Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Love Break 爱的歇息

Friday, March 8, 2024

Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
耶利米书 31:3 古时耶和华向以色列显现说:我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。

Instead of thinking that no one loves you today, be reminded that you are loved and Jesus is the one who loves you unconditionally! When you are still sinner, Christ chose to die for you (Romans 5:8), that was how he showed His love towards you. Therefore, the next time when you feel that you are alone and nobody really cares, remember that Jesus loves you with an everlasting love. This love is unconditional, and it is everlasting. His promises for you will stand forever, and He is faithful in keep His Words! We have lunch break and tea break along the day, and if today you are tired and heavy laden, remember to take a love break by remembering how much that you are loved by Jesus! This love break and this reminder empowers you to move on in life, and live life like a victor! Jesus has drawn you, now choose to draw near and be connected with Him! Take a love break and enjoy that sweet time with Jesus!

与其总觉得没有人爱你,何不对自己说,你是被耶稣所爱的,祂无条件地爱你!当你还是一个罪人时,基督就为你而死(罗马书 5:8),这就是祂爱你的方式。所以,当你觉得无依无靠,沒有人关心你时,要想起耶稣祂是以永远的爱来愛你。这爱是不带条件,且是永永远远的。祂所应许你的必永远立定,祂忠心保守祂的话!在我们每一天的日常生活中,都会有午休和茶点时间,如果今天你累了,或是很劳苦重担,记得来个“爱的歇息”,提醒自己耶稣有多爱你!这”爱的歇息”可以帮助你在生活中继续前进,並过一个得胜的生命!耶稣已经就近你,现在是你要选择向祂靠近並与祂建立关系!暂时来个“爱的歇息”,和耶稣一起享受甜蜜时光吧!

The Highly Favored One 备受恩宠

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Psalms 84:9 O God, look with favor upon the king, our shield! Show favor to the one You have anointed.
诗篇 84:9 神啊,祢是我们的盾牌;求祢垂听观看祢受膏者的面!

Dear God's beloved, do you know that you are anointed by The Lord? He has shielded you with favor! Therefore no matter where you are today, expect great and good surprises bumping you! He is a Father that loves, that cares every single tiny details of your life, He knows the best interest of your heart, He is a wonderful Father that gives good gifts to you! Therefore, early in the morning be assured in the love of God, be assured of His best interest for you, say to yourself today: I am highly favored! I am the anointed one! Jesus loves me and I know it! I am the precious one of God! So expect good things to happen to you, the one who is highly favored! ‬‬‬‬Amen!‬‬‬‬‬‬


Source Of Wisdom 智慧的源头

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Proverbs 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.
箴言 4:5 要得智慧,要得聪明。不可忘记,也不可偏离我口中的言语。

Do you need wisdom in all the affairs of life? Do you need wisdom in making decisions? Do you need understanding in that particular situation? The word of God is the source of wisdom and understanding, the moment when you keep yourself in the Word instead of what the world is giving you, the Word of God enables you to have clarity in your situation, and the best Helper - the Holy Spirit will be able to guide you in all your decisions through reminding you the Word of God! Therefore, keep the Word in you and do not let it go, for it shall bring you life, good health, wisdom in making decisions and abundance!

你在日常生活中需要智慧吗?在做抉择时需要智慧吗?在特殊的情况下需要智慧来应对吗?神的话语就是智慧的源泉,当你保守自己在神的话语里,而不是世界给你的话语时,祂的话语使你能够看清楚你眼前的景况,而我们最棒的保惠师 - 圣灵他要藉着神的话,将一切的事指教你们!所以,要把神的话刻在你心上,不要轻易的放开,因为它会带给你生命,健康,有智慧做对的决定和丰盛的生命!

Keep Yourself In His Love 保守自己在神的爱中

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
犹大书 1:21 保守自己常在神的爱中,仰望我们主耶稣基督的怜悯,直到永生。

Do you know that good things happen to those who knows that they are God's beloved? Why? Because the moment when you know and believe that you are God's beloved, you will move on in life reigning above all things! You will have confidence in The Lord that is unshakable by all circumstances and you will further on soaring like an eagle in all endeavors of life. Being in loved with The Lord keeps your heart in overflowing joy and peace, and like a prince and princess who knows who their father is and how much that they are loved, you walk life tilting your head! So keep yourself in the love of God today, and know that The Lord loves you deeply regardless who and how you are, His love for you is constant and His love for you is sure! You're God's beloved my friend, and this promise is more than enough to assure you your future!


