Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

腓 4:7 - 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念。





Wednesday, January 21, 2015




Faith vs Fear

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Isaiah 41:10- So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Dear friends, the opposite of faith is fear, as you start to stay in the zone of fear, you're staying in defeat
and you'll be easily devoured by the enemies. Do know that faith and fear can never stay together, when
faith is believing and trusting in God, fear is believing and trusting in the circumstances. If you're in fear,
it falters your strength. How does one fearful? When one is fearful of his health, he is seeing sickness greater
as compared to the Word. When one is fearful of his financial issues, he is trusting in the greatness of lack,
instead of trusting the supply of God!
On the other hand, Faith in God's words keep us in the zone of victory. Looking upon His Word instead of the
surroundings, it keeps you always and always be reminded of your victory in Christ. Knowing that there's nothing
by your obedience anymore, but solely by the obedience of Jesus Christ and thus, His completed finished work!
Therefore remember, He will help you, He is faithful in keeping His Word, when He helps, nothing is impossible! :)

I Will Help You

Monday, January 19, 2015

Isaiah 41:13- For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Today know that the king of all kings, and The Lord of all lords is your God!
Not only your God, but He is your Father. No matter what is going on around you,
be it sickness, attacks, fears, lack, broken relationship, know that you're never alone
but you have Him with you! It is so important in trusting Jesus and believe that He is always
with you. Good things happen to those who believes in Him and trust on His
unfailing love! So, don't be afraid and don't be in tears anymore today, remember that
your Father in Heaven is always holding your hand. He is holding your hand, bringing you to
the best place and eating the best fruits! You are not left as an orphan, but He came to you as
a loving Father! He is now telling you, I will help you; and be sure that when He says He will, He will surely do it!


Monday, January 19, 2015

箴 23:26 - 我儿,要将你的心归我,你的眼目也要喜悦我的道路。

在我们的生活中,或许眼见有许多的道路可行,我们有很多的选择。但是,我们却往往做了错误的选择,导致我们走了许多的冤枉路。因为人很多时候觉得靠自己最实际,只有靠自己才是最可靠。因此,这自大的思想却让人陷入一个错误的决定,走错误的道路。经上说,我们要把所做的事交托耶和华,我们所谋的就必成立。(箴 16:3)意思就是无论我们做什么,总要把一切的事都交托给祂,当我们把眼目定睛在耶稣基督的身上,让祂走在前头,我们的道路肯定亨通,凡事顺利。在诗篇16:8-9说到,我将耶和华常摆在我面前,因祂在我右边,我便不至摇动。因此,我的心欢喜,我的灵快乐,我的肉身也要安然居住。当我们把神摆在我们面前,我们的生命肯定不致动摇,因为是神在看顾保守。

朋友们,要清楚知道,我们的好处不在神以外。(诗 16:2)离了祂,我们不能做什么。今天我们所拥有的,并不是我们自己所赚取的,而是神所赐的。若是神所赐的,那我们有什么可夸呢?要我们把所得的一切,归荣耀给神,因为若不是出于神,我们什么也不是。今天在主里面,我们是完全人,我们拥有神所赐的一切福分。我们有神的性情,我们有神的丰盛,我们有神恩膏,我们有神的一切!

你知道吗?当我们将心归于神,我们就是把自己交托给神。神说:当我们把重担交托给祂,祂必抚养我们,祂永不叫义人动摇。(诗 55:22)意思就是,当我们信靠祂,我们不必害怕这世上的任何东西能伤害我们,打倒我们。有神与我们同在,我们还怕谁呢?有祂作我们的保障,我们还惧谁呢?所以,单单仰望那用笑脸帮助我们的神,你必看见神的荣耀在你生命中!阿门!


Monday, January 19, 2015





Follow The Good Shepherd

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Psalm 23:1- The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

What a good shepherd does is to take care of his sheep. He will not
let anyone of his sheep goes astray or being caught by the wolves! Likewise,
Jesus is your good shepherd and He takes care of You. You are His responsibility
and do you believe that He will do whatever He promised?
He keeps His word and He is faithful, when He has promised that you're His
responsibility, He will do it! Today know that He will guide your steps and bring you
to the right place, at the right time and encounter the right blessings! All you need is to
follow Him, rest in His love and you shall lack nothing! You will not lack of blessings,
favor, opportunities, and health!

In His Grace

Saturday, January 17, 2015

1 peter 2:10- Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Always remember that what we have today is solely because of the finished
works of God, it is never by our obedience and achievement but only by what
Christ has done for us at the cross. How wonderful it is to know that though once
we were separated from God and we were not his people, we were there helpless
and living in a slavery life. But because of Jesus, He despised all the shame that he
faced, knowing that the greater joy is ahead, He chose to die for all of us, not only that
He brought us out and gave us the identity as a child of God! It is because of Jesus,
that now you've been transferred to the kingdom of God. You are now the child of God with
authority, and not only that you're now in His grace! We did not enjoy grace before but now
because of Jesus, we enjoy such amazing grace of Him!
In His grace and mercy, we found hope and life! Always remember, in His grace,
you have supply and you shall not be in want! :)


Saturday, January 17, 2015

诗篇 22:26 谦卑的人必吃得饱足,寻求耶和华的人必赞美他。愿你们的心永远活着!

