Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Supported By Unfailing Love 祢的慈爱扶助我

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Psalm 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
诗篇 94:18 正说我失了脚,耶和华啊,那时祢的慈爱扶助我。

You can never know how much that your Father in Heaven loves you and what He has done for you every single day! Even when you are saying "my foot is slipping", do you know that He is such a wonderful father that He will not ignore you and see you fall? He will always be there sustaining you wherever you call out to Him, and do you know that even if you're unconscious and if you don't even call out to Him, He is still faithful in sustaining and helping and protecting you! Why? Simple because of love. So my friends, good things happen to those who have confident and trust that the Father loves them! Know that today you'll not slip, you'll not fall, for you have the unfailing love of God supporting you! Amen!


Let Him Helps 祂必帮助你

Friday, July 26, 2024

Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
以赛亚书 41:13 因为我耶和华你的神,必搀扶你的右手,对你说;不要害怕,我必帮助你。

‭‭The next time when you face challenges, think about who is your God. He is the creator of the universe, He is the one who Opened the Red Sea for the Israelites, He is the one blessing Abraham, He is the one who enables David to kill Goliath, He is the one who turned water into wine, called the dead to live, healed the sick, and supply a twelve basket full leftovers of food! My friend, Jesus wants to turn all your mess into rest today, If it matters to you, it matters to Him; so, He's holding your right hand today and assuring you not to fear. When fear cannot help you and give you hope, eye on Jesus can! He will help you, and when He helps, it's far better than you helping yourself Amen!‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


He's The Way 祂是道路

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go, he's the one who will keep you on track.
箴言 3:5-6 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。在你一切所行的事上都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路。

There are times that we can never understand the direction in front of us, we could not see the way ahead, but do know that God he knows! We may be lost if we are to depend on ourselves, but as we depend on God, He as the good shepherd will ensure that we are walking at the right path! Therefore, trust Him! Give Him all your worries today, and listen to Him. The moment when you focus on His voice instead of the voice of the world, you find assurance in Him, you find comfort in Him, you find great joy in Him! He loves you and He keeps you on the right track; the track of blessing, the track of protection and the track of perfect health!


Break Free 得释放了

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Psalm 107:14 He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.
诗篇 107:14 祂从黑暗中和死荫里领他们出来,折断他们的绑索。

‭‭Do you know that you got a prison break? And of course, it is done by Jesus! He has set you free at the cross by His finished work! When you look at yourself, know that you're no longer in bondage, but freedom! My friend, You may be imprisoned by fears, guilt and even your past; you may be feeling ashamed of your past mistakes, but know that Jesus has broken the chains of your fear, guilt and your past, and He has brought you out from the utter darkness! You're no longer imprisoned in darkness, but now you're grounded in His grace and love! When you're no longer in darkness, it simply means you're in the light of God now, when you're grounded in His grace and love, you can be assured that you are a winner in life! More than that, the word of God has promised you that you are more than a conqueror! ‬‬‬‬‬‬So, start to Believe that your life is changing for the better, good days are ahead! Keep your mind and thoughts in line with what He has promised you, and enjoy your prison free life! You're no longer a slave but a child, you're the head and not the tail, you're in freedom and not bondage, and you are free from darkness but living in the light of God now! ‬‬‬‬Amen!


You're So Blessed 历年福乐

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Job 36:11 If they obey and serve Him, They shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
约伯记 36:11 他们若听从侍奉祂,就必度日亨通,历年福乐。

A father's heart is always to bless and not to condemn or curse you. Even if the worldly father is like that, but you must know that our father in Heaven loves us deeply and His heart is always to love and to seek those who are lost. We are the object of His love, we are the target of His love, we are the one that He shows mercy and compassion. Therefore, because of Jesus' once and for all sacrifice for you, you can be sure that your days and years are now in pleasure and prosperity. Your father in Heaven never intended for you to live in mediocre, and in all mess. But He longs and He has given us such wonderful privilege to become His children!! So, start to see yourself blessed because of Jesus, and indeed you are a blessed one! Amen!