The Giant Killer 巨人杀手

Monday, March 4, 2024

Hebrews 7:25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
希伯来书 7:25 凡靠着祂进到神面前的人,祂都能拯救到底;因为祂是长远活着,替他们祈求。

‭‭Many will believe that God is able to do all things, He is able to heal, He is able to rescue, He is able to supply, but when it comes to whether He is willing to heal them, deliver them, rescue and supply them, there's always a doubt. Doubting that yes God is able to do that, but does He willing to do that on me? My friends, when you go to God through Jesus, the great high priest who has done all things for us, don't just know that He is able but He is willing to! Only He can save you completely from all those issues of life, and He lives to intercede for you and I! ‬‬So whatever it is, we know that we have Jesus who constantly save us completely, which means you're saved from sickness completely, you're saved from lack completely, you're saved from depression completely, and guess what completely means totally! When Jesus intercedes for you, when your case is at His hand, guess what, He will always win! He's the best counselor, the best lawyer! So, Run to Jesus when you face giants in life, and He is able and willing to save you completely, for He's your giant killer! ‬‬


My Times Are In God's Hands 我终身的事在神手中

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Psalms 31:15 My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.
诗篇 31:15 我终身的事在你手中,求你救我脱离仇敌的手和那些逼迫我的人。

Dear beloved of God, no matter what you have gone through, regardless what you are facing right now, do know and believe that your times are in God's hands. Jesus is the redeemer of your life who saves you from all that trouble you each day. Is Him, who carries your burdens daily. (Psalm 68:19) Everyday when you wake up, don't think about how big the problem is, do not focus on the workloads that weighing you down, but start your day with good expectation by trusting in Jesus who has won it all for you. When you are at rest in His unfailing love, He is at work and accomplished what you cannot do. So, instead of dragging the problems by yourself, why not let go and let God to handle for you? Stop looking at the negative environment that drag you away but start eyeing on Jesus who has won the victory for you and let the peace of God guides your heart. Remember, friend, your past does not have to poison your future. No matter how many dark days you have experienced, your brightest and most glorious days are always ahead of you for God has prepared many wonderful open doors of opportunity, favor and success for you to walk through in the days ahead. Believe and receive, dear friend! Amen!

神所亲爱的,不管你曾经经历过什么,无论你现在正面对着什么,当知道且相信你终身的事在神手中。耶稣是你生命的救赎主,就是那位把你从每天的烦恼中拯救出来的。是祂,天天背负你的重担(诗篇68:19)。每一天当你起来时,不要去想问题有多大,不要去专注使你重担的工作,而是以好的期盼相信耶稣已为你战胜了一切来开始你的每一天。当你休息在祂不变的爱里时,祂为你作成你所不能做到的事。所以,与其自己抱住问题一直纠缠,倒不如放手让神接手来为你解决?停止看向那使你后退消极的环境,而开始定睛于为你赢得胜利的耶稣,并且让神的平安在你心里引导你。朋友,记得,你的过去不能影响你的未来。不管你曾经经历过多少黑暗的日子,你那最明亮最荣耀的日子仍然在你前头等待着你,因为神已预备了为你而敞开美好的门 - 有机会、恩惠和成功,在前面的日子来迎接你。相信并领受吧!亲爱的朋友!阿们!

Heir 后嗣

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Titus 3:7 So that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
提多书 3:7 好叫我们因祂的恩得称为义,可以凭着永生的盼望成为后嗣。

How blessed it is to know that the moment when you accepted Jesus, you are no longer a slave, you are no longer a worker but you're a son! Therefore you identity has a tremendous change when you have Jesus. Many of times we live in lies telling us that this identity is conditional, it's only when we behave or when we do good, we are worthy to be called as children of God. But do you know that God has abundant provision of grace? That He always love to extend to you His grace but He needs you to keep on receiving and make it as your own! Since you've been justified and you're righteous, you'll love Your life and live it all the more fulfilling, you'll not want to go back to that addiction, that condemnation, that fear when you know that and taste the goodness of Jesus and His insurmountable and inexhaustible grace! My friend, remember you're justified and righteous because of Jesus' finished work; therefore know that He has made you an heir, and a joint partner with Him! So, all the inheritance has written down your name, and all that the Father has are yours! Amen!


