Love Break 爱的歇息

Friday, March 8, 2024

Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
耶利米书 31:3 古时耶和华向以色列显现说:我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。

Instead of thinking that no one loves you today, be reminded that you are loved and Jesus is the one who loves you unconditionally! When you are still sinner, Christ chose to die for you (Romans 5:8), that was how he showed His love towards you. Therefore, the next time when you feel that you are alone and nobody really cares, remember that Jesus loves you with an everlasting love. This love is unconditional, and it is everlasting. His promises for you will stand forever, and He is faithful in keep His Words! We have lunch break and tea break along the day, and if today you are tired and heavy laden, remember to take a love break by remembering how much that you are loved by Jesus! This love break and this reminder empowers you to move on in life, and live life like a victor! Jesus has drawn you, now choose to draw near and be connected with Him! Take a love break and enjoy that sweet time with Jesus!

与其总觉得没有人爱你,何不对自己说,你是被耶稣所爱的,祂无条件地爱你!当你还是一个罪人时,基督就为你而死(罗马书 5:8),这就是祂爱你的方式。所以,当你觉得无依无靠,沒有人关心你时,要想起耶稣祂是以永远的爱来愛你。这爱是不带条件,且是永永远远的。祂所应许你的必永远立定,祂忠心保守祂的话!在我们每一天的日常生活中,都会有午休和茶点时间,如果今天你累了,或是很劳苦重担,记得来个“爱的歇息”,提醒自己耶稣有多爱你!这”爱的歇息”可以帮助你在生活中继续前进,並过一个得胜的生命!耶稣已经就近你,现在是你要选择向祂靠近並与祂建立关系!暂时来个“爱的歇息”,和耶稣一起享受甜蜜时光吧!