Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Meditate His Word

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Psalms 1:2 - but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.

How you react in life and how you response towards situation shows what you believe inside.
Likewise, what you're speaking of everyday shows what you believe inside.
Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. You're to constantly listen to His Word
Instead of other people's words; because faith comes only when you hear the Word!
The psalmist said delight in his word, to delight means you're happy and you find pleasures in his Word.
You just love it and it makes you happy! Therefore, love His Word and meditate on it day and night,
Every single moment meditate on what Jesus has said, and your life can turnaround!
My friend, a right believing produces a right living, what you meditate on today can greatly affect your life, therefore choose not to meditate your problems but the Word of God. Day and night remembering what He says, as you delight in His Word, you're blessed! :)

Forget Not

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Psalm 103:2- Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits

Today forget not what Christ has done for you at the cross,
Forget not His faithfulness,
Forget not how He loves you with an everlasting love,
Forget not how He let down His life at the cross because of you,
Forget not that He never leaves you nor forsakes you,
Forget not His grace is sufficient for you,
Forget not His supply is always there for you,
Forget not that He is a good shepherd and He takes care of you,
Forget not how He removed your sin with His blood,
Forget not how He redeemed and keeps you safe from all harms!
There are a lot of things that you are to forget not, for the benefits that Christ has blessed us with are so tremendous that we simply cannot count!
Therefore, instead of choosing to stay in fear, worry and complains, know that your soul can listen to you. Let your soul praise Jesus, and remember all that he has done for you. Forget not Jesus, praise The Lord for he has been good to you! :)


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

弗 5:7 - 所以你们不要与他们同夥。

我们知道,这世界是卧在恶者的手下,(约一 5:19)因此在这世界上有许许多多的问题存在。虽然我们是活在这世上,但是我们却是分别为圣,是与这世界不一样的。从前,当我们还不认识耶稣基督以前,我们是暗昧的,是活在黑暗中的。但如今我们在主里面是光明的,我们的行事为人就当像光明之子。(弗 5:8)纵然很多时候我们觉得有些事情是理所当然的,但是若不是出于真理,我们就不妥协。就好比很多时候我们觉得活在这世上,难免会有世界的思想。俗语说,借酒消愁,一醉解千愁等等,因此每当在生活上遇到问题时,第一时间就想到去喝酒,好个借酒消愁。但是,真理却不是这样告诉我们,经上说:不要醉酒,因为酒能使人放荡。(弗 5:18)其实,就算醉了又如何?问题依然存在,没有解决。酒醒了以后还是倒回原点。身为光明之子的我们,要懂得把我们的重担卸给神,因为祂顾念我们,神说:“我使你的肩得脱重担,你的手放下筐子。” (诗 81:6)




Wednesday, December 10, 2014

诗篇81:6 - 神说:我使你的肩得脱重担,你的手放下筐子。
诗篇55:22 - 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,祂必抚养你;祂永不叫义人动摇。


我们的生命有時就像那些货船,承载了過多的惧怕、掙扎,忧虑,甚至觉得自己即將葬身海底。然而,若我们知道自己的身份是谁,拥有什么,可以做什么,我们就不会害怕了。纵然我们跌倒,依然可以站立起来,人生依然可以有美好的盼望。耶稣时刻都在,祂要来帮助我们,给们力量与勇气。所以彼得前书5:6-7:说“你们要自卑,服在上帝大能的手下,到了时候,祂必叫你们升高。你们要將一切的忧虑卸給 神,因為祂顾念你们”。哈里路亚!



Never Drives You Away

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

John 6:37- All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

How wonderful to know that those who come to Jesus, he will never ever drive them away!
There might be times when you're seeking help from people, or just a comfort, but whenever they can't even help themselves, they will drive you away and leaving you with no solution. Back to square one, you're looking for help, you're looking for comfort and strength, but you found none.
Why not come to Jesus? When you come to Him, He never drives you away. He accepts you for who you are, regardless how worst was your past, no matter how bad was your temper, He loves you and when you were a sinner He chose to die for you. That's how much he loves you!
Proven by what he did at the cross, but just by words.
Therefore, be reminded today that Jesus loves you, and He will never ever drive you away. At every single moment, He never leaves you or forsakes you; He is the best companion, your refuge and strength, and your everlasting help! Come to Him and you'll find all that you need, enjoy His embrace and love today!

