Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

哥林多后书2:14 - 感谢神!常率领我们在基督里夸胜,并藉着我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气。


Say Goodbye

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Exodus 14:13- Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

Maybe you've been enslaved by fear for years, or by sicknesses,
Or by what people have said about you. But no matter how great is
the challenges ahead, know that you've Jesus! You have Him who
loves you and willing to sacrifice for you. You have Jesus who keeps
you under his mighty arms! Thus when Jesus conquered it all at the cross,
In Christ, you're no longer a victim, but a victor! You're more than a
conqueror! Therefore, know that Jesus is your Deliverer, and the problems,
the symptoms, the fear, the challenges that you see today you'll never see again!
Stand firm and see how The Lord fights for you! So goodbye to those
Sicknesses, fear, curses, and whatever that are not of God!

Bouncing Back!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Proverbs 24:16- for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

You are righteous by believing in Jesus Christ, and righteousness is a gift from God.
It is not something that you can earn by your good effort, but simply by believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Remember, you may be facing great challenges now, you may be opposed by the enemies, but know that though the
righteous may fall seven times, but they shall rise again! The life that God calls you to have is a life that bounce back higher!
You can bounce back higher simply because your identity is no longer found in your profession, your environment or your background,
but your identity is found in Christ! So, even if the enemies come to you in one direction, opposing you,
but know that they shall flee in seven direction. Why? Simply because you are the beloved child of the God Most High!


Monday, December 29, 2014

罗 10:14-15 - 然而人未曾信他,怎能求他呢?未曾听见他,怎能信他呢?没有传道的,怎能听见呢?若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?如经上所记:“报福音传喜信的人,他们的脚踪何等佳美!”

福音,既是好消息,就是一切关乎我们得胜神的佳音。我们都知道,当我们祷告,无论求什么,只要信,就必得着。(太 21:22)只是,若一个人不认识神,他又如何能求告那以厚恩待我们的神呢?若一个人从来不曾听闻过耶稣,他又怎能信呢?因此,我们身为神的门徒,更当把这好消息传给身边的每一个人,好让他们都能得救。经上记着说:主也是这样命定,叫传福音的靠着福音养生。(林前 9:14)因为神不亏待人,祂要信靠祂的人得着一切的好处。

在传福音的过程中,难免会遇见不同的人,会有很多的问题。但是,向什么样的人传福音,我们就作什么样的人,无论如何总要救些人。凡我们所行的,都是为福音的缘故,为要与人同得这福音的好处。(林前 9:22-23)在遇见问题时,不要气馁,因为我们何时软弱,神的能力就何时覆庇我们,使我们重新得力。当人接受了这福音,当他们口里承认,心里相信,就必得救。其实,每一个人都需要福音。因为在我们的人生过程中,我们需要一个救主来救赎我们脱离罪的权势,背负一切本来我们应该受的刑罚,好让今天的我们以免去一切的过犯,能坦然无惧的来到神的宝座前。



Monday, December 29, 2014




Belong to Him

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Romans 14:8- If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to The Lord.

You're never alone, and God never wants you to feel that you're an orphan.
Instead He accepted you and giving you a whole new identity in Christ, He has
given you the title as sons and daughters of Him. So, when the king of all kings and
The Lord of all lords is your Father, and He loves you until the end, what shall you afraid?
You'll know that thousands may fall at your right hand, but it can never go near you!
Therefore, what a wonderful way to kick start your morning by knowing that we belong to Jesus!
Regardless how big the challenges are & how depressed you are, remember that you're not alone!
You belong to Jesus, and you're His responsibility! He will surely deliver you, help you, and supply you!
So, no problem is problem for Him, don't worry! :)

Rely On His Love

Saturday, December 27, 2014

1 John 4:16 - And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

To know the love is one thing, but to rely and believe that God loves you is another thing. Many people are searching for love and comfort,
and they find insecurity grow stronger each day when men tend to fail them. Do you know that you do not need to search for love all throughout your life
in this world? For you already being loved, and that great love has searched you and found you. Jesus came and show you how much you are loved,
how secure is His embrace that you can always find refuge in Him. If you are looking for love now, right at this moment I want you to know that
you have been found by love. and this love is God. So, instead of knowing that you are loved, rely on the love that He has for you.
Know that no matter where you are, what you do, you are under His refuge and care, you are being loved and blessed,
though people forsaken you, but remember that your Father in Heaven will not. He loves you for eternity. Choose to rely on His love,
and you shall see good things happen to those who believe that they are loved by God!