Unshakable 不动摇

Friday, March 1, 2024

Psalm 20:8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
诗篇 20:8 他们都屈身仆倒;我们却起来,立得正直。

Do you know that when the enemies come to you in one direction, they shall flee in seven? (Deuteronomy 28:7) Do you know that the righteous shall never be shaken but to stand firm? (Proverbs 12:3) God has promised you that your life is unshakable when you're in Jesus Christ! Therefore, no matter what is in front of you now, no matter what makes you discourage, always know that you find encouragement in Christ, you find joy and peace in Christ, you find love in Christ! Dear friends, Jesus is always your greatest support and your very answer for life. No matter what is in front of you, remember, for all sickness, poverty, problems have been brought to their knees and fall! But you, yes YOU, shall rise up in Christ! For life in Christ is unshakeable, as Jesus is, so are you in this world! Let nothing move you, and let Christ raise you!

你知道吗?当仇敌从一个方向来,他们是要从七个方向逃跑的(申命记28:7)。你晓得义人的根是永不动摇,却是要站立得稳的吗(箴言12:3)? 帝已经应许你,当你在耶稣基督里,你的生命是不被动摇的!所以,不管此刻在你眼前的什么,无论是什么使到你很沮丧,但你在基督里是重新得力,得享喜乐与平安,你在基督里享有神的爱!亲爱的朋友,耶稣是你最大的靠山和你生命的答案。无论在你前面的是什么,记住,所有的疾病,贫穷和问题都要屈身仆倒!但你,是的,就是你,你必然兴起!因为在基督里的生命是不被动摇的,耶稣如何,你在这世上也如何。所以不要让任何事物来动摇你,让基督来使你生命升高吧!

Your Word Given Me Life 祢的话将我救活了

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Psalm‬s ‭119:50‬ This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life.
‭‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬诗篇119:50 这话将我救活了;我在患难中,因此得安慰。

The word “Word” is referring to Jesus Himself. No matter what are we facing or what circumstances that we are in, our confidence is that Jesus He Himself is with us. Not only that He is with us but He is able to turn the situation around and revive everything that seems to be dead in your life! Start reading and involve Jesus in every area of your life and you will see how wonderful His works is!

这 “话” 就是耶稣祂自己。不管你面对什么问题或是处在何种景况,我们的盼望是耶稣祂与我们同在。祂不但与我们同在,祂也能够救活我们,扭转我们的困境!今天,开始研读神的话;让耶稣参与你的每一天,你肯定看到祂在你的生命中行美好的事!

Life With Jesus 有耶稣同在的生命

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2 Timothy 2:8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel.
‭‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬提摩太后书 2:8 你要纪念耶稣基督乃是大卫的后裔,祂从死里复活,正合乎我所传的福音。

My friends, God has given us a life of resurrection, that we are no longer stay in defeat, but rather we are now standing in the ground of eternal victory! All that we need to do is to believe in the gospel, and know exactly where is our position now in Christ! The gospel means good news, and the good news that brought by Jesus is He has been raised from the dead! He has conquered death! So, when death could not hold Him back; guess what, sickness, lack, curses, fear cannot hold you back either! For as He is, so are you in this world! Therefore, when God is with you, who can be against you? When you have Jesus which has been raised from the dead, you can be sure that your life will never be the same, you will not stay in the same ground but you will rise up higher and soaring like an eagle! ‬‬Amen!

朋友们,神已经给了我们复活般的生命,所以我们的生命不再是处在失败里,但我们是站立在永远胜利的地上! 我们所需要做的就是相信福音,并确信我们在基督里的位置。 福音就是好消息,而耶稣带来的好消息就是,祂已经从死里复活!祂已经胜了死亡! 所以,当死亡都不能限制祂时,疾病、缺乏、咒诅,恐惧也都不能限制你! 因为耶稣如何,你在这世上也如何! 所以,当神与你同在,谁能敌挡你呢? 当你拥有从死里复活的耶稣,你可以确信你的生命不再一样,你不会在原地踏步,但你必然兴起,如鹰展翅上腾!阿们!