Blessings Hunting The Righteous 福祉临到义人

Monday, July 22, 2024

Proverbs 10:6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
箴言 10:6 福祉临到义人的头;强暴蒙蔽恶人的口。

Righteousness is an identity given by Jesus to you, it is given not based on your perfect performance but it is given based on Jesus' perfect finished work. Therefore the moment when you accepted Jesus, your identity has changed. From a sinner to a righteous, it's like from a prisoner to a prince and princess, it's totally an opposite! Therefore, you have to know that just because you're righteous, you can enjoy so much on God's promises, that all that He has is yours! Therefore, know that today blessings are crowning your head, it is surrounding you no matter where you go. So, be full of confident and expectation of good today that wherever you go, blessings will just hunt you down! Proclaim this with me: I am the righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus, I am who God says I am, I have what God says I have, and I can do what God says I can do! Today, blessings are hunting me down, in the name of Jesus! Amen!


Peace Rules 让平安作主

Sunday, July 21, 2024

John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
约翰福音 14:1 你们心里不要忧愁,你们信神,也当信我。

You might be troubled and weary about many things today, but know that being troubled will not able to help you or lift you up. Instead, it keeps your focus on the issue and it steals away the peace of God that has been given to you. It is important to guard our heart more than anything else, for out of it flows the springs and effect of life. And always right believing leads to a right living, therefore believing in Jesus enables you to keep your focus on Him and keeps you in believing right! Therefore, whatever it is that troubles your heart now, know that the prince of peace-Jesus is living in you! Therefore, believe that God is with you and He is able to turn your fear into joy, your sickness into health, your lack into abundance! Let this great peace rules in your heart and be your directory today!

今天你可能会被许多的事情困扰而感到疲倦灰心,但这些忧虑愁烦并不能使你抬起头来。反而,它偷窃了上帝给你的平安,让你把注意力放在问题之上。非常重要的一点,我们要保守我们的心胜过保守一切,因为生命活水的泉源是从内涌流到外的。并且对的相信带领我们过对的人生,所以相信耶稣,把眼目定睛在祂那里,你就有对的相信!所以,无论现在你的心为着什么事情愁烦,当晓得这平安之子 - 耶稣就住在你里面!所以,相信祂与你同在,祂能够将你的惧怕变为喜乐,把你的病痛变为健康,使你的缺乏变为丰盛!今天,就让耶稣的平安在你心里作主和带领你前面的道路吧!

Shield Around You 你四围的盾牌

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Psalm 3:3 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
诗篇 3:3 但祢耶和华是我四围的盾牌,是我的荣耀,又是叫我抬起头来的。

The world may be giving you a lot of bad news, but know that in Christ, Jesus has become your good news! The moment when you look upon Him, the gospel of God brings good news in your situation; so good news for the poor is they are no longer in lack! Good news for the sick is they are already healed! Good news for the depressed is, the joy has come! Therefore know that good news are already yours and it is your privilege in Christ! My friends, no matter how fearful it may be in the world, how dangerous it seems, know that you are shielded with the favor of God, so no matter where you are today, you are a big magnet, attracting goodness and blessings hunting and chasing after you!! Thus, protection and the shield of God is all over you making sure that you are safe and secure! There's no more shame for Jesus is the lifter of your head, when no one honors you, He is!


Look To Him 举目仰望祂

Friday, July 19, 2024

Psalms 145:15 The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.
‭‭诗篇 145:15 万民都举目仰望祢,祢随时给他们食物。

Instead of seeking solution by trying to look around, know that Jesus is always the source! He holds all things together and no matter what you need, be it health, He holds it for you! Be it supply, He holds it for you! Be it opportunities, He holds it for you! Your Heavenly Father knows your need and the desires of your heart, all you need to do is not to look around for solutions, but to look to Him, your source of hope! The moment when you look at Him, you are like Peter, you walk on top of your problems, because as you eye on Jesus, you are like Him! Let Him satisfy you with the goodness of His land for hope in Him never disappoint! ‬‬‬‬Amen!


Free Indeed 真自由了

Thursday, July 18, 2024

John 8:36 So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.
‭‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬约翰福音 8:36 所以天父的儿子若叫你们自由,你们就真自由了。

The liberation comes from The Lord, never achieved by your own or by anything around in this world. We used to be in the bondage of sin, fear and curses, we used to live like a slave, defeated over all challenges in life, but guess what? Jesus came to liberate us! He came to give us a new life and a life more abundantly! So because of Jesus, you've been set free from all condemnation, curses, lacking and sickness! You are no longer the old you but the new you! You no longer own a defeated life but a victorious life! How great! Therefore, be reminded today that you're free indeed, no bondage can bind you anymore! Amen!


