1 John 1:5 - This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, in him there is no darkness at all.
If you are in a dark room today, instead of sitting down and compromising how dark is the darkness, all you need to do is to switch on the light. Many of times, we tend to sit down and stay in self pity, thinking about how great, how dark and how pitiful our lives can be. But we have forgotten our position in Christ, and as a child of God, we have authority over the darkness. You see, you do not need to fight against the darkness, all you need is to stand firm and shine. God is light, and we are made like Him, we are the children of light. You do not need to compromise to darkness, to your problems, to that sickness, to that fear; but instead, all you need is to be the light that shines, and when darkness sees you, sickness sees you, fear sees you, they have no choice but to flee from you! Therefore, the next time when you are down because of what happened around you, put yourself under the Word of God and you will see clearly who you are in Christ, what you can do in Christ, and what you have in Christ! Psalm 119:130 says that the unfolding of the Word gives light. All you need is to unfold the Word by meditating it day and night, and you shall see light in your situation! There is nothing too hard for Jesus, believe that!