Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

诗 34:5 - 凡仰望祂的,便有光荣;他们的脸,必不蒙羞。





Wednesday, February 11, 2015

以赛亚书40:22 神坐在地球大圈之上,地上的居民好像蝗虫。祂铺张穹苍如幔子,展开诸天如可住的帐棚。
以赛亚43:25 惟有我为自己的缘故涂抹你的过犯,我也不记念你的罪恶。


Be Still In His Presence

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Psalms 89:9- You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.

Do you remember that when the disciples were panicking in the boat because of the
great storms, Jesus was the only one who slept soundly in the boat? He made no concern
on the greatness of the storms around Him, sleeping at the end of the boat. However,
the disciples seem to exaggerate the greatness of the storms more than The Lord that was
already with them. Looking at what surrounds them seemed to divert their focus away from
who is with them. And this caused them panic and in fear. Likewise, what are the waves that
mounted up before you now? Fear? The seriousness of your medical report? The great lack?
Do not be like the disciples, though The Lord is with you, you tend to look at the greatness of
your situation more than the greatness of the One who is with you. Therefore, Whatever it is,
do not be afraid and don't worry. For God is able to still that fear, turn your bad report to good report,
and supply your needs more than you ask and think of! Trust Him my dear friends!
For one word from Him is enough, and when He is in your boat, why are you afraid?
All you need to do is to sleep in peace together with Him, enjoying His presence more than the storms!

Directed by Love

Monday, February 9, 2015

Psalms 42:8 - By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life.

Staying connected to God simply means having a relationship with Him. It doesn't matter how you feel, how many times you have failed him,
but staying connected simply requires you to trust Him, and believe that He still loves you no matter what.
Therefore, do not lose heart, no matter what is going around you, remember that Jesus is still enthroned and He is able to bring you through
your situation. All you need to do is to keep your thoughts occupied with Him instead of the issues, let this wonderful morning kicks off
by remembering how much that He loves you, and know that the love of God is always there to direct your steps.
Therefore, be conscious of His love, watch and see how He directs your steps. As you encounter His unfailing love,
all you want to do at night is to sing a song to your Abba Father, for He has been good to you, for He has been faithful, for He is truly the
God of your life!


Monday, February 9, 2015

林前 2:14 - 然而,属血气的人不领会神圣灵的事,反倒以为愚拙,并且不能知道,因为这些事惟有属灵的人才能看透。

属灵,这个字眼在基督徒里并不陌生。只是,要如何成为一个属灵的人?一个属灵的人不能靠着自己的聪明智慧,不能只有知识而不认识真正的上帝。一个属灵的人是体贴圣灵的事,而非体贴肉体的事。属灵的人是以父神的事为念,他们所想的都是神国的事。就是思念上面的事,而不是思念地上的事。(西 3:2)若只是单单知道耶稣基督是不够的,而是要真认识祂,信任祂,依靠祂,深知道离了祂,我们不能做什么。不但如此,我们要谨守遵行神所说的一切话,不要怀疑,只要听从及相信。一个属灵的人,他的灵是敏锐的,他知道圣灵的声音,听了他会跟从,而非当耳边风,听过就算。一个属灵的人会昼夜思想神的话,并且细察,了解,相信。他们的眼目常定睛在神的话语上,无论何时何地,总会把神放在前头,自己走在后头跟随神的脚步。

一个属灵的人是相信神的话,并且行出来的。当神说:我就是医治,那么就相信无论什么病痛,我们都会痊愈;当神说:施比受更为有福(使 20:35),那么我们就把自己所有的都献给神;当神说:我是你的安慰,那么就相信祂必擦干我们的眼泪;当神说:我是你的牧者,那么我们就让神引领我们前面的路;当神说:在我没有难成的事,那么我们就把一切的忧虑卸给祂。朋友们,很多时候我们还是靠自己,紧抓着不放手,总觉得自己最可靠。问题是,我们真的有那么稳固吗?我们真的有那么强大吗?很多时候甚至连自己都垮了,事情还是依然没有解决。所以,当把一切的事交托给神,祂必顾念我们。



Monday, February 9, 2015


这一份礼物,就是上帝的爱子 -- 耶稣基督!圣经说:“神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不致灭亡,反得永生”(约翰福音3:16)。基督身为上帝的独生爱子,却舍弃了天上的荣华,为了我们的罪恶过犯,降世为人,为我们的罪作了挽回祭(约翰一书2:2),成为代罪羔羊,把所有的罪都扛在自己身上,代替我们死在十字架上,叫一切信祂的都得永生(约翰福音3:15)。同时也告诉我们,耶稣来不但要我们得丰盛的生命,且是得的更丰盛。阿门!