Remain in Christ

Monday, December 8, 2014

John 15:7 - If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Do you know that the moment when you are departing from your source of life, you cannot do anything?
Jesus is the source of our lives, like a branch connecting to a vine in order to get its supply and nutrients,
Likewise, we are to connect to our vine, Jesus, in order to get our daily supply and nutrients!
Jesus provided us a solution and method of connecting with Him, which is through His Word,
He says when you remain in me, my words remain in you. Connecting to Him simply means connecting to His Word,
For he and the Word are one, and how much time you spend on the Word equals to how much time you spend with Him.
The moment when you are connected with Him, you're allowing Him to download goodness and blessings into your life!
Choose to remain in Him by having His Word, ask whatever that you need, and it shall be done for you! ;)


Monday, December 8, 2014

加 1:24 - 他们就为我的缘故,归荣耀给神。

基督徒,其实是神的活招牌,是耶稣基督的广告。你知道吗?世人如何看待基督,就是藉着你的生命。我们基督徒的生命,我们的一举一动,世人都在观察;我们的每一句话,人都在听,都在一旁论断。因此,我们的生命,我们的一举一动,我们的每一句话,都要与福音相称,就是要与神的话相称,(腓 1:27)好叫我们在这弯曲悖谬的世代,作神无瑕疵的儿女,好像明光照耀。(腓 2:5)

我们被召,就要与蒙召的恩相称。(弗 4:1) 我们的生命要如何与神的恩相称?就是要与神的话是一致的,是合一的。也就是说,若神的话说我们是丰盛的,那么我们的生命就要活出丰盛;若神的话说我们是可以靠主喜乐的,那么我们的生命就要是喜乐的;若神的话说我们是得着医治的,那么无论有什么疾病,我们都相信我们是健康的;若神的话说我们是被爱的,那么我们的生命就要充满爱;若神的话说我们是自由的,那么我们的生命就不要再被捆绑,是能够得着释放的;若神的话说我们是义人,那么我们就不要觉得自己还有罪,不配得着神的应许。而这一切,都不是能够靠我们自己做成的,这一切乃是神的恩典,是神白白地赐给我们的。



Monday, December 8, 2014



Boast only Jesus

Sunday, December 7, 2014

1 Corinthians 3:21- So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours,

Instead of relying on man, God wants us to rely on Him. For He is such a wonderful father that sustains all your cares and daily bears your burden! He wants you to know that as you rely on Him, there's nothing that you can worry about. Man may fail you or disappoint you, but God is faithful, He keeps His words and He makes sure it is done in your life. Therefore know that all things that we received and enjoy today, be it that talents, the ability, that wisdom, the opportunity, are all blessings from God. Instead of looking on man and be a man pleaser, let us be a God pleaser and be His follower! Look upon Jesus and follow Him, for He is such a great Shepherd that will lead you towards green pasture, and this all things have been given to you! You lack no good thing in Christ!

God of More Than Enough

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Psalms 4:6-8 (MSG) - Why is everyone hungry for more? "more, more" they say. "more, more." I have God's more than enough, more joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees. At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep, for you, God, have put my life back together.

The moment when you are hungry for more, remember that you have God's more than enough. You are not just having more, you are not just having enough, but the moment when you have Jesus, you are having more than enough! How wonderful! No matter what is going wrong right now, regardless how great is the lack, remember that God shall supply all your need according to his richest in glory. Put up your request to Him, He is your supply and your source! Even when you are in the midst of tears, you have more joy in one ordinary day than you can get in all your shopping sprees! How great is that joy that you can have when you have Christ! Jesus is the one who governs our lives, He is our direction, He is our vision and focus, therefore, remember, even if you are in an ordinary day, the joy of the Lord is abounding and overflowing! Sleep in soundness, for that's what He wants you to have, and He puts your life back together! All the missing pieces that you have encountered, God is now placing them back together! How blessed we are as children of God!


Saturday, December 6, 2014

马太福音 3:17 从天上有声音说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。”
雅歌 4:7我的佳偶,你全然美丽,毫无瑕疵!
雅歌 7:10我属我的良人,他也恋慕我。




You Are My Beloved

Friday, December 5, 2014

Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said," This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased."
Song of Songs 4:7 All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
Song of Songs 7:10 I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me.

Dear friend, do you know that there is someone who loves you so much that willing to sacrifice his own life for your sake?
Because of you, he died young;
Because of you, he been pierced;
Because of you, he been buried;
Because of you, he been crucified;
Because of you, he became poor;
Because of you, he bore all your sins;
Because of you, he been rejected;
Because of you, he been cursed...
This man, is JESUS!
He loves you that He willing to die young and satisfies you with long life;
He loves you that He been pierced and make you whole and well;
He loves you that He been buried and make you become the righteous one;
He loves you that He been crucified so that you can live a life of resurrection;
He loves you that He became poor so that you can become rich;
He loves you and bore all your sins to take away all your sins;
He loves you and been rejected so that you can now be accepted;
He loves you and been cursed so that you are blessed!

