The Promise Keeper

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Psalm 33:4- “For the word of the LORD holds true, and we can trust everything he does.”
The surroundings of you may change, people may change, even the trends of the world may change, but know that God is always constant and He never change! Whatever promises that He has promised you, from beginning until the end He is watchful over His Words. He is a God that never lies, and God is a promise keeper, He is watchful over His Words to perform! Therefore, when the Word of God holds true, you'll just need to believe in it and it settles it! Believe that as He said you are already healed by Jesus' stripes, it settles it! Believe that as He said you are already prosperous, believe it and it settles it! When you have a right believing, right living shall birth out! He is the one that you can trust, for when he says yes, it means yes! His promises are irrevocable!