Speak Forth Life

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Mark 4:39 - He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

When the disciples were facing with this great storms, they were terrified and even ask Jesus if he cares that they are sinking! You know what? Jesus was sleeping in the boat! No matter how bad was the surroundings, the great peace and rest enables Him to sleep even in the midst of the storms. But the disciples couldn't! My friends, regardless what storms and waves are blowing against you today, know that Jesus is the one who calms the raging sea! All that He respond was to be at rest, and therefore no matter what is going on around you today, be at rest and be assured that you will not drown! But instead, you can rise above the storms because Jesus is in your boat! With One word from Him, you shall be saved! Likewise, know that with one word from you, as you speak forth the Word with authority, all shall be quieted down and the storms will have to surrender to you! So speak life to your health, your finance and your family today!