By Your Side 在你身旁

Monday, February 12, 2024

Hebrews 13:5 …“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Dear friend, regardless what kind of situation you are in today, always remember that there is someone who is available for you at all time, loving you, caring you, and taking you through in all the circumstances, that man is Jesus. No matter what is the situation, when Jesus comes, bad turn into good and impossible into possible. When Jesus is by your side, nothing formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17)! When Jesus is by your side, poverty turn into prosperity (2Corinthians 8:9). When Jesus is by your side, sadness turn into happiness. When Jesus is by your side, worries turn into excitement. When Jesus is by your side, sinful turn into no sin. When Jesus is by your side, tear turn into comfort. When Jesus is by your side, weak becomes strong. When Jesus is by your side, you are a successful person! When Jesus is by your side, you are more than conquerors! Dear friend, remember that you are so precious in His sight. He loves you, He treasures you more than anything else. You are His heartbeat. You are the apple of His eyes. So, no matter what is happening in your life or what might comes your way, be bold and courageous knowing that God is behind the scenes. Do not give up but to trust and rely on Jesus who is always by your side making sure that everything is all right for you. Surely you will be blessed when you have Jesus in your life. Amen!