亲爱的朋友,你知道你一生的果效是由心发出吗? 你在心里领受相信什么,在你生命中就彰显什么。
那么,你今天相信领受什么? 今天在你心里面储存着什么?


May Your Hearts Live Forever

Friday, January 16, 2015

Psalms 22:26 The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise him-may your hearts live forever!

Dear friend, do you know that your heart is the wellspring of life? Whatever you perceive in you heart will manifest in your life.
So, what do you perceive today? What is in your heart today?
Is your heart overwhelming by problems that surrounding you?
Is your heart pressing down by the pressure and stress in life?
Friend, if that is you today that your heart is feel like dying and feel like giving up, now is the time for you to repent by changing your mind and let your heart be guided by the peace of God.
Instead of letting your emotions and feelings to lead you, why not letting the words of God and the peace of God to rule in your heart?

Friend,let's be the one who trust in the Lord always. No matter how hard the situation might be, regardless how tough it might seem to be, do not lose hope and keep on trusting the Lord our God who never fails us. Nothing is too hard for Him. He can raises the death into life. He can makes the impossible become possible. He can turns the bad into good.
So, instead of murmuring and staying in the negativity, why not we seek the Lord and praise Him?
Remember this friend, be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Today, we can choose to let our heart live or die by choosing what do you perceive in life.
May your hearts live forever knowing that in Christ, you found the peace, joy, love, provision and all that you want as well as all that you need!
Live your life with confidence and living hope for you are the light and salt in this world to testify how great is your God.
In Him, you are highly favored, deeply loved and greatly blessed!


Friday, January 16, 2015

诗篇 145:8 - 耶和华有恩惠,有怜悯,不轻易发怒,大有慈爱。


或许你会问:难道我们醒了这样的事,神都不对我们生气吗?朋友们,我们的神是晓得万事的,没有什么事情是祂不知道的。我们从前的事,现在的事,未来的事祂都知道。若祂会因为我们的行为而对我们生气,收回一切祂所给我们的话,那么祂根本不用舍下祂的爱子耶稣基督给我们,不需要为了这个救赎而大费周章。祂之所以愿意把耶稣基督给了我们,就是因为祂爱我们,因为祂是一个充满慈爱,充满怜悯,充满恩典的神。神不再看向我们的软弱,更不会因此而丢弃我们。祂说,从此以后,祂不再纪念我们的罪愆和过犯。(希 10:17)今天,祂是通过耶稣基督来看我们,不再通过我们的行为来断定我们配不配得到神的宽恕,而是藉着耶稣基督的宝血。



Friday, January 16, 2015

诗篇13:5 但我倚靠祢的慈爱;我的心因祢的救恩快乐。


• 我们不要埋怨,因为它不能带来如何好处;也不要争闹,因为它只带来拆毁破坏;
• 我们不要怀怒,因为唯有宽容才能扩张心怀;也不再疑惑,因为它只会使我们钻牛角尖;
• 我们不要让苦毒在心中滋长,因为它会毁了我们一生。

• 我们需要基督的爱,因为恨能挑启争端,唯有爱能遮掩一切过错。
• 我们需要基督的爱,来彼此包容,互相接纳。
• 我们需要基督的爱,来抚平受伤的心灵,修复破碎的关系。

• 藉着祂的话语,我们得以更刚强壮胆,因为耶稣就是我们的力量与动力。
• 藉着祂的话语,我们得以存活,因为祂的话就是生命。
• 藉着祂的话语,我们虽然跌倒,仍必兴起,因为义人的道路是越来越明亮的。
• 藉着祂的话语,我们可以冲入敌军,跳过墙垣,掳掠仇敌,靠着耶和华得胜!


Live In Him

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Colossians 2:6- So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,

As a branch cannot love without it's vine, so are we.
We cannot live our lives outside Christ, because we as a branch,
we need to keep ourselves connected to the vine. Jesus is the vine
and we are the branches, for apart from Him, we cannot bear fruits!
Therefore without Him, we cannot! So the moment when you receive him,
You have to know that your life is in Him, He is the source of your life.
Just as a phone cannot function without it's battery, we too cannot
function well without our source of life!
Remember that you belong to Christ, and He is your Creator! Whatever that seems to
be unwell, you need to go back to your manufacturer- God, to get it fix! Therefore, continue
to live in Him; through His Word and through the consciousness of His presence!

He Gives You Good Things

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Psalms 85:12- The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.