No matter what is your past, regardless what mistakes you have done. the love of Jesus will never change.
While we are still sinner, He chose to die for us to redeem us. It is not because we deserve it, but solely because we are His BELOVED.
Is Him who first loves us, He never leaves us nor forsakes us.
So, rejoice and be glad in His unfailing love. Response to His unconditional love and praise Him at all times!

JESUS is forever your lover and you are forever His beloved!


Friday, December 5, 2014

诗 93:1 - 耶和华作王,祂以威严为衣穿上。耶和华以能力为衣,以能力束腰,世界就坚定,不得动摇。

在属世上,很多的国家都被天灾给震动,也有被经融风暴给震动,也有的是被战争给震动,许多的国家都因为这样而被拆毁了。同样的今天,我们属灵的也有一个国,而这国不在这里,不在那里,乃是在我们的心里。(路 17:21)这个国是不被动摇,是稳固的,而这国的元首就是耶稣基督。当有基督成为我们的保障,我们还怕谁呢?纵然我们会面对在这世上的种种问题,但是若神是帮助我们,我们还怕什么呢?

朋友们,我们的生命要在真道上站稳,好叫我们的国是稳固的,不论什么情况来到我们的生命中,我们都不动摇。要如何站立得稳?首先,我们要让我们的灵人长大,我们必须天天喂灵里的粮食,就是天天默想神的话,把它刻在我们的心版上,昼夜思想。并且我们要行道,不要单单的听道,因为我们的行为必须是与神的话是一致的,要与神的话是相称的。我们要顺服我们的元首,就是耶稣基督,而祂要我们开始操练我们的灵人,好让我们在磨难的日子,还能站立得住。每一天,我们开始默想神的话,开口宣告神的话,就是在操练我们的灵人,就是在喂食了。一旦我们的灵人长大,心志渐渐更新,长大成人的时候,就能抵挡一切恶者的火箭。不但如此,我们的生命还能结出许多的果子,好叫人可以因着我们的缘故,而把荣耀归给神。(加 1:24)

今天,神的能力已给了我们,现在是我们要拿起权柄的时刻。你知道吗?当我们的心志是大人,无论在什么样环境中,我们都不会被打败,也不容易被诱惑,而我们更是可以过着得胜的生命。我们如今已有了耶稣的印记,断没有什么能加害在我们身上。(加 6:17)因此,让我们不断的成长,让我们享受神所为我们成就的一切。阿门!


Friday, December 5, 2014




耶穌說:“我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子;離了我,你們就不能做什麼”。 無論你的能力有多強,永遠不及於神,若離了祂,所有的功成名就都是枉然,因為祂是我們生命的源头!我们每天都會为手機充電。這就好比神在我們心裡的運行與大能,祂是我們一切能量的來源,是我们的生命气息,我们一生的事都在祂手中,我们的生命是与祂息息相关的。所以我们每一天都需要祂的话。阿门!

Over The Storm

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Psalms 29:10- The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever.

It might be terrifying when you're looking at the storms around you, as you're focusing on the greatness of the storms, you'll start to lose your peace. You're troubled, worried, afraid and even depressed. But do you know that as a child of God, God called us to a life that is above the storms? That you can actually rise up high above, walking on water just like peter and one word from you can also calm the storms? You have the same nature as Jesus! However, be like Peter, you need to eye on Jesus. Your focus and who you need to be magnified is not the storms around you, but Jesus who is in front of you. As you look upon Him, you find assurance, security, boldness in Him! As you eye on Him, it enables you to walk above the storms and not beneath! Therefore, regardless how great is the flood of the problem in your life, remember that you'll not drown because Jesus is enthroned over that flood! One word from Jesus is able to calm the storms and still the wind; therefore, hold on to His word, meditate on it and know that you'll not be defeated but you shall rise up higher! You're above and not beneath!

Enjoy In His Prepared Feast

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Song of Solomon 2:4 - Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.

