The Shoes Of Peace 平安的鞋
Ephesians 6:15 And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
以弗所书 6:15 又用平安的福音当作预备走路的鞋穿在脚上。
Dear friend, have you put on the shoes that enable you to walking forward? There is a lot of times when we are wearing the shoes with famous brand that you can name of (which symbolize the steps we take with anxious and worries by self-effort in our daily lives), always cause us to walk with extra carefulness that lead to heavy laden and pressure especially when we are walking through the place full of mud. Instead of making ourselves not convenient, why not we put on the "The Shoes of Peace" that used to wear and walk freely across the mud, right? After the above illustration, can you relate it back to your daily life? Instead of taking every step of life with worries and awareness that burden us, why not we let god and let God? Instead of striving and struggling, why not we put our trust on the God who never fails us? Now is the time for you to decide and move on, beloved! Let's choose to walk your life with the word of God and the good news that God has given to you daily. The gospel of peace leads you to the promised land without heavy burdens and worries. Though you might face problems each day, but you can put your trust in God and rely on Him instead of yourself. Let's put on the shoes of peace and move forward readily with peace, joy and love. In Him, we found hope and grace that sustains us in time of our need. Praise the Lord!
亲爱的朋友,你穿上那使你能前进的鞋了吗?很多时候当我们穿着各种名牌的鞋子(也就代表着我们每走一步都是靠着自己战战兢兢地走过每一天),使我们每走一步都在担心接下来会如何,尤其 是当我们走在烂泥的路上时,更是害怕自己的鞋子会弄肮脏。既然会让自己那么麻烦,我们何不穿上那双“平安的鞋”呢?穿上那样的一双鞋,我们就能自在地走过那烂泥路了,对吗?经过以上的陈述,你能把它连接回你的日常生活吗?与其走人生的每一步都带着忧虑和重担,我们何不尝试放手让神来接手?与其挣扎受苦,我们何不相信那从不会让我们失望的神呢?亲爱的,现在是时候选择和前进了!选择以神的话和来自祂的好消息来走我们的每一天吧!那平安的福音引我们到那应许之地,且是不附加重担和忧虑的。纵然每一天我们都会面对问题,但你可以选择信靠神,依靠祂而不是依靠自己有限的能力。让我们穿上那平安的鞋继续带着平安、喜乐和爱不断地前进。在祂里面,我们找着那时刻在我们需要的时候,托住我们的盼望和恩典。赞美主!