Daily Devotion 每日灵修

You Are Children Of God 你是神的孩子

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Ephesians 2:19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household.
以弗所书 2:19 这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是神家里的人了。

You are God’s people. You are the member of God’s household. You can be never be alone. You can never be forgotten. You can never be left out. You belong to God. As a result, you are God’s responsibility. You are under His care, He is the keeper of your life. Whatever matters to you matters to Him. In God’s kingdom, Jesus is the King. His word comes in authority, His word comes in effect. As He spoke, it came to be (Psalm 33:9). When He says, “Be healed”, sickness has to bow down. When He says, “received”, you shall receive whatever He says is yours. Your King-Jesus loves you. He wants you to be benefited. He wants you blessed. You are in a kingdom where the King favors you. In that case, can you not be blessed? Of course not!


New Life In Christ 全新的生命

Monday, August 28, 2023

Colossians 3:3 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.
歌罗西书 3:3 因为你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在神里面。‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

The moment when you accepted Jesus, you have to know that the old life has said good bye to you. The old life of shames, condemnation, destined to be under the dominion of darkness, sickness and lack are now crucified together with Christ. In Christ, you are now a new creation; your identity has changed for eternally since then! So, regardless what is your past, what happened and how many failures that you have gone through, right now be reminded that you are already died to your past, you are now in Christ, and in Christ there is no more condemnation, there is no more judgment, and there is nothing at your fault! So know that your real life is identified with Christ but not what the world says anymore! In Christ, your real life now is destined to reign, healthy, strong, full of abundance and joy! Amen!


When I Am Afraid 当我惧怕时

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will trust you.
诗篇 56:3 我惧怕的时候要依靠你。

No matter what you are afraid of today, do know that nothing is bigger that you God. All you need to do is to put your trust in Him. He makes your path straight; He calms the storm in your life; He turns your sorrow into dancing. So instead of being fearful of what your problem can do to you, trust what God can do for you. As you put your trust in Him, He will never put you to shame. Amen!


The Only Savior 唯一救主

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Psalm 68:20 Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.
诗篇 68:20 ‬神是为我们施行诸般救恩的神。人能脱离死亡,是在乎主耶和华。‬‬

In this world, many people would run after self help, therefore you will see a lot of books selling on self help issues; teaching you steps to achieve and to save yourself! However, No one can help themselves by their own effort, no one can earn even salvation through their good works; but know that today Jesus is your Savior! It is only through Jesus that we have the access to the Father, it is only through Jesus that we are now new creations, that our sins have been forgiven and removed once and for all! Only through Jesus that all things hold together, and without Him we cannot do anything! My friends, salvation in all areas of your life comes only through one man- Jesus, so when you're helpless in any situation, call out to Him, for in Him you shall be saved from all death, lifeless and fruitless!


The Servant King 服事人的王

Friday, August 25, 2023

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.
马可福音 10:45 因为人子来,并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。

Many of times when we come to Jesus, we thought of we are the one serving Him, we are the one who give; but do you know that He come to serve you and not to be served? Serving you simply means He wants to take what is in His plate and put it in your plate! If it is healing that you need, He wants to take His health and put it in your plate; if it is supply that you need, He wants to take His abundance and put it in your plate; if it is a breakthrough that you need, He wants to take that miracle and put it in your plate! Today, rest at Jesus' feet and know that He loves you deeply, He cares what you care, and He knows exactly what you're going through. Let Him serves you with what He has today, be still and know He is God! Since He has became your ransom, being the Redeemer of yours, know that you belong to Him and He belongs to you, and all that you need shall be found in Christ! Amen!


Never Stop Loving You 爱你永不止息

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Psalms 89:33 But I will never stop loving him nor fail to keep my promise to him.
诗篇 89:33 只是我必不将我的慈爱全然收回,也必不叫我的信实废弃。

The bible says even if a mother forgets to nurse her child, God will never forget you! Always remember that if the father of the world will know how to provide for his children, how much more our Father in Heaven? He will definitely give good things to those who seek Him! Therefore as you go along this day, be reminded in your heart that never for a moment that you are alone, that God always want to give His best to you.
Even if there are disappointment in this world, even if there are rejection, God says that He will not stop loving you! There is nothing that you can do to make Him loves you less, and of course there is nothing that you can do to earn His love. As you keep focus on Him, remember that He shall keep His covenant with you, there shall be nothing that you can be afraid of! So, tell yourself this: "I am the beloved of God, He never stop loving me and He keeps His covenant with me, always!" Amen!


