Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, November 15, 2014

诗篇 13:6 我要向耶和华歌唱,因他用厚恩待我。
2014 年前, 祂愿意为你背起那十字架且死在十字架上就只因为他爱你并救赎你脱离咒诅;


Good To Me

Friday, November 14, 2014

Psalms 13:6 I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me.

Dear friend, do you know how blessed you are?
Jesus loves you until an extent He is willing to sacrifice all that He has just for you!
2014 years ago, He willing to take up the cross and died on the cross just because He loves you and want to redeem you from the curses;
Jesus is willing to bear all your sins and remember your sin no more;
He has been striped so that you can be healed;
He became poor so that in Him you may become rich;
He been cursed so that you are now been blessed;
Jesus died young so that you can be satisfied with long life;
He became sin so that you become the righteousness of God;
He has been look down by the world so that you can now be lifted up;
He bore the wrath of holy God towards sin so that now we can have right standing with God and can come boldly to the throne of grace;
Not only that, Jesus is all that we want and all that we need!
He provides all that we need in life according to His glorious riches;
He restores all that has been stolen;
He gives us peace in all circumstances;
He gives us joy in handling all the challenges we have in life;
He makes impossibles become possibles!

So friend, it's time to give thanks. Let's sing to the Lord for He has been good to us!


Friday, November 14, 2014

彼前 5:7 - 你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。

忧虑,在我们的生活中具有非常大的影响。有人因为忧虑而把自己搞得一塌糊涂;有人因为忧虑而导致自己受到伤害;有人因为忧虑而导致情绪不稳定等。其实,我们每天所需用的神都已为我们预备好了,因此经上说:不要为生命忧虑吃什么,喝什么,穿什么,因为我们的父知道我们一切的需要。天上的飞鸟和野地里的花不种也不收,我们的父尚且养活它们,更何况我们这些祂所爱的人呢?我们要先求祂的国和祂的义,这些东西都加给我们。(太 6:33)

朋友们,你可否知道?当我们的心是忧虑的,我们的骨是枯干的,唯有喜乐是我们的良药。(箴 17:22)因此不要让忧虑停驻在我们的生命中,因为它不但没有好处,反而是带来坏处的。很多时候,我们喜欢那许许多多的事情来忧虑,把自己搞的烦躁不堪,但是,神所应许的生命是不带忧虑的,祂所赐的福也不加上忧虑,是我们自己选择让忧虑住进我们的生命。其实,我们的忧虑并不能让我们的岁数多加一刻,也不能让我们的生活变得更好;反之,忧虑却是破坏了原本平静的生活,带来了原本不属于我们,不是神所应许的东西,比如病痛,不好的关系等等。当一个人开始忧虑,他的劳苦变成愁烦,连夜间心也不安,生活变得虚空。(传 2:23)



Friday, November 14, 2014



我們的生命也一樣。如果一直讓不好的習慣糾纏着,甚至被控制,就很難看見生命的豐收。上帝已經把一切屬靈的福份都賜給我們了(以弗所1:3),但問題是,我們自己掉入了世界的誘惑,攔阻我們得着。比如說上帝要祝福你好的職位,但你卻處事懶散,不思進取,試問,你又如何能在職場上被提升呢?耶穌已經跟你說因着祂受的鞭傷,你已經得了醫治,但從你口裡所說出來的都是消極不造就的話,試問又怎麼能看見醫治彰顯呢?聖經說:因为有的, 还要给他; 没有的,连他所有的也要夺去(馬可福音4:25)。連最基本的“相信”,都無法持守,其餘的還有什麼可說的呢?你又可以埋怨誰呢?

加拉太書2:5我们就是一刻的工夫 ,也没有容让顺服他们,为要叫福音的真理仍存在你们中间。

Lack No Good Thing

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Psalms 34:10 - The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Do you know that even the lions may have time of weakness and hunger? But the Word of God promises you that the moment when you seek the Lord, you shall lack no good thing! What a wonderful assurance given from the Father, you have to know and be assured from today onwards that you are well taken care of! Jesus is the one who provides you, He is the one who takes care of all your need. However, you are to start to seek him first, instead of your problem or your lack first. Look up to him, magnifying Him instead of magnifying your lack, let the Word of God increase in your life and let your self effort decrease, as you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all that you need shall be added in your life! As you have Jesus, the great good shepherd of your life, you shall not be afraid of lack, for in His grace, there is supply!

Use Your Right

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Psalm 118:11 - They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the Lord I cut them down.

