Apple of The Eyes

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Psalm 17:8- “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”
When someone or something is the apple of your eyes, it means that no matter what you are doing, in what condition that you may be in, there's always an eye keeping on you! Guess what, God the Father who loves you keeps an eye on you, solely because He cares and He loved you deeply! My friends, You're the beloved and the darling of the Heavenly Father, He sees you as the apple of His eyes! He sees you flawless! He sees you perfect and He sees you in Christ! How much that He loves Jesus, is how much that He loves you! Therefore know how much that you're loved today, and it empowers you to move on boldly. Fear not, for under His care, nothing can touch you!