What Stands Valid Forever 永远伫立

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
路加福音 21:33 天地要废去,我的话却不能废去。

Heaven and earth will pass away, which means whatever that you can see at your surrounding now, the situation that you are facing and even the challenges that you are seeing in front of you right now are meant to pass away and not to stay. Problems come to pass and not to stay, therefore you can have confident expectation of good knowing that whatever it is, they are called to pass away! The sickness you have now will pass away, the lacking that you are facing now will pass away, the fear that is holding you now will pass away! Guess what? only Jesus' words stand valid forever! He has promised you a good future, hope, health and life more abundantly, and they will never pass away! Look to His words that stand valid forever instead of what is around you that passes away, in Him you shall find rest and hope to move on! Amen!


The Name Of Jesus 耶稣的名

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

John 14:14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!
约翰福音 14:14 你们若奉我的名求什么,我必成就!

Today know that you are no longer being alone, defeated and without protection; for you have been raised with Jesus and together seated at the right hand of the Father! Therefore, as Jesus is, so are you in this world! The place that you are seated right now is high above all names and principalities, He has given you victory together with Him! Therefore, be assured that the name of Jesus is higher above all names, name it sickness, anxiety, lack, they are all under His feet! When they are under His feet, they are also under yours! So ask anything in His name today, and know that He will surely do it! Amen!


You Are Able To Bear Fruit 多结果子

Monday, August 21, 2023

Psalms 92:14 They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green.
诗篇 92:14 他们年老的时候仍要结果子,要满了汁浆而常发青。

No matter how old are you today, God says you are able to bear fruit. You are to live in fruitfulness. With long life will God satisfied you (Psalm 91:16). Not only that, you are to stay fresh and green. You are able to be healthy and strong. You are to be restored and renewed. You are to be joyful and at peace. You are to enjoy life and enjoy it to the full. This is the life God wants you to have. Because of Jesus Christ, you are truly bless indeed. Amen!


Mighty Savior 全能拯救主

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Psalm 68:19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.
诗篇 68:19 天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神,是应当称颂的。

Hallelujah! Dear friend, are you feeling excited when you know that you have a mighty savior who you can trust in life? Today, regardless what problem you have encountered, no matter what mountains you are facing right now, bear in mind that you have a mighty savior who can save you from all harms. In time of lacking, look to the mighty savior who can supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches; In time of sick, look to the mighty savior who has healed you through His broken body; In time of worries, look to the mighty savior who can settle everything for you by putting your trust in Him; In time of dealing broken relationship, look to the mighty savior who can restores the relationship with unfailing love. In this world, there are troubles, but we are to take heart knowing that we have Jesus, the mighty savior, who daily bears our burdens. So cast your cares to Him today for He cares for you, He will surely sustain you with His righteous right hand, He will never let you fall. Whatever you do, commit to God who can and willing to help you. In Him, you could find rest. When you are at rest, God is at work on your behalf and all things shall work out for good! Praise the Lord!

哈利路亚!亲爱的朋友,你兴奋吗?当你知道在生命中有一位全能的拯救主是可以让你来依靠? 今天,无论你所面对的问题是什么,不管你现在所面对的大山有多大,你当记得你有一位能够拯救你脱离一切灾害的拯救主。在缺乏的时候,看向那按着祂荣耀丰富使你一切所需用都充足全能的拯救主;在病痛的时候,看向那藉着自己破碎身体来医治你的拯救主;在担忧的时候,看向那能够为你解决一切的拯救主;在处理破碎关系的时候,看向那能够以不变的大爱来修复的拯救主。在这世上,有很多苦难,但是我们可以放心,因为知道我们有耶稣,那全能的拯救主,天天在背负我们的重担。所以,将一切忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你,祂必定以公义的右手来扶持你,祂必不让你绊跌。你无论做什么,将它交给那能够并且愿意帮助你的主。在里面,你必得安息。而当你安息时,神在为你而动工,并使万事互相效力!赞美主!

Fully Persuaded 满心相信

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Romans 4:21 Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He promised.
罗马书 4:21 且满心相信神所应许的必能作成。

God promised you a brand new life and He had power to do so. God promised you an abundant life and He had power to do so. God promised you double honor and He had power to do so. God promised restoration and He had power to do so. God promised you success and He had power to do so. You are to be fully persuaded that God had power to do what He promised you. He will bring it to pass in your life. All you need to do today is to be fully persuaded that He can do it for you and He will bring it to pass! Be convinced that all that the Father has is yours! (Luke 15:31) Amen!