Do you know that you are now partnering with Jesus under the new covenant? Both of you and Jesus will need to sign on the cheque book in order to make it valid, likewise, Jesus has signed and He has done it all at the cross. The moment when you believe, you are signing and claiming whatever that Jesus has done it all for you! All the promises of God are yes and amen, but without faith, it is impossible, as faith is the hand that takes, faith is the password! Regardless how worst it is right now, maybe you have been hard pressed on every side, but remember you have the name of Jesus! If you are facing lack now, remember that you have the name of Jesus; if you are in sickness now, remember that you have the name of Jesus! Only His name is higher and above every other names, so the moment when you lift up His name, all sickness, all problems, all fear, all depression shall bow to His name, in the name of the Lord you shall cut them down! The name of Jesus is your right, therefore start to use your right today!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

林后 4:18 - 原来我们不是顾念所见的,乃是顾念所不见的。因为所见的是暂时的,所不见的是永远的。


什么是神所爱的?神爱世人,每一个人不论是老或少,高或矮,胖或瘦,不管什么种族,不管什么背景,祂都爱。因为神就是爱,得着神的,就得着爱。我们的神是医治的神,是赐生命的神,因此凡来到神面前的,他都要得着医治和释放,因为经上记着说:凡得着祂的(神的话)就得着生命,又得了医全体的良药。(箴 4:22)我们的神是喜爱欢畅、喜乐的心,因此凡到神面前来的,都能靠主喜乐,(腓 4:4)因为这喜乐是从神而来。我们的神是富足的神,经上说:祂本来富足,却为我们成为贫穷,好叫我们因着祂的贫穷,可以成为富足。(林后 8:9)看见吗?祂爱我们到一个地步是可以把所有的都给了我们,甚至包括了祂的性命。



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

羅馬書4:25 耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯;复活,是为叫我们称义。




What do you Believe in?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Luke 21:33 - Heaven and earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.

How wonderful it is to know that even though heaven and earth pass away, but the Word of God remains forever! By looking at this verse, you can have full assurance that you can totally rely on the promises and the Word of God. When God says yes, it means yes; when He says you have it, it means that you really have it. God is not a man that he should lie, but He is watchful in His Word in bringing them to pass. Therefore today, regardless how great is that problem, remember, problems come to pass, it shall pass away, but the Word of God stands for eternity! Hence, grab hold the Word of God for your situation, believe that by His stripes you have been healed, believe that Jesus has been made poor so that you are now rich in Him, believe that when God is with you, no one can be against you! The moment when you choose to rely on His Words, you will see that it shall manifest in your life. Everything is possible for those who believe, therefore ask yourself today, what do you believe in? The Word or the circumstance? One is for eternal, but one shall pass away.

Good Health Is Your Inheritance

Monday, November 10, 2014

Jeremiah 33:6 - Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

You are the joint heir with Jesus Christ, and a joint heir means you are partnering with Jesus. Your concern has become His concern, and likewise His health is your health, His inheritance is your inheritance, His abundance is your abundance. Remember that being as a joint heir, you have right and authority, but being as the partner, you have your part to play, which is to believe in His finished work. Believe that all that He has has now become yours, believe that by His stripes you have been healed, believe that the Lord is your shepherd and you shall never be in want. Therefore, as you know health and healing is your right, hold on to it and never let the devil deceives you from not believing in it. Instead of thinking that you are not healed, start to trust in Jesus that He has made healing and health a done deal in your life! His heart is to see you healthy and strong, enjoying life and long life! Hence, believe that you are already healed, and enjoy the abundance of peace and security in Christ! Good health is for sure, believe it, receive it and give thanks! The Word of God said it, believe it, and it settles it! :)


Monday, November 10, 2014

约 6:63 - 叫人活着的乃是灵,肉体是无益的。我对你们所说的话就是灵,就是生命。


朋友们,神的话是神的气息,是神的灵,祂口所出的话绝不徒然返回的,却要成就祂所喜悦的。你知道吗?祂所应许你的是不落空的,祂说有,就有;命立,就立。(诗 33:9)今天,若要看到我们的生命享美福,我们的口就要开始说神的话,因为出于神的话没有一句是不带能力的。(路 1:37)当我们开始说神的话,当我们的思想与神的话相称的时候,就必看见我们的生命改变了。因为神的话是活的,是有功效的,是医全体的良药,是那唯一永远不变的承诺。当我们相信,我们说,我们就必领受。



Monday, November 10, 2014

箴言24:10 你在患難之日若膽怯,你的力量就微小。

有一个人,他在冷藏部门工作,一天意外被鎖在冷藏库里,一時求救無門。當他意識到被困在里面时,他開始尖叫,開始敲擊門,直到他的拳頭流血,筋疲力倦为止。他心裡很明白如果一直被困住,体温会越來越低, 最后死去,他心里非常害怕,一直在哭泣, 就這樣一直哭喊到幾乎失聲,漸漸就失去了知覺。



“耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救, 我還怕誰呢? 耶和華是我性命的保障( 或譯:力量), 我還懼誰呢? ” (詩篇27:1)

Jesus Conscious

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Psalm 16:11 - You make known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

What are the things that you are in constant focus on today? You may be consistently conscious on the pain that you have right now, or you may be consistently conscious on the lack that you are having, but regardless what are the problems ahead, remember that when there is no way, Jesus is the only way. He is the the way of life, and only in him we found life. The Father has made known to us the path of life, He has given us Jesus, therefore we are to make decision that as we choose to follow this pathway of life, in Him we found life. Not just life in a sense of breathing, but God's kind of life. Therefore, start to be conscious of His presence today, knowing that no matter where you are, He never leaves you nor forsakes you, He is with you. When you choose to focus and conscious of His presence more than anything else, you will find joy and eternal in His presence! For in His presence, you are secure and provided, for in His presence, you have life, and life more abundantly!

