Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, September 1, 2014

箴言14: 30 - 心中安静是肉体的生命;嫉妒是骨中的朽烂。






Perfect Word

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Psalm 19:7 - The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

If you want a seed to grow into a tree, you'll need to plant it at a good soil. However, if you keep the seed for twenty years without planting it at the right place, but letting it sitting in your drawer, you'll never see the result. Likewise, the Word of God is just like a seed, you can never estimate how powerful it will be or what fruit it can bear until you plant it. The moment when you plant it in your heart, which is the good soil, you shall see growth and fruits! However, many children of God are still complaining that God never do anything for them, and choose to stay defeated and live in complaints. But they never realize that the Word of God can turn lives around!

The Word of God is perfect, it never comes with a flaw, not a single tiny little one. His perfect words prove to us that when He promised us health, it's a perfect state of health; when He said we are no longer poor but rich in Him, He means we enjoy perfect abundance and we can never exhaust what He has blessed us with! When He said you shall have favor no matter where you are, it means a perfect favor, without needing you to strive and perform to get people to please with you, they will just like you and help you!

The next time when you need a refreshment, go into the Word. Let the Word of God refreshes you like never before, His Word can even make wise the simple! If you need any help in making decision, in doing plannings, get yourself soak into the Word first before you make any decision on your own and decide to go your own way; instead as you seek Him first, all the things that you need shall be added! He will lead you towards the most marvelous idea that you may not even think of, that's truly God! Start to plant, enjoy the growth and taste the fruits!


Saturday, August 30, 2014

提后1:14 从前所交托你的善道,你要靠着那住在我们里面的圣灵牢牢地守着。



Fully Convinced

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Romans 4:21 - being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

Many of times we may be so easily persuaded by the things happened around us, whatever that people said, whatever the trend may be going on in the world, there are times that if you are not standing firm, you are easily being influenced away to the pattern of this world. Persuade carries meaning of convince. There are still a lot of Christian still living life believing that God is there to judge them, that God's love for them is never constant, it requires them to earn and perform in order to get the blessings. However, we are not to be convinced of the things in the world, but instead of the things of God.

Therefore, regardless what may happen around you, in your family, or towards your finance, we are to being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised. He had promised you blessings, good health, good life, a good future, hence instead of being convinced on you will live poor, you will stay sick, you will have a bad future; you are to believe and being convinced that you are blessed, you are healthy, you have good life and a good future!!

When everything seems to be fading away, remember that everything is possible in God. All you need is to stay in the Word and getting to know Him more and more, and being fully, not just partly, but fully persuaded and convinced that your God is able and He has the power to accomplish His promises! Trust in Him and know that He is able!

Guard The Good Deposit

Friday, August 29, 2014

2Tim1:14 By the Holy spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.

Dear friend, do you know what does "guard the good deposit" mean?
It means to hold on and trust on the good news been preached to you.
Then what is the good deposit means to you?
When you are sick, the good deposit is you are healed and healthy, so guard the good health given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you are in lack, the good deposit is you are not in want and is prosperous, so guard the prosperity given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you are worry, the good deposit is you found solution that you need, so guard the good way given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you are in fear, the good deposit is you are well protected, so guard the protection given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you are angry, the good deposit is you are peaceful, so guard the peace given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When your marriage has problems, the good deposit is your marriage is been restored by the love, so guard the love given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you do not know how to move on in future, the good deposit is you found new and living way, so guard the bright way given to you from God by believing and proclaiming;
When you feel that you cannot, the good deposit is you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, so guard the strength given to you from God by believing and proclaiming.

So friend, guard the good deposit in you and start to experience the great changes in you when you believe!


Friday, August 29, 2014


朋友们,当我们有了耶稣,我们的身份就转换了。从前我们是罪人,如今我们却是成为义人了。(罗 5:1)因着耶稣基督一次的献祭,我们的生命就永远得完全,(希 10:14)并且我们已是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。(林后 5:17) 从前我们是软弱无助的,如今我们有耶稣基督随时的帮助,(希 4:16)有神的能力覆庇我们,刚强了我们,(林后 12:9)使我们是重新得力,勇往向前的继续我们人生的道路。从前我们是居无定所,流离困苦,甚至是缺乏的。但如今耶稣基督的隐秘处却是我们稳固的居所,祂为了我们成为贫穷,好叫我们如今可以因着耶稣而成为富足。(林后 8:9) 从前我们是在黑暗中行走的,如今神却救我们脱离了黑暗的权势,领我们到祂爱子光明的国度里。(西 1:13) 从前我们什么也不是,甚至没有人会看我们一眼。如今我们却是抬得起头来的了,(诗 3:3)我们是祂得胜的子民,是神所爱的。从前我们是愚昧无知的,但如今我们有了神的智慧和启示,我们是有知识,有聪明智慧的了。(箴 9:10, 弗 1:17)



