Meditate on Him

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Psalm 145:5- “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.”
You are what you think. If you are thinking about all the worries and lack, you will live out being in fear instead of fullness of peace; if you are constantly thinking about you are unworthy, then you will live out life unknowing of your value in Christ! Therefore, Instead of allowing fear and worries to occupy you, let Jesus occupies your thought! Keep your thoughts on what are the things above, keep your thoughts of what is beautiful and good, and keep your thought on Jesus alone! As you Meditate on His unfailing love and wonderful works today, a right believing will lead you into a right living! Therefore, change your mind by remembering how much you are loved, and have confident in the Lord that you are so dearly to Him that He will take care of you in all areas of your life!