Hold On 坚守指望

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
希伯来书 10:23 也要坚守我们所承认的指望,不至摇动,因为那应许我们的是信实的。

What is it that you are professing and holding unswervingly now? Many of time we hold and process our problems more than what Jesus has done in our lives, we look highly upon the seriousness of the issues and the facts more than what Jesus has said and done. Therefore you become what you focus on and you become what you believe in! My friend, Jesus who has promised you a good life, health and abundance is faithful, He has surely accomplish them for you! But the matter is, we are to hold on to Him and His word unswervingly, trust Him more than ourselves, then we will see change! So the matter now is are you trusting Him? Or are you believing in yourself and the facts that you've heard? If you would switch your focus today, hold on to this hope, profess and proclaim over your life, do not let it go, He who is faithful will surely bring it into manifestation and completion!


Make His Love As Your Home 祂爱是你家

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

John 15:9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
约翰福音 15:9 我爱你们,正如父爱我一样。你们要常在我的爱里。

In another translation it says, now make home in my love. What does a home simply mean? A home is a place where you can find refuge in times of need, it is a place that you can totally be yourself and you do not have to care how people will think of you, it is a place where you get your refreshment once again before you head forward in life. Therefore, Jesus says, just as the Father has loved him, He loves you with the same love! How wonderful isn't it! He does not say just because you have made too many mistakes, so the love that you deserve is only 5%, but rather, He loves you with a fatherly love! A love that will never fade, a love that will never ever change! Therefore, before you head start for your day, remain in His love. Soak yourself in His love, be reminded on how much that you are loved by God. Make yourself at home in His love, run to His love for you whenever you face challenges in life, dwell in His love and get your daily refreshment and strength! And you shall see, when you know how much that you are loved by God, you will move on in life full of boldness and courage, you will not fear, but rather this love casts out all fears in life!


Good Health Is Your Inheritance 你得以痊愈安舒

Monday, July 15, 2024

Jeremiah 33:6 Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
耶利米书 33:6 看哪,我要使这城得以痊愈安舒,使城中的人得医治,又将丰盛的平安和诚实显明与他们。

You are the joint heir with Jesus Christ, and a joint heir means you are partnering with Jesus. Your concern has become His concern, and likewise His health is your health, His inheritance is your inheritance, His abundance is your abundance. Remember that being as a joint heir, you have right and authority, but being as the partner, you have your part to play, which is to believe in His finished work. Believe that all that He has has now become yours, believe that by His stripes you have been healed, believe that the Lord is your shepherd and you shall never be in want. Therefore, as you know health and healing is your right, hold on to it and never let the devil deceives you from not believing in it. Instead of thinking that you are not healed, start to trust in Jesus that He has made healing and health a done deal in your life! His heart is to see you healthy and strong, enjoying life and long life! Hence, believe that you are already healed, and enjoy the abundance of peace and security in Christ! Good health is for sure, believe it, receive it and give thanks! The Word of God said it, believe it, and it settles it!


Apple Of The Eyes 眼中的瞳人

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
‭‭诗篇 17:8 求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳人;将我隐藏在你翅膀的荫下。‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

When someone or something is the apple of your eyes, it means that no matter what you are doing, in what condition that you may be in, there's always an eye keeping on you! Guess what, God the Father who loves you keeps an eye on you, solely because He cares and He loved you deeply! My friends, You're the beloved and the darling of the Heavenly Father, He sees you as the apple of His eyes! He sees you flawless! He sees you perfect and He sees you in Christ! How much that He loves Jesus, is how much that He loves you! Therefore know how much that you're loved today, and it empowers you to move on boldly. Fear not, for under His care, nothing can touch you! ‬‬‬‬‬‬Amen!


Running To You 追随着你

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Matthew 6:32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.
马太福音 6:32 这都是外邦人所求的。你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的。

Many of times, Worries dominating our thoughts because we do not know what is next, we are worrying about the course of life, but do you know that right before you are worrying on all these things, your Heavenly Father already sent Jesus in accomplishing all that we need in life and tell us that He is the source of our needs! ‬‬‬‬My friends, No one knows you like your Heavenly Father, yet He deeply loves you Today instead of letting worries dominating you, let His unfailing love dominates your thought, the moment when a need hits you, remember His love, and you do not need to run after all these things but all that you need shall be added and running after you as you look to Him! Amen!‬‬‬‬


Tear No More 不哭了

Friday, July 12, 2024

Luke 7:13 When the Lord saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. “Don’t cry!” he said.
‭‭路加福音 7:13 主看见那寡妇就怜悯她,对她说:不要哭!