Friday, August 29, 2014

诗篇17:8 求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳人;将我隐藏在你翅膀的荫下。




The Turning Point

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jeremiah 31:3 - Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.

When is the last time you rejoice and be glad? Probably all the circumstances are weighing you down and you are dragging on in life. Things might not be going well around you. You feel disappointed, down, wear out, and depress. Then, this is just the right passage for you! Today, remember that there is nothing that God cannot do and settle for you. He owns all the heavenly resources and everything are from Him. It means that you have a very strong supporter supporting you behind, and He will never ever shaken. Therefore, when God is with you; you have the very reason to rejoice and be glad!

No matter how old are you or what situation you are in right now, there is nothing that can hold you back from rejoicing when you know that you have a Father in Heaven that loves you so much. Even when you are down, even when someone disappoints you; you have to keep on focusing on Jesus. He will turn your mourning into gladness, and bless you with comfort and joy instead of sorrow. When you have Jesus, your life will encounter a turnaround! It will turn from bad into good, from lacking into abundance, from sorrow into joy!

Mourning and sorrowing over your situation will never make any changes. Mourning can never change your circumstances but instead the sorrowful heart dries up the bones. Being sad all the time will only makes your body unwell! Therefore, you are to keep your mind and your heart on Christ. He has bore all the curses, mourns, sorrows and judgments on the cross, the divine exchange has happened during the day of crucifixion! That's why you redeemed into His joy and gladness, you are redeemed into His comfort, you are redeemed into His healing, and you are redeemed into every single goodness and blessings from Jesus Christ!

The more you rejoice and be glad over your situation, the more you are putting your trust and faith on Jesus' finished work. It is because you have the full assurance that He will turnaround your situations and benefit you in the end! Therefore, keep on expecting the love of Christ being poured down in your life. He said " I will", He will do whatever He promised you, and He will do them fast! So, buckle up your seat belt and enjoy the adventure with Christ! He is forever your turning point!

To The Next Level

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

When I was crying out for help,
You are always there to help,
To hold my hand and lift me up,
So that life can continue to rise up.

From the rising of the sun,
to the setting of the sun,
Your unfailing love is constant,
And you are never from a distant.

There's nothing that I can boast,
But Jesus Christ who did it all,
At the wooden cross covered by blood,
He bore my sins and set me free.

Come to this Father today in boldness,
Knowing that He longs to have you in His presence,
Sit together with Him with humbleness,
and let Him brings you to another level of greatness.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

约 3:16 - 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。


神救赎的计划一开始就已经有了。祂知道世人必须要有一个救主来拯救他们脱离死亡和咒诅的律,因为罪的工价就是死,(罗 6:23)而我们人,就是亚当的后裔,因为亚当的缘故,就算不与亚当犯同样的罪,也在他罪的权下。(罗 5:14,17)因此我们需要一个救主来救我们脱离这一切黑暗的权势,好让我们得以有新的生命,而这个救主,就是我们的主耶稣基督。祂因为爱我们,所以愿意为了我们走上十字架,走向那被人羞辱、被人啐弃之路,最终还要赔上自己的性命。在此,基督的爱就向我们显明了。(罗 5:8)

朋友们,如今在基督里我们不被定罪了,(罗 8:1)因着耶稣基督的救赎,我们是白白的称义的。当我们口里承认,心里相信的时候,这救恩就临到我们。神的大爱在我们还未相信祂以前就早已给了我们,所以,不要犹豫,只管来到神的宝座前得蒙救赎,接受祂成为我们生命的救主,好让我们在世上有个全新的生命。阿门!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


我們都會面對挑戰,但問題的大小並不是关键,那只是我們对問題的感觉,那是我們心中造成的,大卫在詩篇34:3说到 : 「你们和我当称耶和华为大」, 而不是称问题忧虑为大,我们当專注在神的信实上而不是放大所面對的,不论面对的障碍有多大,上帝远远大過我們所面對的任何事物!阿们!因为祂是创造宇宙万物的主宰。想想,有祂与我们同在,还有什么能阻挡我们前进呢?断乎没有!



