Source Of All Hope 盼望的源头

Friday, March 22, 2024

Psalm 145:15 The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.
‭‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬诗篇 145:15 万民都举目仰望祢,祢随时给他们食物。

People in this world are trying their very best in achieving and building, let it be building their own lives, their career, their families, but know that as you build them upon Jesus, the source of your life, all things shall made possible! Why? Because only He is the solid foundation that you can ever find, as you stand strong on Him, you will realize that everything will just seem to be effortless. For Jesus is the one who holds all things together for you! My dear friends, Your Heavenly Father knows your need and the desires of your heart, all you need to do is not to look around for solutions, but to look to Him, your source of hope! Let Him satisfy you with the goodness of His land! If man disappoints you, remember God will not disappoint you!

当其他人都在实现他们的梦想,建立他们的人生,事业与家庭时,他们是依靠自己的能力来建立,但你却要晓得,你是把这一切都建立在耶稣里 - 你生命的源头那里,在祂,一切皆有可能!为什么呢?因为只有祂才是你最坚固的磐石,当你在祂里面站立得稳,你会发现到,一切都毫不费力。因为耶稣在万有之先,万有也靠祂而立。我亲爱的朋友,你的天父晓得你的需要和你心中的渴望,所以你现在所要做的不是到处寻找解決方案,而是看向祂-你盼望的源头!让祂以美物来滿足你!如果人会失信于你,记得上帝永远不会失信于你!