Satisfy You With Long Life 使你足享长寿

Monday, March 25, 2024

Psalms 91:16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.
诗篇 91:16 我要使他足享长寿,将我的救恩显明给他。

My friend, today know that it's your father's desire to satisfy you with long life, healthy and strong and see good days! He has promised you that He is your refuge and strength, that He will hide you under His mighty wings! Therefore, you must have confident that no sickness, no disaster is able to hurt you, for God has promised you to satisfy you with long life! Which means He wants you live until you satisfied! Not only that you must know that you're not weak and tired living this life, but God has promised you strong and healthy! Therefore believe in Him, and salvation is yours! Do you know that what is in the salvation? The moment when you receive Jesus, all that you need is in this package! and it's inclusive of all the healing, abundance, and long life that you need! So, allow and agree with God today and let him show you his salvation, which means let Him show you and you can see with your own eyes how great is your God!