My Salvation 我的拯救

Friday, August 18, 2023

Isaiah 12:2 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.
以赛亚书 12:2 看哪!神是我的拯救,我要依靠祂,并不惧怕;因为耶和华是我的力量,是我的诗歌,祂也成了我的拯救。

Surely God is your salvation. It is Him who delivers you from the darkness. It is Him who saves you from the pit. It is Him who sets you free from bondage. It is Him who redeems you from the curse. God has become your salvation! Because of Jesus Christ, you are righteous. Because of Jesus Christ, you are a new creation. Because of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Because of Jesus Christ, you are reconciled back to the Father. Therefore, do not be afraid and just believe! (Mark 5:36). The Lord is the source of your life. He is your strength. He is your help. He is your refuge. He is your strong tower. He is your guide. He is your answer. He is the solution. With Him by you side, you are more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37)


You Are My God 祢是我的神

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Isaiah 25:1 O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name! For in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.
以赛亚书 25:1 耶和华啊,祢是我的神,我要尊崇祢,我要称赞祢的名!因为祢以忠信诚实行过奇妙的事,成就祢古时所定的。

The healer is you God. The redeemer is your God. The provider is your God. The creator of universe is your God. When the God of universe is your God, what can you be afraid of? Will there be any mountain that you cannot climb over? God, in perfect faithfulness has done marvelous things for you, things planned long ago. He sent His one and only Son, Jesus to the cross and with the price He paid, He redeemed you back into His arm. He rescued you from the dominion of darkness. He restored whatever you had lost in the past. Therefore, let us exalt Him and praise His name. He is worthy to be praised and all glory shall to be to God the Father and Jesus Christ alone!


Step Into Supernatural 踏入超自然

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Matthew 19:26 With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
马太福音 19:26 耶稣看着他们说:“在人这是不能的,在神凡事都能”。

Today, know that we have a all possible God guarding behind our back, so therefore you are not all alone facing all the challenges of life. Maybe when you look at that medical report, it shouts out impossible to be healed; maybe when you look at your bank account, it tells you it is impossible to see the breakthroughs that you long for and desire; maybe when you look at your marriage, you feel like it is impossible to have restoration between your spouse. My friends, all these are natural perspectives of things, when you look at the natural, It certainly tells you it is impossible. But when you look at Jesus in His Word, He says all things are possible, lean in to His Word and you shall find life! So instead of seeing through the lens of natural, start to look via the lens of the Word and expect the supernatural to happen!


Shine Like Stars 明光照耀

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Philippians 2: 14-15 Do everything without complaining or argument, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
腓立比书 2:14-15 凡所行的,都不要发怨言、起争论,使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪,在这弯曲悖谬的世代,作神无瑕疵的儿女。你们显在世代中,好像明光照耀。

Today, you shine like stars in the universe. You are the star of God. You can make an influence or impact in people’s lives. Let us do everything without complaining or argument. Instead, let us give thanks and be grateful toward people around us, things that we can do, the day that we can live in. To be able to go to work is a blessing as you have a good health to be able to do so. To be able to eat and drink is a blessing as there are people in the world who cannot eat and drink as you can. To be able to think is a blessing as there are people lying on the hospital’s beds not knowing what is going on around them. Complaining serves you no good. Argument doesn’t solve a problem. However, a happy heart does good for medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Choose to be happy today. Choose to give thanks today. Choose to be a peacemaker today simply because you are truly blessed!


Good Things From Above 从上头而来的美物

Monday, August 14, 2023

James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father...
雅各书 1: 17 各类美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐都是从上头来的,从众光之父那里降下来的。。。

‭‭God is a good Father who gives good things, He never withhold anything from you! In Romans 8:32 says that if He who did not spare His own Son but to give us all, how much more will He not give us the things that we desire in life? When God has given us Jesus, He has given us also all the good things in life! So be assured that Your Father in Heaven is a Father who loves to give you good gifts! When He gives, He never holds back but He gives in the greatest latitude! Jesus is the Best that He has given, how much more the rest that you need in life? So have confidence in the Lord, knowing that no matter what the storms, no matter how impossible it may be, you have Jesus and when you have Him, you have all the good things you need in life! ‬‬‬‬‬‬ Amen!‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

上帝是一位充满慈爱的父亲,祂从来不留下任何一样好处不给你!在罗马书8:32说 神即不爱惜自己的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和祂一同白白地赐给我们吗?当上帝已经把耶稣赐给我们,祂也把一切美物一拼给了我们!所以你可以放心,你们在天上的父是一位给你一切美物的父亲!当祂给的时候,那是毫无限量的,是倾倒在你生命中的!天父既然已经给我们那最美好的礼物-耶稣,何况是你生命所需要的一切呢?所以你要对耶稣有信心,晓得无论遇见怎么样的风暴,无论眼前所见看似多么不可能,但你有耶稣,当你拥有祂,你有一切生命中所需要的!阿们!

