Step Into Supernatural

Thursday, July 21, 2016
Matthew 19:26- With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible

Today, know that we have a all possible God guarding behind our back, so therefore you are not all alone facing all the challenges of life. Maybe when you look at that medical report, it shouts out impossible to be healed; maybe when you look at your bank account, it tells you it is impossible to see the breakthroughs that you long for and desire; maybe when you look at your marriage, you feel like it is impossible to have restoration between your spouse. My friends, all these are natural perspectives of things, when you look at the natural, It certainly tells you it is impossible. But when you look at Jesus in His Word, He says all things are possible, lean in to His Word and you shall find life! So instead of seeing through the lens of natural, start to look via the lens of the Word and expect the supernatural to happen!