No one loves you and knows you like your Heavenly Father! No matter what you're going through now, Jesus understands. When no one seems to care, He cares! When He cares, know that He has prepared all the goodness of the land for you! When He looks at you, His heart overflows with love and compassion, never judgment, never condemnation. But His heart overflows with love and compassion to you, that's how much He loves you! Don't cry, for The Lord who gives you hope and future is now with you, He wipes your tears away! Believe that in Him, with Him in charge, all shall be well! ‬‬‬‬Amen!


A Heart That Trust Brings Perfect Peace 坚心依赖祢的必有平安

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
以赛亚书 26:3 坚心倚赖祢的,祢必保守他十分平安,因为他倚靠祢。

Dear friend, regardless what you are facing right now, guard your heart to trust in the Lord who will never fails. Instead of looking at the problem that troubles you, it's time for you to switch your focus to God who can solves everything. Stop focusing on the lacking, but start to put your trust in God who supplies all that you need. Do not hold back by your past, let's move on knowing that your future is in God's hand. No matter how big your mountain is, keep trusting in God and proclaim His powerful words. When we trust Him from the bottom of our hearts, we shall experience the perfect peace that springs up in our life. We no longer fearful of judgement for we know He is the God who loves. We no longer afraid of lacking for we know that He is the God who gives. We no longer scare of sicknesses for we know that healing is from Him. In Him, we can enjoy the perfect peace given by the Prince of Peace. Hallelujah!


Inseparable 没有什么能使你与祂的爱隔绝

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Psalm 21:7 For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.
诗篇 21:7 王倚靠耶和华,因至高者的慈爱必不摇动。

‭‭The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever! This should be the first in your thought every morning when you wake up. As negative thoughts and worries will bombard your mind without even informing, therefore all the more you are to fight to keep yourself reminded that you are the beloved of the God Most High! Even if you don't feel like it, but the truth is, because of Jesus, you have reconciled with the father! ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Therefore, all the more you are to know that His love for you is unfailing and unconditional! So Trust in how much Jesus loves you today by remembering what He has done for you at the cross; in His unfailing love, nothing can shake you! No problem, no challenges and no fear is able to separate you from His love! ‬‬


Hope Never Disappoint 盼望不至于羞耻

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Psalm 39:7 But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you!
诗篇 39:7 主啊,如今我等什么呢?我的指望在乎你!

Dear friends, you might be encountering disappointment now in your life, things that you have lose hope on, but know that this is not the end of the road yet! Disappointment will not last when a Father in Heaven who loves you deeply knows exactly what you need, and He is a Father that will not fail you. ‬‬‬‬No matter what it is in your heart, all that you desire of, remember that He knows exactly everything about you and He cares. Therefore, know that hope in the world is "I wish I can have that" "I wish one day I will be healed" but hope in Christ is not a wish, but a confident expectation of good! A full assurance that good things will definitely happen in your life! So, have a confident expectation of good, knowing that as you hope in Him, He will never ever disappoint you! ‬


Depend On His Ability 依靠祂的能力

Monday, July 8, 2024

Jeremiah 32:27 I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
耶利米书 32:27 我是耶和华,是凡有血气者的神,岂有我难成的事吗?

‭‭Regardless what are the situation that you are in today, be it a hard time at work, or a tremendous headache in your marriage, or that particular symptoms that just seem to be there, but good news is here to tell you that Jesus is the solution and answer of your life! Remember that when there is no way for you, Jesus came and said "I am the way"; when you are in lack, He is here to tell you "I am your shepherd", when you are lost, He is here to tell you "I am your guiding light"; when you are hopeless, He said "I am your hope". So, Jesus is your all in all! So, What do you perceive as impossible today? Having breakthrough in your marriage? Heal from that chronic disease? Know that there's nothing too hard that God cannot achieve it for you; depend on His ability, not yours; with Him, all things are possible! ‬‬‬‬Amen!‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