Saturday, December 27, 2014

诗篇 18:28 你必点着我的灯;耶和华我的神必照明我的黑暗。
歌罗西书 1:13 他救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁到他爱子的国里。
约翰福音 8:12 耶稣又对众人说:“我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走,必要得着生命的光。”



Darkness Into Light

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Psalms 18:28 You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Colossians 1:13 For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.
John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Dear friend, no matter how many times you feel empty and worry, regardless how often you are overwhelming by fear and darkness, always remember that there is a Savior comes into your life at the darkest hour. He is here to rescue you from the dominion of darkness, He is here to redeem you from curses, He is here to set you free from the bondages that hold you back in life.
Jesus, is the one who keeps your light burning and turn your darkness into light!
Jesus, is the one who gives you hope when there seems to be no hope;
Jesus, is the one who heals you when you are sick;
Jesus, is the one who comforts you when you are down;
Jesus, is the one who strengthens you when you are weak;
Jesus, is the one who supplies all your needs when you are in need;
Jesus, is the one who has given his own life just because he loves you and want to give you all the best he could.

So, put your trust in God and let him lead you through in all circumstances.
In him, you have hope, love, peace, joy, abundance and all that you need and want in life.
With Jesus in your life, your future is surely getting brighter and better!
Be blessed!


Friday, December 26, 2014

约翰 10:28 - 我又赐给他们永生,他们永不灭亡,谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去。

耶稣基督为了世人的罪,走上了十字架,为了一些相信他的人换取了永生的生命。这些相信的人就是凡口里承认耶稣为主,心里信神叫他从死里复活的人,就必得救,并且能享有永生的生命。当我们有了耶稣的印记,在这世上的任何东西都不能搅扰我们。( 加6:17)




Friday, December 26, 2014



诗篇100:4 - 当称谢进入祂的门,当赞美进入祂的院;当感谢祂,称颂祂的名。

You'll not Fear

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Psalm 3:6 - I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

You are a victor and not a victim. You are more than a conqueror in Christ,
not a failure. You're called to be the head and not the tail, you're called to rise
up high and not beneath. Why? Because that is the heart of your Father, that is
why Jesus came, so that you can life and life more abundantly! Thus, it is no longer
about your effort or doings, but solely by His grace and love for you!
Therefore, the moment when you rooted in the truth on how victorious you are in Christ,
that Jesus has conquered and exalted far above all powers, principalities and might;
that His name is high above every single names and no power can be greater than Jesus,
though ten of thousands on your every side, you'll not fear! Stand firm and have faith in His Word! :)

Meaning of Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Luke 2:11- Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

The meaning of Christmas is to remember that there was a child born for us,
Jesus came to redeem and to give us life! And because of Him, we can enjoy
Life, a life without sin, a life of joy, a life of peace, a life of abundance.
today know that Jesus your Savior has been born for only one reason: YOU.
You're the reason He born, you're the reason He crucified, and you're the reason He resurrected.
That's how precious and how much He loves you!
In this Christmas, thank God for His wonderful grace, for without Him, we cannot! :)


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

赛 9:6 - 因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在他的肩头上。他名称为“奇妙策士”、“全能的 神”、“永在的父”、“和平的君”!

“叮叮当,叮叮当,铃声多响亮。。。” 每逢在圣诞佳节期间,很多的人都在庆祝这个圣诞节。在这个节日里,会收到了许多的礼物,大家都在寻欢作乐,但有多少的人真的记得这个节日的意义?早在两千多年前,有一个婴孩为我们诞生,祂要成为我们的主,我们的王,我们得救的保障,这个婴孩就是耶稣基督。在耶稣基督诞生的那一刻,四面八方的人都在为这个婴孩而忙碌,有人是在欢庆,送了一堆的礼物给祂;也有人在想尽一切的办法要除掉祂。这完全只因为耶稣基督是神所拣选,要做我们的王,要为了你我的罪作挽回祭。

你可否知道?耶稣基督的诞生带来了一切的丰盛。看看约瑟和马利亚的生活,因为耶稣基督的诞生,他们收到了许许多多上好的礼物,有宝盒,有黄金、乳香、没药等为礼物。(太 2:11)这让我们看到当耶稣基督出现在我们生命中的时候,祂是带来一切好处,是给我们上好的福分的。当我们有了耶稣,我们所需的都不至缺乏,并且是超乎我们所求所想的。曾经,当门徒们在船上的时候,他们经历了大风浪,甚至害怕了起来,去把耶稣叫醒,但是,耶稣只说了一句话,就叫风浪平息了。如同今天在我们的生命里,只要耶稣基督的一句话,就能平息我们的问题,因为在祂里面没有难成的事。今天,我们终身的事都在神的手中,我们还怕什么呢?当我们信靠祂,我们是永远不至羞愧的,因为祂是我们的避难所,是我们的盾牌,更是我们随时的帮助。