At The Ground of Victory

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Ephesians 2:6 - And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Do you know that the moment when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you are no longer at a position of defeat? Maybe your feeling is telling you and giving you a thousand reasons on why you are still a defeated person, but regardless what your feeling tells, remember that you are living by faith, not by your feelings! Therefore, as God raised Jesus up, so did He raised us up with Jesus! He has put us on a position of victory, He has seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ! He has transferred us from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of the Son He loves, we are already transferred! We are transferred from the ground of defeat to the ground of victory, we are transferred from the ground of curses to the ground of blessings, we are transferred from the ground of sickness to the ground of health! How wonderful it is! And, it is solely because what Christ has done, therefore, enjoy your victory today by simply believing that all the enemies have been made your footstool!


Saturday, November 8, 2014

约 3:30 他必兴旺,我必衰微。

亲爱的朋友,你知道在这经节中的兴旺是什么意思吗?他的意思是“放大” 或是 “显明”。


God Must Increase

Friday, November 7, 2014

John 3:30 But He must increase and I must decrease.

Dear friend, do you know what is the meaning of "increase" in this verse? It simply means "to put bigger" or "magnify".
So how are you going to let God increase in your life? God increases in your life when you put Him as your priority in everything you do.
Do not magnify the problems you are encountering, but magnify the God you trust.
Stop focusing on your health problem but start to focus on the God who healed you.
Do not put the challenges you are facing right now bigger than the God you rely on.
Instead of looking at the impossibles, turn your trust to the possibles God can do.

Friend, stop magnifying your situation and start to magnify Jesus by trusting in His unfailing love and faithful promises!


Friday, November 7, 2014

太 7:11 - 你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况你们在天上的父,岂不更把好东西给求他的人吗?





Friday, November 7, 2014

路加福音8:24 – 门徒来叫醒了祂,说:夫子,夫子,我们丧命啦。耶稣醒了,斥责那狂风大浪。风浪就止住,平静了。


有一天,耶稣和門徒上了船,对門徒说:「我们可以渡到湖那边去。」他们就開了船。正行的时候,耶稣睡着了。湖上忽然起了暴風,船將滿了 水,甚是危險。門徒來叫醒了祂,说:「夫子!夫子!我們丧命啦!」耶穌醒了,斥責那狂風大浪;風浪就止住,平靜了。耶稣对他们说:「你们的信心在哪里 呢?」他们又惧怕又希奇,彼此說:「這到底是誰?祂吩咐風和水,連風和水也听從祂了。」当耶穌起來斥責狂风大浪,風浪就止住,平靜了。(参阅路加福音8:22-24)



The Word

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Proverbs 3:1-2 - My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.

Being as a child of God, we can not by pass the Word of God. As a child of our Father, we are to be attentive to what He says, for we have confidence in the Lord that our Father in heaven cares and loves us, and whatever that He says will be for our benefits! The Word of God is the life and breath of God, and as a child of God, again, it is the source of our lives. Our living, our conduct, our speech, our reaction has to be in line with the Word of God. Therefore, the Word of God urges us to not forget about His teaching, but keeping His words within our hearts. Not forgetting means you are to remember it at all times, and when you keep something, it has to be at that same place. That's why you call you keep it! Now, God wants us to keep His Word in our hearts, as our hearts are the good soil that only the seed can germinate and grow. His Word is the seed, it is the seed of life. But if you plant it in your head, or if you choose to ignore it, the seed can never grow and you will never see effect in your life! Likewise, we are to plant the Word in us, believing that all the Words that He said, and you shall encounter how the Word of God prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity! Hallelujah! How great! Not just having your life prolong many years, which means your health is restored and renewed, you enjoy peace in the Word and furthermore, it brings you prosperity! Therefore, start to keep the Word within you, meditate it day and night, until this seed germinates and grow into fruition!

Jesus Has Ended Them All

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nahum 1:9 - Whatever they plot against the Lord he will bring to an end; trouble will not come a second time.

How wonderful it is this verse! The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy; but Jesus came, and He turns everything around so that we can have life, and have it to the full! So, being as a child of God, you have be sure that whatever that the devil plot against you, they are plotting against God. Fighting you is just like fighting with God. Therefore, that sickness or lack may seem to be so great now, and all the facts presented to you shown you how impossible it is, but the truth is, God is by your side! He will bring to an end whatever schemes that the devil has on you, and thus at the cross, He has ended that sins, curses, poverty and sicknesses! Therefore, you can be sure that they will not come to you a second time. The next time when you face challenges in your finance or health, be reminded and tell that challenges that "no no no sickness, Jesus has ended you at the cross, you cannot come to me anymore, so flee in the name of Jesus!", tell that lack that "no no no lack, I don't care but Jesus has ended you at the cross, you cannot come near me again, so get out from my life in the name of Jesus!". The moment when you take up the authority, resist the devil and he will surely flee from you! How great to know that you are fully covered under Jesus' wings, and when the Lord is with you, who can be against you?