Enter That Rest 进入那安息

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Hebrews 4:10-11 For anyone enter God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.
希伯来书 4:10-11 因为那进入安息的,乃是歇了自己的工,正如神歇了祂的工一样。所以,我们务必竭力进入那安息,免得有人学那不信从的样子跌倒了。

Dear beloved of God, do you know that your Daddy God longs to see you rest? The rest here is not only mean the physical rest, but this rest is referring to how you actually lean on God who will never fails you! Hallelujah! What a privilege we have in Christ Jesus! Today, we are urged to enter the rest by trusting in our Savior-Jesus Christ, knowing that He has done it all for us at the cross 2023 years ago. So, it's time for us to take captive every though to make it obedient to Christ. Stop struggling how we can achieve by our own limited effort, but start to lean on Jesus who is unlimited. Stop looking at the sicknesses that troubling us, but start to eye on the finished work of Jesus Christ that heals all the sicknesses. Stop focusing on the lack that we encounter, start to thank God for the abundant supplies that never ending. Stop worrying how we can build the relationship with others, but start to receive the restoration from God which is full of unfailing love. Praise the Lord! By trusting in the Lord and His finished work, we can now enter that rest which brings us peace, joy and love. It is no longer about what I can do, but is all about what God has done for me! We can now cease from struggling and start to enjoy life knowing that we are deeply loved by God, highly favored and greatly blessed!


He Never Fails You 祂永不会失信于你

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Psalm 89:28 I will maintain my love to him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail.
诗篇 89: 28 我要为他存留我的慈爱,直到永远,我与他立的约必要坚定。

How sweet to know that God's love for you is unfailing and unconditional, man may fail you, the situation may fail you, but be glad that your Heavenly Father's love and promises to you shall never fail! therefore as you come to God today, know that as a father who loves you deeply, He has the best interest of yours kept in his heart and plan, He has planned your future, your life partner, that opportunity that you have always wanted, and He just want to give you the best of the land! Therefore do not lose heart, for He is faithful in loving you and keeping His covenant with you, so all that matters to you matters to Him! Amen!!

上帝对你的爱是不会改变且不带任何条件的,这是多么的令人欣慰!身边的人,周围的环境都会失信于你,但很欣慰的是我们天父对我们的爱与应许是从来不会改变的!所以今天当你来到神面前,晓得天父祂是深爱你,祂把你烙印在祂心上,祂美好的旨意与你有份,祂策划你的未来,你的伴侣,你渴望的机会,祂就是想把这世上最好的都给你!所以不要丢弃勇敢的心,祂为你存留祂的慈爱直到永远,祂坚守与你所立的约,你的事就是祂的事! 阿们!

The Word Of Faith 信主的道

Friday, August 11, 2023

Romans 10:8 But what does it say? ”The word in near you, it’s in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word if faith we are proclaiming.
罗马书 10:8 他到底怎么说呢?他说:“这道离你不远,正在你口里,在你心里。”这就是我们所传信主的道。

Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). We have what we say. Our tongue has power. Towards our children, what do we say? Are we giving them words of blessing? Towards our finance, what do we say? Are we proclaiming the word of faith? Towards our spouse, what do we say? Are we giving him or her words of love? Towards people around us, what do we say? Are we giving them words of encouragement? Instead of nagging, let us proclaim words of faith – My husband or my wife has always been good to me. Instead of complaining, let us proclaim words of faith - things are turning out good. My children are obedient and they are fast learners. People around me are good and they are growing in the spirit. Let’s proclaim words of faith instead of defeat today as our words carry power and effect.

圣经说,生死在舌头的权下(箴言18:21)。我们说什么,就得着什么。我们的舌头是有能力的。对于我们的孩子,我们说了什么呢?我们是不是对他们说祝福的话?对于我们的经济,我们说了什么呢?我们有没有宣告信心的话?对于我们的伴侣,我们说了什么呢?我们是否给他/她说爱的话呢?对于我们身边的人,我们都说了什么呢?我们是否给予他们鼓励的话?以其埋怨,让我们来宣告信心的话语 - 我的丈夫或我的太太对我非常的好;以其埋怨,让我们宣告信心的话语 – 事情都会变好的;我的孩子都是听话的,他们的学习能力是强的;在我身边的人都是最棒的,他们都渐渐的成长。以其说挫败的话语,让我们一起宣告信心的话语。因为我们的话语是带着能力和功效的。

Covenant Keeper 契约守护者

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Psalm 89:34 No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back a single word I said.
诗篇 89: 34 我必不背弃我的约,也不改变我口中所出的。

Men might failed at their word, but remember, God will not take back a single word that He has said. Do remember that you have a covenant relationship with God because of Jesus, therefore in this unbreakable covenant relationship, what matters to you matters to God, and whatever that He has also belong to you! So be assured that God is a covenant keeping God, and He will never break His promises! When He says love you, He means it; when He says you're precious, He means it! When He says you are already healed, you are! So Eye on Him and all shall fail into comparison!
