He Says So, I Believe It & It Settles It

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Luke 5:5- “Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”” ‭‭

Simon was toiling all night at the sea and caught nothing. He has been working hard all night, and guess what, as a fisherman, he sure knows when is the best time to fish, where is the best spot and of course what are the best skills to catch a harvest. But from his experience, you are to know that many times in our lives, although we might have the best skills, we might have the greatest knowledge, but that does not promise is a great and good success! That does not promise us a harvest! Under the law, if you are trying by your effort to achieve harvest in your life, there may be fruits, just like when Sarah arranged Hagah to born a child for Abraham, but guess what, it is not what God has promised! He wants you to enjoy His toiling instead of trying hard on your own; He wants you to believe in His promises, and see it happen in your life instead of breaking your head trying to figure out a way. My friends, Toiling all by your own effort may end up with fruitlessness; but know that as you believe the Word as your standard, you'll end up with great harvest! In all areas, as Jesus says so, believe it and it settles it!