You're Deeply Loved

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ephesians 3:17- so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love.

Knowing how much that God loves you enables you and empowers you to move on in all affairs of life. His love is able to empower you
instead of exhaust you. Therefore, it is so important that as a child of God, you are to be reminded and secure yourself in the love of God daily,
knowing that there is nothing that you can do to make Him love you less. Regardless how many times you have failed Him, no matter how many
times you were weak, the love of God never change! Remember that when you were still a sinner, Christ died for you. That is how He demonstrates His
love to you! Even when you were at the worst state, He already fallen in love with you! Therefore, start your day right by establish and rooted in His love.
Keep Jesus always and constantly in your thoughts, instead of valuing other things that are not value added, value Jesus highly and above the rest!
When you know that how much He loves you and believe in Him, good things happened to those who believe that they are loved by God!
My friend, you are deeply loved, highly favored and greatly blessed!!

He Gave You His Best

Saturday, February 7, 2015

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

How sure are we on the love of God in our daily lives? Are we thinking and expecting that the love of God is not constant and it is based on our performance?
Many would think that whenever they did wrong, or they failed, God will no longer love them as before. Many would think that what they do is able to alter the love
that God has for them. But do you know that you did nothing to deserve this love? When you were still a sinner, Christ chose to die for you at the cross. Therefore,
there is nothing that you can do to make Him love you less. Looking at John 3:16, Nicodemus was asking on how to be born again. He was asking how does it possible
for one to have a new life all over again besides going back to the womb of the mother and birth out once again? But He doesn't know that the one who was speaking
to him is the source of life. Likewise, in order to have a new life, totally new and recreated life, you need to understand one important truth. That is God first came to give.

God the Father is a giver, and when He came to you, He never did it by talking, but instead He gave. He chose to give not money, nor any other things that you need in life,
but He chose to give you His one and only Son, Jesus. He gave you His best, so that you can have a new and recreated life in Him. Totally free from sins, curses, sicknesses,
weaknesses, poverty, darkness, bondages, fear and all! When God can give you His best, you can be assured that He will surely give you the rest.
What's more health, opportunities, a good marriage, joy and peace? Since you already have Jesus, you have them all!

But the key is, in order to inherit this, you need to believe in Him. Not believing in yourself, not believing in the worldly system, not believing in how people perceives you,
but believe in Jesus. The moment when you believe in Him, by putting your confidence and trust on Him and what He said, you will not perish! Not only not perishing,
you have eternal life, a life that can never ever be separated again from God! How great!

Therefore today, meditate on God's giving in your life, remember, if He can give you His best - Jesus, what else that He cannot give you? When you have His best, you have all
the rest!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

雅各书 4:8a 你们亲近神,神就必亲近你们。
诗篇 73:28 但我亲近神是与我有益,我以主耶和华为我的避难所,好叫我述说你一切的作为。

亲爱的朋友,你知道你生命的泉源在哪里和你生命的源头又是什么吗? 是你的事业?家人?朋友?金钱?财富?健康?还是你自己?

Stay Connected To The Source Of Your Life

Saturday, February 7, 2015

James 4:8a Come near to God and He will come near to you.
Psalms 73:28 But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

Dear friend, do you know where is the fountain of you life and what is the source of your life? Is it your career? Family? Friend? Money? Wealth? Health? Or yourself?
Today, be bold and courageous in life knowing that the Almighty God, the Sovereign Lord is the fountain of your life and the source of your life.
Is Him, that you need to stay connected to. In His light, you see light. His unfailing love is priceless and you find refuge in the shadow of His wings.
So, move forward in life today by stay connected to the source of your life through the Word, put Him in the first place in your life, surely He will take care of your career, family, friend, money, wealth, health and yourself!
Just like the concept of electricity, we need to connect the plug to the socket with source then turn on the power button in order to generate electricity so that we can use it.
Today, we as man also need to connect ourselves to the words of God with the Holy Spirit then turn on the believe button by faith in order to generate the supernatural power in our life so that we can live our life effortlessly without worries and fears.
Do not wait any longer friend, right now at this moment, take up the authority you have and step by faith knowing that your Daddy God-the source of your life, can do far more than what you can imagined.
In Him, nothing is too hard! Bad can turn to be good and impossible becomes possible!
When you stay connected to the source, surely you are highly favored, deeply loved and greatly blessed!

