Daily Devotion - English

The Servant King

Many of times when we come to Jesus, we thought of we are the one serving Him, we are the one who give; but do you know that He come to serve you and not to be served?

What Do You Ponder On?

What you've deposited in will eventually be what you'll withdraw out; so what do you keep in your heart lately and thought of it often?

Partnership With Christ

There may be a lot of times that you are faithless, but always remember that God remains faithful! He is a keeper of His Words and He is watchful in accomplishing them!

Speak Life

Do you know that there is power under your tongue? Whatever you speak forth can either bring victory or defeat in your life!

Speak Forth Life

When the disciples were facing with this great storms, they were terrified and even ask Jesus if he cares that they are sinking! You know what? Jesus was sleeping in the boat!

Trust in His Love

‭‭Do you know how much that Jesus loves you? His love to you cannot be measured, the bible says that for how great is the heaven and the earth, that's how great His love for you! Do you know?


‭‭Rejoicing cannot be dependant on your surroundings, because when your surrounding changes, your joy is affected.

On His Shoulders

Even if there are times that you make mistakes, or in weaknesses, even if there are times that your state may change, your emotional may change, your feeling may change; but know that your standing