You Are What You Think

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Proverbs 23:7 - “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."
You are what you focus, you are what you think. Today know that whatever that you believe in your heart tend to affect your daily life. It affects your emotions, your responses and your life! If you are thinking of that past now, that particular word or deeds that that person may not be intending to hurt you, if you are staying constantly in comparison, you will end up become who you think you are. You'll get to be pessimistic, you cannot rejoice wholeheartedly and you are insecure! My friends, If you long for a radical change in your life, have a radical change IN you first! You are what you think, therefore, keep your thoughts align with the Words of God, meditate and chew it day and night, and out of your belly shall explode a complete change effortlessly! Jesus is the transformation maker, and He is in you!