Worry Not

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Abba you've sympathized me,
you know my worries and cares,
to you my weaknesses displayed;
to me you said,
"do not worry, my child.

Look at the birds in the air,
they do not sow nor reap,
yet I feed them everyday..
Look at the lilies of the field,
they do not labor nor spin,
yet I clothed them with splendor...

Look at your bare hands,
you do not have anything,
yet I gave up my life for you;
look at your broken heart,
although it is deeply wounded,
yet I've given you a new heart...

To you I've promised,
do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about its own.

I know you need them,
hereby I've clothed you
with all my splendor and good desires...

Seek me, and you will find me;
Call me, and you will reach me;
Talk to me and you will be answered;
For I'm always here, my child... "

None Like You

Monday, August 25, 2014

When darkness covers the earth,
and even great darkness is covering my life;
God you alone are light,
a great light that shines through my life.

The pit was cold and dark,
but you lift out your hand and say,
hold on to me my child,
this is not where you are meant to stay.

I look into the eyes of compassion,
so much love and acceptance;
there I found assurance and hope,
in Your love I see gladness and joy.

Now go and sin no more,
is what you told me when I was born again;
it is your love that leads me into repentance,
and it is Your grace that lifted me higher.

Nothing that I can boast,
but You alone are my God,
the whole earth shout out loud,
my whole being is praising You.

There is none like You O Lord,
that comes with open arms,
draw me close to your heart,
and say that I am Yours.


Monday, August 25, 2014

出 14:14 - 耶和华必为你们争战,你们只管静默,不要作声。


朋友们,或许在你的生命中也存在着许多的吵杂声,是会影响你的,但是要永远记得我们有个爱我们的父,祂必定会带领我们走过那一关又一关。有时,医药报告告诉你,你的病情很严重。但是神的话却告诉你,因着耶稣基督,你已完全得医治了(彼前 2:24,赛 53:5);有时,你的经济告诉你,你口袋空空,又得要为了钱而伤脑经了。但是神的话却告诉你,祂是你的牧者,你必不至于缺乏(诗 23:1),并且耶稣基督已代替了你贫穷,好叫你可以成为富足(林后 8:9);有时,你的情绪告诉你,你今天很累,心情不好。但是神的话却告诉你,你可以因着耶稣常常喜乐(腓 4:4);有时,你的事业告诉你,竞争太大了,做不下去了,但是神的话却告诉你,祂是你智慧的源头,当你敬畏祂并且甘心听从神的话,就必吃地上的美物。(赛 1:19)有时,你的关系告诉你,你与你的另一半,或是你的家人的关系渐渐冷淡,疏远了。但是神的话却告诉你,把冷漠变成爱,因为爱是神最大的命令,我们可以用神的爱来包容一切,彼此相爱。(约 15:12)



Monday, August 25, 2014

箴言18:16 - 人的礼物为他开路,引他到高位的人面前。

许多人都经历过失望,面临十字路口的抉择。但我们不要犯一种錯誤,就是深陷其中,而成为苦毒與消極,並在最終放弃了自己。有一個好消息告诉你;失望並非生 命的最後一章,因为上帝曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶稣基督从死里复活,重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望(彼得前书1:3);祂永遠不會以消極負面當做結束。腓立比書1:6说「我深信那在你們心裡动了善工的,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子。」哈利路亚!

如果你不断向前發展你的生活,过着有进度且有素质的生命,你必将到一個蓬勃發展的結局,为你所预备的是你从未想像过的美好生命;不是被 打敗的結局,不是破產的結局,不是被背叛的結局,不是落魄抬不起头的结局;却是如圣经所说:你是兴起发光,作头不作尾,居上不局下,纵然有时跌倒,仍然可以振作起来(以赛亚60:1,申命记28:13,箴言24:16)。

上帝已经將一個勝利的結局放到你的未來;是勝過挫折,勝過失望,勝過背叛,祂能扭转一切不好的,使万物为都 你效力(罗马书8:28)。上帝要为你平反每一个不公平、每一个失望,每一个对你不利的,使你得到恢復及新的開始。当你持守信心,你必经历那丰盛美好的事。啊们!