The Righteousness 公义

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Romans 4:25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
罗马书 4:25 耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯;复活,是为叫我们称义。

Dear friend, do you know what is the righteousness? Righteousness is the right standing, where you are been positioned. You are to know that righteousness is not a work you can achieve, but it is a gift given freely to you when you believe Christ Jesus, the resurrected God who is willing to die for your sins. (Romans 3:24) When Jesus said is DONE before His last breath, the debts of our sins were fully paid by His own life. So the moment He resurrected from the death, there righteousness took place. Righteousness is the proof of payment that proving we are having the right of holding authority which enables us to reign in life (Romans 5:17). So, we-the righteous one, is now standing at the right position, with authority, power and right opportunity! When we are righteous, our prayers are effective with power! When we are righteous, we cannot be uprooted! When we are righteous, nothing can harm us! When we are righteous, we have joy! When we are righteous, we are healthy! When we are righteous, our path shining ever brighter till the full light of day! The righteous one thrive like a green leaf! The desire of the righteous ends only in good! All that we touch shall be prospered because we are righteous in Christ! So, treasure this special identity and start to take up our authority as the righteous one today! You are greatly blessed!


Crossed Over 出死入生

Monday, February 26, 2024

John 5:24 Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
约翰福音 5:24 我实实在在地告诉你们,那听我话,又信差我来者的,就有永生;不至于定罪,是已经出死入生了。

Another translation tells us that if we truly open our ears and listen to the Word of God, believe in it, trust in it and rely in it, are actually aligning himself back to God, by doing so, we are letting Jesus to be in charge, and we've made a giant step from the world of the dead to the world of the living. How wonderful! The word of God is the voice of God, and it's important that as a child of God, we put our trust on the Word instead of on ourselves! Listening to Him instead of listening to the lies! We all need to make alignment in our thinking each day, if we do not think of the high things of God, most probably most of the time we are allowing the lies of the devil to Take charge in our mind! As you align to the Word, you know what? You're giving Jesus to take charge in every areas of your life! When Jesus is taking charge, you can rest assured that all things shall turn to be well! Why? You've crossed over from the world of the dead to the world of the living! You've crossed from the world of sickness to the world of health! You've crossed over from the world of lack to the world of abundance! Your position has changed, therefore choose to listen to God today by listening to His Word! ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Today know that as you receive the Word of God and accept it as your own; you've leaped from the world of dead to the world of living! From sickness to health, from fear to courage, from lack to abundance!


In His Grace 在祂恩典里

Sunday, February 25, 2024

1 Peter 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
彼得前书 2:10 你们从前算不得子民,现在却作了神的子民;从前为曾蒙怜恤,现在却蒙了怜恤。

Always remember that what we have today is solely because of the finished works of God, it is never by our obedience and achievement but only by what Christ has done for us at the cross. How wonderful it is to know that though once we were separated from God and we were not his people, we were there helpless and living in a slavery life. But because of Jesus, He despised all the shame that he faced, knowing that the greater joy is ahead, He chose to die for all of us, not only that He brought us out and gave us the identity as a child of God! It is because of Jesus, that now you've been transferred to the kingdom of God. You are now the child of God with authority, and not only that you're now in His grace! We did not enjoy grace before but now because of Jesus, we enjoy such amazing grace of Him! In His grace and mercy, we found hope and life! Always remember, in His grace, you have supply and you shall not be in want!


It Has Ended 你悲哀的日子完毕了

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Isaiah 60:20 Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.
以赛亚书 60:20 你的日头不再下落,你的月亮也不退缩;因为耶和华必作你永远的光,你悲哀的日子也完毕了。

You may feel like giving up right now, but do you know that God loves you dearly? That even before you give up, He chose to give up His one and only son, Jesus for your total life prosperity. He has made you holy and sanctified, and has given you all things pertaining to life! So, life in Christ is a life full of hope, life in Christ is life full of glory, life in Christ is life full of joy! You may not be seeing now, but expect the manifestation of good things to happen to you beginning from today! Jesus has done all things for you, giving you life more abundantly, therefore do not give up, do not be dismayed, let Jesus be your everlasting light and help, and remember your days of sorrow has ended, your days of sickness has ended, your days of losing hope has ended!!


The Only Sure Foundation 你必得安稳

Friday, February 23, 2024

Isaiah 33:6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.
以赛亚书 33:6 ‭‭你一生一世必得安稳,有丰盛的救恩,并智慧和知识,你以敬畏耶和华为至宝。‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

A foundation is something that you build upon, and it causes the building unshakable. Likewise, in life, we cannot lay our lives on unsure and shaky foundation, for when storms come and rain falls, a weak foundation cannot sustain our lives! Therefore, know that Jesus is your sure foundation and you'll end up unshakable! We are to lay our lives on His Word, on His finished work, and let what He has said and done become our definite and sure foundation! In Him, we shall find rich store of salvation, and salvation includes wholeness, health, abundance and rescue! My friend, you're in Christ, and that makes you more than a conqueror!! So stand firm in Christ and nothing can move you! ‬‬


