Rest In Him 安息在祂里面

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Psalm 诗篇 62:1- “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. 我的心默默无声,专等候神,我的救恩是从祂而来”

When you are in the midst of confusion, in the midst of worries, though you may feel real bad at that moment, but remember Jesus is always by your side. Whatever that you have gone through, He understands and He cares. No one understands you more than He does, no one knows how badly hurt you may be like Him, and He is the one who puts the best interest of yours in his heart! Whatever disappointment, doubts and fear that you have right now, keep on beholding Jesus and find rest in His love; in His embrace you shall fear not, worry not and lack not, for He is mighty to save! So though thousands may fall at your side, ten thousands at your right hand, you only need to find rest in The Lord and the salvation comes from him!

当你处在混乱之中,或者在忧虑里头,虽然这一刻你感到非常的不堪,但是总要记得耶稣一直都在你身边。无论你所走过的是什么,祂明白及祂深深地在乎。没有任何人能够比祂更加的明白你,没有任何人能够比他更了解你的伤害有多深,而唯有祂将一切关乎你的事情放在祂的心上!无论你所遭遇的是什么失望,无论你现在有什么害怕,继续的仰望耶稣并且安息在祂的爱里;在祂的怀抱里你不需要害怕, 不需要忧虑也必不缺乏!因为祂必能拯救你到底!所以就算千人扑倒在你旁边,万人扑倒在你右边,你只需要安息在主的拯救里,知道救恩必从祂而来!