubled again about your future for He is taking care! Tell yourself today "The Lord takes care of me, He is all that I need!"

You Are Loved

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jeremiah 31:3 - I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Do you know that it is such a comfort and assurance to know that the one and only God who created the heaven and earth is now loving you? The love in this world may be temporal, but His love is from everlasting to everlasting. Regardless what are the hurts that you have gone through, regardless how many promises that people has broken, today just bear in mind that Jesus loves you! Long before you know Him, long before you can do any good to deserve this love, He already loves you! His love is unconditional, it is sacrificial, and ultimately this love can empower you to change!

If you are tired of the journey of your life today, sit down and meditate on His love. He longs to draw you with His unfailing kindness and His everlasting love. All you need to do is to come to your senses and know that you are being deeply loved! The moment when you grasp this truth, it shall set you free from all bondages, fear, insecurity and all! Jesus loves you, do you know that? Let Him embrace you today!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

约一4:4 小子们哪,你们是属神的,并且胜了他们,因为那在你们里面的,比那在世界上的更大。
约16:33 我将这些事告诉你们,是要叫你们在我里面有平安。在世上你们有苦难,但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。



The Problem Is Not Big, The Biggest Is Jesus

Friday, August 1, 2014

1John4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
John16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Dear friend, what have you encountered a moment ago? Is there a lot of troubles surrounding you? Is there tonnes of pressure that press you down? Perhaps you just got your medical report that makes you worry, maybe you have just attended an interview for promotion that brings you uncertainty, or there can be even a lot of problems that others might not understand yet you are going through... Right now, here is the place for you to get released. Now is the time for you to put an end on all these problems and turn your focus to Jesus.
In times of worry, know that Jesus is the biggest, He is your peace that helps you to overcome worries;
In times of uncertain, Jesus is the biggest, He is your assurance that helps you to overcome uncertainties;
In times of lacking, Jesus is the biggest, He is your provision that will never end;
When you are sick, Jesus is the biggest, He is your healing that helps you to overcome diseases;
When you are weak, Jesus is the biggest, His grace helps you to overcome all your weaknesses;
When you are afraid, Jesus is the biggest, when He is with you, nothing can be against you.

Remember, no matter what, problems, troubles, challenges, all that you can named out is not big, JESUS is the biggest among all. In Him, you shall not be afraid; In Him, you are more than conquerors!
So, eyes on Him and put your full trust in Him, He is our all in all!


Friday, August 1, 2014

罗 1:16 - 我不以福音为耻;这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是犹太人,后是希利尼人。


朋友们,神的儿子耶稣基督就是福音的起头,(可 1:1)一切的好消息都是从祂而来。在耶稣基督为我们走上十字架的时候,一切我们所需要的祂都为我们做成了,但是,为什么人很多时候还是得不着呢?人们总觉得是神的时间,是神的问题,但是其实这所有的耶稣基督都已经做成了,问题并不出于在神身上,而是我们,我们的信心让我们得着。今天,当我们相信的时候,病痛已经被医治;缺乏已经成为富足;软弱已成为刚强;失败已转为成功;凡我们生命中不好的都要变成好。而这一切的转变,不是因为我们的行为,而是神的作为。我们信的有多快,就多快得着!


You Are In His House

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ephesians 2:19 - Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household.

Do you know that Jesus has broken the barrier between you and the Father by His body? We were brought near to God never by our own efforts or good behavior, but solely by the blood of Jesus Christ. Because of His one sacrifice, we are perfected forever! Therefore, when there is no longer a barrier between you and the Father, when we are already brought near to God, your identity has changed! We used to be foreigners and aliens, being foreigner and alien means being separated, has no part with the things of God, and without power!

However, the moment when you accepted Jesus, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, you are His fellow citizens, you are His people and ultimately, you are in the household of God! Being a member of His household simply means you have shares in the things of God, you are reconciled, you are now equipped with power! Just like when you are in the household of your own father on earth, you simply enjoy everything in that house! You will not need to plead your mum for food, or kneeling down to your dad in order to get him to send you to school! You can freely enjoy whatever there is in the fridge without paying, and surely your parents will not get you to pay. That is what happen in your normal household, what's more in the household of God! In the household of God, you are His child, you can enjoy whatever it is that Jesus has purchased for you! He has purchased you freedom, love, joy, peace, blessings,and all that you need! He has stored them within you, and all you need to do is to open the fridge and just get whatever you want! God the Father will never ask you to pay, because the payment is Jesus, the Lamb of God! How wonderful!

Therefore, the moment when you know how much that He loves you, you will be more assured of your identity in Christ, you are in His house, hence, you will live life, you will talk, you will react like His child! It's never by force or effort, you can live it out supernaturally natural just because you are already His child, you are already in His household, you are already righteous, you are already being loved, therefore you can!


Thursday, July 31, 2014

约伯记36:16 - 神也必引你出离患难,进入宽阔不狭窄之地;摆在你席上的满有肥甘。
诗篇37:19 - 他们在急难的时候,不至羞愧,在饥荒的日子,必得饱足 。
彼得后书1:2 - 愿恩惠、平安,因你们认识神和我们主耶稣,多多地加给你们。

約瑟的故事是一个蒙上帝恩惠的例子。他被賣到埃及為奴,被利用且受尽凌虐。然而圣经說:「但耶和华与約瑟同在,向他施恩(创世记39:21)。无论他人如何惡待約 瑟,無論他被帶到什么地方,他所做的尽都順利。即使波提乏的妻子污陷他非礼,使他成為階下囚,他还是在司獄長面前蒙恩。上帝继续賜恩給約瑟,到了最後,他 甚至掌管埃及全地。

