Nothing Is Impossible 没有难成的事

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Mark 9:23 “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
马可福音 9:23 耶稣对他说:你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。

There might be thousands and thousands of reasons and facts telling you that it is impossible. It is impossible to get heal because the medical expert said it is incurable, it is impossible to live in abundance because everything is getting more and more expensive nowadays and you just can't excel in life!! My friend, impossible is a lie. Jesus never sees impossible as great, he never even consider the impossibilities. All He did was knowing that His father is able, to turn the water into wine, to turn the dead into life, to turn the sick into health, to turn the lack into abundance! He sure knows that no matter what is ahead, nothing is impossible with God! So, No matter how impossible it may be to be healed from that sickness, how impossible it may be to be successful, how impossible it may be to see that mountain removes, remember, when you believe in Jesus, He makes all things possible! So don't give up my friend!