There are still many children of God thinking that God is there to curse
and not willing to bless them, and everything is dependent on their good works.
But be awaken today that because of Jesus once sacrifice, everything has been done!
It is because of Jesus that we are blessed and loved, it is because of Jesus that we
can be called as righteous, it is because of Jesus that we have new life!
Hence, do you know that it's your Father in heaven's pleasure to give you what is good?
He loves you and His heart is to give you all His best; sickness and curses are not of God,
because they are not good things! But surely you're prosperous, blessed, healthy and strong
because these are good things! Witness with your own eyes today that your land will yield it's
harvest when you truly believe that The Lord loves you!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

加 2:20 - 我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子而活,祂是爱我,为我舍己。

一个人的生命要完全的蜕变,就肯定要把过去的事统统抛弃,置之死地而后生,才能真正的再次活过来,完全是新造的。如同一只毛毛虫,要成为美丽的蝴蝶前,它必须经历了几个阶段,才能真正的成为一只美丽的蝴蝶。今天的我们,或许在过去的生命不是很理想,也或许做了许多错事,但是,当我们从口里承认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死里复活的那一刻开始,我们的生命就成为新造的人了。我们的旧人已与耶稣基督同钉在十字架上,如今活着的不再是我们,而是基督在我们里面活着。试想想看,如今我们的生命不再是我们,而是耶稣基督在我们里面活着,这是何等浩大的恩典。当基督在我们里面,还有什么事能拦阻我们呢?还有什么事能危害我们呢?因为我们的主比万神都大,在祂里面没有难成的事,天上的,地上的,甚至地底下的都要向祂屈膝跪拜。(腓 2:10)


朋友们,人的一生中总有许多的经历,我们会经过不同的阶层,会遇见不同的人,不同的挑战,每一个环境都不一样,都会改变的。但是,我们却有一个神是永远不变的,祂昨日、今日、一直到永远都是不改变,(希 13:8)并且祂的应许是永不落空的。在不同的阶层中,祂的恩典一直都够我们用。而在每一个经历中,我们的生命就更上一层楼,是越来越好,越来越丰盛。阿门!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

哥林多后书5:21 - 神使那无罪的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在祂里面成为神的义。


Always With You

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hebrews 13:6- So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

Our confident should not be on ourselves or the surroundings factors,
because all things may change and pass away but only God will never ever
change, and only His Word will not pass away! Therefore, you can put your trust
and confident in Jesus, knowing that He keeps His Words, knowing that yesterday
today and forever He is the same! The same God who loves you affectionately,
the same God who provides and supplies you, the same God who is willing to lay
down His life just for you!
Therefore, what can sickness, poverty, stress, burden do to you when God is your Helper?
So you have all the reasons not to be afraid, for your Father in heaven is your best protection
and refuge! He is with you and He has promised you that He will never never never leave you
alone without support! He will never ever never ever never ever fail you!
Be conscious of His presence today and you'll realize that there's nothing to be fearful of
when God Almighty, your loving Father is always with you!

You are Secure

Monday, January 12, 2015

Psalms 91:3- Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

You can't be more secure than you are now, because Jesus is with you!
He is your refuge and hiding place! Many people are searching for security
in life, they are living in fear, fear of losing security, fear of being attack by
pestilences, but do know that no matter what is before you, nothing can
harm and attack the child of God! See your situation by using the Words of
God instead of the worldly point of view, look at things with the lens of God!
Hence, today know that the name of Jesus is higher and above than all names,
therefore no sicknesses, no fear, no problems can be greater than His name!
He will surely save you from all snares and deadly pestilence, be assured today
that you and your family are all well protected! :))


Monday, January 12, 2015

诗 92:14 - 他们年老的时候仍要结果子,要满了汁浆而常发青。

无论我们什么年纪,无论我们什么背景,神的旨意都是要我们的生命是结果子的生命。这些果子包括了一切良善,诚实,喜乐,忍耐,和平,富足,丰盛,健康等等,就是一切好的事情。那我们的生命要如何结果子?就是当我们常在神的话里,把神的话存记在我们我们心中,昼夜思想,就如同一颗树栽在溪水旁,就按时结果子,叶子也不枯干,凡我们所作的尽都顺利。(诗 1:2-3)而神应许给我们这所有的一切,不管你一切的年龄、背景、学历等的条件,祂唯一的条件就是我们的信,当我们相信,就必得着。

我们纵然失信,但是神祂依然是可信的,因为祂不能背乎自己。(提后 2:13)很多时候,人或许会失信于我们,但是我们的神却不会。祂所应许给我们的是永不落空的,因为祂口里所出的话绝不徒然返回,却要成就祂所喜悦的。(赛 55:11)祂说有,就有;命立,就立。(诗 33:9)因此,祂绝不收回那已经应许给我们的一切,这一切的福分都是属于我们的。而这一切的源头,乃是因为神是爱我们的,祂是信实的神,是爱我们到底的神。祂不愿看见祂的孩子们是活在困苦中,祂不愿看见祂的孩子们是活在缺乏当中,祂不愿看见祂的孩子们是流离失所,不知所措的。所以,因着祂的大爱,祂搭救了我们,并且使我们尊贵,让我们的生命是结满果子的。

朋友们,神既是如此的爱我们,我们不可徒受祂的恩典。我们要以行动来回应祂的爱,就是让我们的生命给主作见证,活出祂所我们预备的丰盛生命,就是结满神所赐的果子。好让当人看见我们的生命,可以因为我们的缘故而把荣耀归给神。(加 1:24)阿门!


Monday, January 12, 2015