Life's Fulfillment

Sunday, August 24, 2014

You are the Maker of Heaven and of Earth,
Who formed me and created me with love,
You are the Elohim the Almighty and Strong,
In you I will have no worry and fear.

From the beginning until eternity,
You never break what you have said,
The covenant is always and forever valid,
As the blood of the Lamb has shed.

You turned the sinners to righteous,
And turned me from slave to princess,
You crowned me with love and glory,
And said that I am blameless and holy.

Who can fathom your wonderful plan,
That I couldn't even do it with my hand,
Only You is perfect and none can compare,
Into Your eyes will I forever behold and stare.

Thank you for the covenant that you have made,
That enables me to come to the throne of grace,
I will rest assured in Your accomplishment,
Father God, let You be my life's fulfillment.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

林后 12:9 他对我说,我的恩典够你用。因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。所以,我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。



Your Heritage In Christ

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me. Declares the Lord.

Today, do you know clearly what are your heritage and inheritance in Christ? It is not just in terms of material blessings, but it also includes all that you need in your life. Your heritage today is that no weapon forged against you shall prevail! No weapon formed against you shall prosper simply means that you are well protected and there is nothing that can harm you!

People might have a thought saying that when you accept Jesus, there will be no more problems. And as when people encountering problems after accepting Jesus, they will eventually say that God is not good. Well, the problem is not with God. It is because the world is still under the dominion of the darkness, so therefore in this world there are troubles but yet Jesus has overcome the world!

Therefore, you can rest assured that nothing can stand against you. Even though the problems forged around you, it will never even come near you and touch you! For you are protected and shielded by God! Today, lift your eyes and see His goodness, for He will be there resting every accusation formed against you. Your heritage is - you are forever His beloved!

His Grace Is Sufficient

Friday, August 22, 2014

2Cor 12:9 But he said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Hey friend, are you afraid of challenges? Are you worrying about your future? No matter what is the bondage that hold you back, always bear in mind that the grace of God is sufficient for you!
When you are down, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that hold you up;
When you are angry, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that calm you down;
When you are worry, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that give you peace;
When you are in lack, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that provide to you abundantly;
When you are sick, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that make you healthy;
When problems come, His grace is sufficient, apply the grace of God that help you to overcome problems!

In Him, you can have the unmerited and unearned favor.
When there is grace, there is supplies.
Therefore, when you start to use and apply the grace of God, that is when you encounter blessings flow.
The grace of God enable you to reign in life. So, be thankful for the grace of God.


Friday, August 22, 2014

我们活在这世上,有时候难免会介意或是在乎别人对我们的看法。比如:一个孩子会在意父母对他的看法;一个员工会在意他上司对他的看法;一对情侣会在乎另一半对自己的看法等等,而这些人的看法会影响我们的表现。那有多少人曾经想过神对我们的看法是如何?有没有人曾经在意过神对我们的看法呢?其实,神看人不像人看人,人是看外貌,神是看内心。(撒上 16:7)神是通过耶稣来看我们的,因此,祂看到的是耶稣基督,因为我们是披戴基督的。(加 3:27)

今天,神看我们是公义的,是圣洁的,是有智慧的,(林前 1:30)是完美无瑕的,是充满恩惠慈爱的,是神眼里的瞳人,(箴 7:2)是神所爱的,是祂的至宝。(赛 43:4)因为耶稣如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)在基督里,我们是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。(林后 5:17)以前的我们无论发生过什么事,都已经是过去式的,它再也不能伤害我们,不能做我们生命的一部分。若今天你还觉得自己在神的眼中是不圣洁,不配得,不能够来到神的面前,祂不会爱这样充满软弱,充满污秽的我们,那你就大错特错了。你知道吗?在神的眼里,我们是全然圣洁,美丽,而且是毫无瑕疵的,祂爱我们到一个地步愿意牺牲祂的独生爱子来拯救我们。因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须走上十架;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须忍受一切的试探和灾难;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须舍下祂王子的身份来代替我们的罪;因为我们,所以耶稣基督必须死在十架上,掰开祂的身体,流出祂的宝血来拯救我们。当神为了我们还作罪人的时候,把祂儿子牺牲了给我们,那你还在犹豫什么?怎样的爱才能为了一个人而牺牲?
