Understand The Scriptures 明白圣经

Monday, January 8, 2024

Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
路加福音 24:45 于是耶稣开他们的心窍,使他们能明白圣经。

Dear friend, do you know how important the word of God is in your life? Do you aware of its power? When you believe the word of God and act on it, it releases the tremendous power in your life! (Luke 1:37) That's why in the above verse mentioned that Jesus opened the mind of His disciples so that they could understand the Scriptures-the word of God! Likewise today, Jesus has given us the best Counselor-Holy Spirit, who is now living in us, to teach and remind us all that Jesus has said. (1Corinthians 3:16 & John 4:26) So, are you ready to let Jesus involve in your life today? When we understand the Scriptures, that is the truth that set us free! (John 8:32) When we understand the Scriptures, only then we can meditate them day and night, and through the meditation on the word of God, we are like the tree planted by streams of water and whatever we do shall prosper! (Psalm 1:3) When we understand the Scriptures, it is the lamp to our feet and the light for our path! (Psalm 119:105)
When we understand the Scriptures, the unfolding of God's words gives light and gives understanding to the simple! (Psalm 119:130) The words of God is so powerful and important in our life. Therefore, it is essential for us to understand the words of God through the revelation and wisdom from Holy Spirit! Friend, you have been told the importance of God's words. Now is your turn to decide whether to take up the promises given to you or not. When you ready and believe, you will surely see things change in your favor! If you are ready and you want it, let's do this prayer together: "God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, thank you for giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may know You better. In Jesus name we asked and give thanks. Amen!"

亲爱的朋友,你知道神的话对你的生命有多重要吗?你可否知道它的能力?当你相信神的话并且操练用它时,它所释放在你生命中的是浩大的能力!(路加福音1:37) 那就是为什么在以上的经节说到耶稣开启门徒的心窍让他们能明白圣经-就是神的话!同样的今天,耶稣已经赐给我们最好的保惠师-就是居住在我们心里的圣灵,为指教提醒耶稣所说的一切话。(哥林多前书3:16 及 约翰福音14:26) 所以,你预备好让耶稣参与你的生命吗?当我们明白圣经,那就是叫我们得自由的真理!(约翰福音8:32)
当我们明白圣经,我们才能昼夜思想,然后藉着默想神的话,我们就像一棵树栽在溪水旁并我们所做的一切尽都亨通顺利!(诗篇1:3) 当我们明白圣经,他是我们脚前的灯路上的光!(诗篇119:105) 当我们明白圣经,神的话一解开就发出亮光,使愚人通达!(诗篇119:130) 神的话是充满着能力并且在我们的生命中是何等的重要。所以,藉着圣灵的启示和智慧来明白神的话对我们而言是多么的重要!朋友,你已经知道神话语的重要性。现在轮到你做决定是否要拿起所给你的一切应许。当你预备好且相信时,你必定看见事情因着你而改变!若你要并且已经预备好,跟我一起做这个祷告:"我们主耶稣基督的神,荣耀的父,感谢你赐我智慧和启示的灵,使我真知道你。奉耶稣的名我们祷告和感谢。阿们!"