Good News

Thursday, February 5, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:2- By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

Gospel means good news and Jesus came to give us good news!
What are the good news that you need today?
For those who are in lack, good news for them is they shall lack no more!
For those who are living in condemnation, good news for them is they are set free!
For those who are in fear, good news for them is they shall find hope in Christ!
For those who are sick, good news for them is they are healed and living a long life!
No matter what are the news that makes you fearful now, know that Jesus is able to
turnaround your situation. All you need is to trust in Him, and hold firmly to what He promised.
Believe that He is able, and all things are possible to those who believe in Him!

Never Ever Change

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Isaiah 54:10- Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

Many things may change and can alter from time to time, the things in this world fades away.
When you put a cup of coffee on your table, the next moment you realize is, it never gets hotter
but instead it turns cold. However, the word of God says even the mountains can be shaken, even
the hills can be removed. He means that even the most constant things on this earth can be removed
and has the possibilities of change, but His love and His covenant will never ever change!
That is how sure of His love and covenant for you!
When His unfailing love never change, you can be sure that never a moment you're not being loved,
never a moment that God lost his interest and concerns over you, and never a moment He dislikes and
angry with you! Thus, when His covenant never change, you can be sure of that what He promises you
Stands valid for eternity, when He says your concern is his concern, all that He has is yours, and His health
is your health, and His wealth is your wealth! All these never change, therefore it will bring you peace instead
of fear and insecurity!
The Lord has compassion and He loves you; today know that many things may change, but His unfailing love for you
and His promises shall never ever change. Have faith in Jesus and know that He is with you, and believe that He loves you!
Why? Good things happen to those who believe that The Lord loves them!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

赛 43:25 - 惟有我为自己的缘故涂抹你的过犯,我也不记念你的罪恶。

很多时候,人很喜欢抓着过去,总爱翻旧账,记恨。想着当年某某人得罪了你;或是当年自己做了什么错事,至今还在耿耿于怀。朋友们,你当晓得你是已经被宽恕了,以前的罪,以前的错,以前的咒诅,以前的一切,都已成过去。你已经藉着基督,从这一切里得着释放,成为一个新造的人了。你知道吗?我们是藉着耶稣基督的血称义,更要藉着祂免去神的愤怒。(罗 5:9)神说,祂不再纪念我们的罪恶和过犯,并且还赐给我们一个新的身份,就是成为神儿女的身份,我们是何等蒙福!

今天,你知道上帝是如何看待我们的吗?祂是通过耶稣基督来看我们的,因为当我们信了耶稣基督,受洗归入祂时,我们就是披戴基督了。(加 3:27)因此,上帝不再是直接看我们,而是透过耶稣基督来看我们。而我们的基督祂是完美无瑕的,因此上帝看我们也是完美无瑕的;我们的基督是得胜的,因此我们也是得胜的。当我们信了耶稣之后,神就不再纪念我们的罪愆和过犯了。在基督里我们是被爱的,是被接受的,是被宽恕的,是神所喜悦的!我们的神喜欢我们与祂亲近,祂喜欢跟我们在一起,因为我们是祂所爱的,祂视我们为宝为尊,把我们铭刻在祂手掌心。



Wednesday, February 4, 2015

箴言14:30 心中安静,是肉体的生命

有时候,令人分心的事情会影响我们对神的专注与信靠。这就是耶稣对马大的心。为了预备餐点,她【伺候的事多,心里就忙乱了】(路加福音10:40)。她抱怨妹妹馬利亞未伸出援手(显然是因着因为马利亞專注於基督和祂的教导),耶稣回答她说:「马大!马大!你为许多的事思虑烦扰,但是不可少的只有一 件;马利亞已经选择那上好的福份,是不能夺去的。」(路加福音10:41-42)



Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Psalms 42:5- Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

As a Father, your Father in Heaven never intended to make you sad and downcast.
However, if we always keep our eyes on our circumstances, if we always keep our focus
on our feelings, we will never be happy! God wants us to live life happily, knowing that He
is still in control!
So, the next time when you feel down and sad, know that you can talk to your heart!
Tell your heart that your hope is in The Lord, praise Him, for He is your Savior!
He is able and mighty to save you from all problems, fears and sicknesses!
It's time to rejoice and be glad, and sorrow no more! For you are already a victor,
You enjoy victories in The Lord!

