Let Him Handle

Sunday, June 26, 2016

John 14:1- ““Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”
Many of times when you look around at your surroundings, you will feel distressed; when you look at yourself to seek for solution, you will feel depressed, but there's a hope for you today, that as you look at God, you will find rest! Therefore whenever you feel at you are down, when you feel that you are all alone, look to God the one and only who loves you deeply! My friends, No one concerns you and cares for you more than God your Heavenly Father! His heart wants you to be blessed, to be in health, to be in joy, more than you want to see yourself be in that state of condition! So, let Him take care of you today, which is far better than you take care of yourself!