With You Always 时刻与你同在

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Genesis 28:15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
创世记 28:15 我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这地,总不离弃你,直到我成全了向你所应许的。

God remains faithful even if there are times that we are faithless. He keeps His Word and know that when He said He is with you, He means what He says! When God is with you, know that you're never alone, but you have a strong back up, He is strong enough to sustain you! Not only that, He watches you wherever you go, you've a constant protection so therefore you do not need to worry about anything, for God is always your support! Beloved, trust that Jesus is with you watching over you wherever you are, build your life in this truth and realize His presence, there's no deeper comfort than knowing in your heart that He is with you always! He will not leave you nor forsake you until he sees whatever that He promised you was done, manifested in your life!


Follow The Shepherd 跟随牧者

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’
启示录 7:17 因为宝座中的羔羊必牧养他们,领他们到生命水的泉源。神也必擦去他们一切的眼泪。

A sheep is the shepherd's responsibility, and you can never see a sheep lead it's shepherd alone. Likewise, you are the sheep and Jesus is the shepherd. You're His responsibility and you can never go on your own. But even if you fall into the pit today, even though you walked through the valley of the shadow of death; know that the rod and the staff of Jesus is always ever ready to lift you up and comfort you! Moreover, as it is a shadow of death, a shadow can never harm you! Therefore you can be assured today that there's no issue bigger than Jesus! So my dear friends, whatever sorrow you have today, know that Jesus has put a full stop to your problems. At the cross, He has put a full stop over your sickness, lack, curses, broken marriage and all! So, Let Him be your shepherd today, and as you follow Him, you'll encounter that He is the best comfort, He is the provider and He is the only source of joy! ‬‬‬‬‬‬


Effortless 不费力

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
出埃及记 14:14 耶和华必为你们争战,你们只管静默,不要作声。

Beloved, no matter what you are facing right now, be still and rest in the love of God that sets you free and gives you peace. Perhaps you are currently facing issues in your workplace which is beyond your ability to settle, but you are to take heart, God's beloved, receive what the Lord has done for you effortlessly and see how God turn the bad into good. If you are dealing with broken relationship right now, receive the restoration Jesus has won for you effortlessly knowing that He loves you without condition. In times of sick, rest effortlessly in Christ and believe that by His stripes, you are healed and made whole. When you are lacking, receive effortlessly from Jesus for He is your shepherd and you shall not be in want. When you are overwhelming with pressure and stress, rest effortlessly in the shadow of His wing knowing that He covers and guides your way, in Him, you are led to success! When God is for you, nothing can be against you. When God is with you, you are a successful person. So, be effortless and receive the unmerited favor with unconditional love of God in life. With Him, your path will become even brighter. Is Jesus, who carries you gently on His own shoulders protecting you and loving you all the times in all the circumstances. Amen!


Path Of The Righteous 义人的路

Monday, February 19, 2024

Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
箴言 4:18 但义人的路好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。

Righteousness cannot be gained by your good works or even your effort. Righteousness is what Christ has purchased and given to those who believe in Him. The moment when you accept Jesus, you are righteous! And this righteousness is unshakable and cannot be removed. You will not lose the righteousness because Jesus has done a perfect sacrifice for all of us! Because of that, we are to enjoy this identity that God has given us, being as a righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus, you enjoy a lot of benefits as a righteous!The path of your future is shining even brighter than your yesterday, for this is a gift to those who are in Christ. As a child of God, don't dwell and mourn over yesterday but move forward knowing that the day ahead is better, greater and brighter! For Good things are in store for you! ‬‬‬‬


Your Sins Are Removed 你的罪被除去了

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Micah 7:19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
弥迦书 7:19 必再怜悯我们,将我们的罪孽踏在脚下,又将我们的一切罪投于深海。

How wonderful and blessed to know that God will remember our sins no more, solely because of the perfect performance and sacrifice of Jesus alone! If we are to achieve salvation by our own, the word of God says that it's impossible. For only the perfect blood of Jesus is able to remove us from all sins and iniquities. My friend, in Christ there's no longer condemnation, your identity has changed from a sinner to a righteous man in Christ! Therefore, when Jesus has tread your sins underfoot and throw all your iniquities into the deep sea, why would you hold on to it? You're set free my friend, not because of how good you are but how good Jesus is! Therefore live your life knowing that Jesus has become your basis, and ultimately when sin is no longer hindering you, you're able to take freely all your inheritance!