Mind Attitude

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ephesians 4:23 - to be made new in the attitude of your minds;

Your mind has its attitude. When you take note of what you're thinking
from moment to moment, you'll realize that everyone has his own pattern
of thinking. Some has the arrogant mind attitude, and he only thinks about himself.
Some has a pessimistic mind attitude that no matter comes before him, he will think
of the worst. The attitude of your mind determines your living.
So, do you know that your mind need to be constantly renewed by the Word of God?
Renewal means it has to be made new, the old has to be replaced. Likewise, the old
attitudes of your mind has to be replaced by new thoughts!
Only the Word of God is able to destroy the old and wrong thoughts, and reveals to you
who you are, what you can do and what you have in Christ! Change the attitude of your mind
through the Word and you'll see changes in your life!


Monday, February 2, 2015

诗 112:2 - 他的后裔在世必强盛,正直人的后代必要蒙福。

在这世上,多数的人总会在看自己的软弱,总会觉得自己远不及人。但是,其实我们基督徒在这世上的身份是得胜有余,是强盛的,是居上不居下,是福杯满溢的。有许多的基督徒都不知道原来我们早已有了这身份,反而还在一直的追寻世上所看重的东西,如:名利,身份,地位等等。然而,今天在神的国里,我们已有了世人所没有的尊贵身份,就是神孩子的名分。而这个名分使我们继承了耶稣基督所成就的一切产业,包括了我们所要的财富,尊荣,健康,好的关系,成功等等。经上记着说我们是神的后嗣,是照着应许承受产业的。(加 3:29)所以当我们打从口里承认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死里复活那一刻开始,这一切的福分都已经属于我们了。

当我们活在这世上,我们是强盛的,所有的敌人看见我们,他们都要逃跑。是的!今天不再是我们往后退,而是他们要逃开!贫穷看见我们,它们要逃开;病痛看见我们,他们要逃开;缺乏看见我们,他们要逃开;失败看见我们,他们要逃开;不好的一切都要被隔绝了,因为我们身上带着耶稣的印记,没有什么能搅扰我们,断没有什么能加害在我们身上。(加 6:17)朋友们,以前的事已经过去了,它们不能影响我们的未来,并且有耶稣基督为我们成就了一切,祂已把那不可能的事都要变成可能。我们的心志要改换一新,要清楚地知道今天我们的身份不再一样了,我们是神国的子民,是带着大能大力,是带着权柄的。

所以,不要再轻看自己,不要觉得我们不能。在神没有难成的事,当我们倚靠祂的大能大力,我们凡事都能做。(腓 4:13)永远记得,我们是强盛的,我们是君尊的祭司,我们是作首不做尾的,我们神国的子民!阿门~


Monday, February 2, 2015





Healing & Health is Yours

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jeremiah 33:6- “ ‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

Do know that sickness is not what you inherit from your Father in Heaven.
If an earthly father will hate to see his own son sick, how much more our
Father in Heaven? He loves you, and He hates sickness entangling your life.
Therefore, Jesus came to redeem you from the dominion of sickness, and
He has delivered you from all sickness that you can name of.
Know that you have the name of Jesus, and all sickness shall now before this name.
Know that as Jesus is holy, so are you, and being holy means unholy cannot touch you!
It simply means when viruses see you, they shall run in terror, for they are unable to touch you!
My dear friends, it's always your Father in heaven's heart to see you in good health, enjoying the
abundance of peace and security in Him. Therefore know that sicknesses do not come from Him,
and turn your eyes upon Jesus, knowing that healing and good health is your inheritance!
So hold on to what is yours today!

Consider Jesus

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hebrews 12:3- Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

What you consider and think about each day affects your life.
Your believing affects your thinking, and your thinking affects your living.
So, in order to have a right living, you're to see what you're thinking in your mind
all day long, is it sickness? That fear? That exceeding great problems? That impossibilities?
What are the things that you pondered in mind now?
My friend, when you consider about your sickness and what you're worrying about, it does not help you
but makes you weary and lose heart; instead consider and think about Jesus,
think about His greatness and His finished work,
Think about how much he loves you and given his best for you;
So that you Do not lose heart and grow weary, for He is great and mighty in power, for only
He is Able to turn your darkness into light, your fear into boldness, your sickness into perfect health!