Sermon 讯息

当你晓得你的身份,所有应许都会为你效力 [30.07.2023]

当你晓得你的身份,所有应许都会为你效力 [30.07.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, July 30, 2023

爸爸在找你 Abba Father Is Looking For You [23.07.2023]

爸爸在找你 Abba Father Is Looking For You [23.07.2023]

Pastor Stella Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Right Identity Right Place 对的身份, 对的位置 [16.07.2023]

Right Identity Right Place 对的身份, 对的位置 [16.07.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Move On From Sight To Might 从眼见转向主的能力 [09.07.2023]

Move On From Sight To Might 从眼见转向主的能力 [09.07.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, July 9, 2023

The One We Belong To 我们所属于的 [02.07.2023]

The One We Belong To 我们所属于的 [02.07.2023]

Pastor Faithlyn Hiew
Sunday Service
Sunday, July 2, 2023

What You Store In Your Heart Will Overflow 你心里所充满的, 就流露出来 [25.06.2023]

What You Store In Your Heart Will Overflow 你心里所充满的, 就流露出来 [25.06.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, June 25, 2023

From Slavery to Sonship 从奴仆到儿子的名分 [18.06.2023]

From Slavery to Sonship 从奴仆到儿子的名分 [18.06.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, June 18, 2023

You Are Called For Greater Things 您有更大的呼召 [11.06.2023]

You Are Called For Greater Things 您有更大的呼召 [11.06.2023]

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, June 11, 2023

See His Love In The Sacrifice, Not Your Circumstances 不透过环境,只透过祭物看见父的爱 (04.06.23)

See His Love In The Sacrifice, Not Your Circumstances 不透过环境,只透过祭物看见父的爱 (04.06.23)

Pastor Aaron Lim
Sunday Service
Sunday, June 4, 2023

See The Lord's Heart For You 看见主耶稣对你的心 [28.05.2023]

See The Lord's Heart For You 看见主耶稣对你的心 [28.05.2023]

Ps Faithlyn Hiew
Sunday Service
Sunday, May 28, 2023