Do you know that when Jesus accomplish everything at the cross, whatever that you need throughout your Christian life has been provided? Which means, your healing is a done deal, your abundance is a done deal, your long life is a done deal, for what Christ has done, no one can reverse! Most importantly is, he loves you. There is nothing that you can do to make him love you less, and there is nothing that you can do to make him love you more. His love for you is constant, is sure, and is unconditional. Therefore you can never earn his love by your effort, instead you can only enjoy his love because of his grace. Let Jesus leads you today, He will surely lead you to the banquet hall, where you find all sorts of supply, all that you need are prepared. He has prepared the feast, and He only wants you to accept His invitation and come and eat! One thing that you can be sure of is, He has set his banner over you, and that banner is love! Banner is used for displaying a message, likewise, God displayed to you His love, when people sees you, they see love! Enjoy the dining with Jesus today, enjoy this relationship, and you will find that as you focus on His glory, everything fades into comparison!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

希 2:18 - 他自己既然被试探而受苦,就能搭救被试探的人。

很常听见人在说:“哎呀,你不是我,你不会明白我的感受”;“你不是我,你不会知道我有多痛”;“你不是我,你不会明白这种被背叛的滋味”;“你不是我,你不会懂我现在的生活到底是怎么过” 等等的话。是的,或许我们不曾经历过所有别人曾经历的事,也许不能深刻的体会到某些情况,但是有一个人能,因为祂经历了所有一切世上的事,并且也胜过每一个艰难的情况,祂就是耶稣基督!




Wednesday, December 3, 2014


而約书亞和迦勒却有不一样的看見,他们说:“摩西,雖然那地看似艱難,敌人也很强大,但我們知道我們的神比一切都偉大,我們是可以得到那塊應許之地的! 請注意,他们的“我们”是与前者的“我们”相反,他们有着堅強及信心的態度,因此他们可以成为一个征服者。他们不靠自己的能力。

从这里就看到,負面的事情总是传得比正面的还要來得快,它们总是无孔不入,当我们开始嘀咕和抱怨,消极负面的事情就开始笼罩我们了。彼得前书5:8也告诉我们 务要谨守、警醒;因为我们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。如果没有神的话作为防御,我们很快就被吞噬了。

這10個探子接着说:“摩西,你为什么要带我们來这里?我們会死在旷野的。。。”,你看,当他们说【会死在曠野】时,他们就真的在旷野兜兜转转了四十年,才进入应许之地。 所以我们的口不要消极不造就的话,永远不要说:“我不行的,我做不到,我注定命苦 ,我完蛋了。。。”。因為上帝可以翻转这一切,在人所不能的,在祂凡事都能。阿门!你会面临一些重大的挑战,但你要有信心,去成为一個征服者。当你有正确的态度,就像约书亞和迦勒一样,你就会有你說的話,享受一切丰盛!

In The Name of Jesus

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Acts 2:21 - And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

The name of Jesus is not just a cliche, it is not just a name without power, but instead his name is high above every other names. No other name in this world can be greater than the name of Jesus.
Therefore, what are the names of the challenges that you face now? Be it cancer, lack, incurable diseases, the moment when you call out the name of Jesus in faith, you shall be saved! Calls mean to call upon one's self as a helper, as a witness, as a judge; the moment when you call on the name of Jesus, you are calling Him as your helper, you are calling him as a judge towards your case. How wonderful when you present your sin in front of Him, He said "the sin has been judged on the body of Jesus, you are now free!"; how great when you present your sickness to Him, He closed your case by saying "the sickness has already been dealt with at the cross, you are now free without sickness, strong and healthy!" When you call on the name of Jesus, you shall be saved! You are safe and sound, you are rescued from danger and destruction, you are saved from the suffering of disease, and God has made you well, healed and restored to health! That is the salvation, that is the power of the name of Jesus! Therefore, open your mouth, raise your voice now and say "In the name of Jesus, I am well, I am an overcomer, I am healthy and strong, I am free from cancer, I am prosperous, I am full of favor, I have the wisdom of God, I am the head and not the tail!"

Your Decision

Monday, December 1, 2014

Acts 16:25- About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God...

Have you ever been in the time of the pit? Probably you are at the darkest hour of your life now, you do not know what you should do and you have come to a point that no matter what you try, instead of getting better, it just grew worse. Do you know that God is with you and he wants to deliver you? When Paul and Silas was being caught and put into prison, they did not complain but instead at their darkest hour, when they were in pain and wound, they choose to sing hymns and praises to God. The bible recorded that even the prisoners in the dungeon can hear them! Therefore, they must be praying and singing in a loud voice! How possible to react like that when you're already locked in a prison, and with pain? Naturally it is not how we will response, but Paul and Silas did not look at the natural, but the supernatural.
Likewise, the devil will try all sorts of way to put pressure on you, but do know that rejoicing is a choice that you can make! Just like Paul and Silas, they can choose to cry over and complain, but they did not. As you rejoice in The Lord and sing to Him because he is good, it dissipates your fear and pressure; yet it gives strength when you're in your darkest hour! As you rejoice in The Lord, you shall see the chains of fear, bondage, sickness shall be broken, not only that, when Paul and Silas did that, even the foundation was shaken! Therefore you too can shake the world, your response and your decision determine what you believe, Paul and Silas believe in God, how about you? :)