Wednesday, December 24, 2014




It is With Much More

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Matthew 7:11 - ... how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

As we step into the end of the year, let us not forgetting how much we are blessed by the Father in this year! He has been faithful to all of us,
He has been taking care of all of us, He has been great and mighty and delivered us, He has been such a wonderful father to us!
Take time to remember and meditate on His love, remember how He leads you when you are in fear, remember how He loves you when you
are in insecurity, remember how He supplied your need even when you're in the midst of lack, He is forever faithful, and forever He shall be.
Remember that if the earthly father is able to provide to his own family and takes care of them, how much more is your Father in Heaven?
With much more He will love you, with much more He will supply you, with much more He will bless you, with much more He will protect you!


Tuesday, December 23, 2014


但上帝要告訴你的是,也是祂對童貞女馬利亞說的話是很類似的。這不是靠着你的才能,不是靠着你的力量;上帝說,乃是靠着至高者的力量臨到,你方 能成事(撒迦利亚书4:6)。你要很肯定,有上帝站在你這一邊,你不可能會輸的,因为圣经说你是得胜有余的!祂能在旷野开道路,在沙漠开江河,祂也能在你的絕境中開一条出路。祂能讓你在對的時間站立在對的位置,以超自然的力量翻轉你的生命。
你相信你的人生可以不一样嗎?你肯讓種子生根發芽嗎?當天使告訴馬利亞,她將以處女之身懷孕時(路加福音1:31),換句話說,上帝是在告訴她,此事將以超自然的能力成就。 所以,即使你没有很好的学历背景,在职场上你依然可以成功;僅管你有種種不堪的過去,你依然可以拥有美好的人生;盡管面对種種的壓 力与舆论,你仍然可以突破重围,冲破困境;靠着那加给你力量的,你凡事都能做!啊们!

What Are You Speaking of today?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Joel 3:10b - Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”

In Matthew 12:34 says for the mouth speaks what the heart
is full of. Your speaking is closely knitted to what is in your heart.
If you're believing that you're sick in your heart, you'll speak of sickness
and you'll speak of fear. If you're believing that in Christ you're already
healed, you'll speak of healing and wholeness. It is very clear that of you're
to identify what you're believing now, look at what you're speaking about daily.
what you believe in influences what you speak, and what you speak determines your living.
In order to have a right living, you need to have a right believing.
Therefore, choose to speak according to the Word of God instead of your feeling,
what you see or what people says! When you are weak, say "I'm strong!",
when you are sick, say "I'm healed!", when you are in lack, say "I'm blessed!".
For the word of the king is with authority, and no one can ask him " what are you doing?"
You're the king, you're the priest, because of Jesus, what you speak carries weight!

Conscious of Christ

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Genesis 28:15- I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

You are not alone in facing all these great challenges before your eyes.
Instead of believing the lies that you're alone and strive by your own,
believe that Jesus is with you and watching over you. He is watching over your
daily life, your finance, your health, your future, your security!
Wherever you go, He never leaves you or forsakes you. When He is with you,
there's nothing too big that He cannot solve, there's no sickness too severe that
He cannot cure, there's no lack too great that He cannot turnaround!
Be conscious of His presence today, be comforted in His presence,
enjoy this shalom peace that He has blessed, for when God is on our side,
what can sickness, lack, fear, challenges do to us?!


Sunday, December 21, 2014

传 8:5 - 凡遵守命令的,必不经历祸患;智慧人的心,能辨明时候和定理。

我们在基督里,我们有平安,因为我们是被保守的,是被看顾的。当我们遵行神的命令,就是神的话的时候,我们是必不经历祸患的,意思就是,我们的生命是被保守的,属这世界的一切的一切苦难是不能临到我们的。今天,神赐给了我们新的命令,乃是叫我们彼此相爱;神怎样爱我们,我们也要怎样相爱。(约 13:34)当我们遵守祂的命令,就常在祂的爱里。(约 15:10)你知道吗?圣经总括只有一件事,就是爱。如今长存的有信、望、爱,其中最大的就是爱。(林前 13:13)因为神祂本身就是爱,也因为祂的大爱,我们如今得以坦然进入神的至圣所,与祂来亲近。


朋友们,当我们寻求神,谨守遵行神的命令,做神所喜悦的事,就是相信祂。当我们这样行的时候,我们是什么好处也不缺的,因为一切的好处都不在神以外。(诗 34:10,16:2)所以,让我们真的听从神的话。当我们甘心听从,就必吃地上的美物。(赛 1:19)阿门!