在当你敬畏耶和华,上帝的恩惠在必然在每一次的试炼中临到:在飢荒中臨到、在被人惡待時临到。當你正遭遇痛苦,如同約瑟,被人陷於不義,上帝提升他成为埃及的宰相;如同路得,有財務上的 困难,上帝让她遇见了波啊斯;或是如大卫,他也不完美,行了上帝眼中看为恶的事,但当他懂得回转,知道上帝的心意,所以他被称为合神心意的人(撒母耳记上13:14)。

Biblical Prosperity

Thursday, July 31, 2014

2 Corinthians 8:9 - For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might became rich.

The world has been teaching and influencing people that we are living in a time of lack, therefore as we yield to the saying of the world, we will tend to think like a poor man. Poverty mindset is not of God, because God never has a poverty mindset. That's why in Romans 8:6 says as you set your mind on flesh, it is death; but as you set your mind on the Spirit it is life and peace. Of course, a carnal mind will think what is not of God, and poverty is mindset is definitely not of God. But the moment when we accept Christ, our spirit man has the same nature as God, it is a new created spirit man. Whatever that Christ has done, it is done and you have it in your spirit man.

Therefore, we need to start to see what Jesus has done and acknowledge Him for what He did. This helps us to grow in our spirit. The verse says that He was rich, yes in fact He is! He owns thousands of cattle and hills, all that is in the universe, the heaven and earth are all belong to Him. He has all things, and all things are created for Him! But because of all of us, because of loving us, He became poor. He let go all that He has, being naked and put to shame at the cross, even His last robe was snatched by the Romans soldier, He was left without anything at the cross; why? so that you through His poverty might become rich!

If you are to live a life of abundance and prosperity, you can't do it your own way. Though it might work, but the blessings of the Lord adds no sorrow to it! You need to "through" Jesus Christ, you need to go through Him, let Him be the bridge and connection, through His poverty, through what He has done for all of us at the cross, you are already rich. The divine exchange has done, the Work of Jesus has completed, today, your new created inner man is just as rich as Jesus is!

Hence, keep in step with the Word of God and develop your spirit man from now on. As you grow in your spirit, then you are able to operate in whatever that He has entrusted you! Therefore, it's time to be a son, and not an infant.

He Serves

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Matthew 20:28 - Just as the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Today, know that whatever it is, the heart of the Father in heaven is always on you. His eyes and protection is always set on you, giving you his fullest attention in order to meet all your every needs no matter where you are. Be assured that His heart is to see you great, not being the least but becoming the greatest nation wherever you set your foot on.

Many times we thought that we need to serve Jesus in order to please him, and He will bless us from there. However, do you know that he come not to be served but to serve? And you are exactly the target that He wants to serve! He wants to serve you with prosperity, health, goodness, favor, success, honor, restoration! He wants to serve you when you are at work, dealing in the marketplace, studying in school, or doing house chores at home; so that wherever you are, you can't help but prosper! You can't help but find favor!

Not only that, He came to give His life as a ransom for many. Of course, you are the one that He died for. That's why you have to understand how much you are being loved and embrace! He loves you until the full extent, and that is the very reason He walked to the cross and crucified! So that today, you are totally blessed and loved in all aspects! He has died for you, the finished work is done; what are you trying to do again? Simply nothing but solely believe, receive, and enjoy Him!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

从前,当约书亚要攻打耶利哥城的时候,他们连续带着神的约柜围绕那城七日。到了第七日,他们同样的围绕着耶利哥城七次,然后约书亚对百姓说:“呼喊吧,因为耶和华已经把城交给你们了!” 当百姓们一同呼喊的时候,城墙就塌陷,百姓便上去进城,各人往前直上,将城夺取。(参阅 约书亚记第六章)但他们呼喊的时候,是带着胜利的呼喊,是充满活力的,是知道他们必打胜仗,因为有神与他们同在,他们就必凡事亨通。
同样的今天,在我们的生命中要时常连接与耶稣。当我们把耶稣放在我们生命的前头,就好比当时约书亚的士兵们把神的约柜放在前头行一样,让祂来引领我们的道路,那么我们所作的必凡事亨通,是必定得胜的。当我们的生命是颂赞神,带着胜利的欢呼,便能使我们生命里拦阻我们前进的城墙倒塌。朋友们,正所谓马是为打仗之日预备的,得胜乃在乎耶和华。(箴 21:31)我们策划,我们行,但成事的乃是神。当我们把所作的交托耶和华,我们所谋的就必成立。(箴 16:3)我们可以有很好的计划,可以有很多的见解,可以有很多得准备,但更不可少的就是那使我们亨通的神。要知道,我们今天之所以能战胜的能力,是因为我们有一位得胜的神。
朋友们,今天这胜利已经属于我们。我们是能战胜黑暗的权势,我们的生命是在问题之上的,因着那爱我们的主,在这一切的事上我们是得胜有余的。(罗 8:37)所以,让我们因着我们有个复活且得胜的生命来欢呼,来向神献上满心的感恩。阿门!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

诗篇55:22 - 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,祂必抚养你;祂永不叫义人动摇。



Your Loving Kindness

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I look at my palm and see,
who am I without thee;
and yet you've chosen the weak,
to make me arise and shine..

Your love touched my heart always,
Abba Abba I call your name,
Extending your mighty arms,
to sustain me whenever I fall..

Your favor is surrounding me,
Your grace abounding on me,
all because of the One who came,
and bear my sins and shames.

Darkness has to flee,
Sickness has to flee,
Bondage are set free,
and the blind can see..
The cross is the prove from thee,
your loving-kindness is what I see.