Linger In His Presence 在祂同在里

Friday, April 5, 2024

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you, saying, “Destroy Him!
申命记33:27 永生的神是你的居所,祂永久的膀臂在你以下;祂在你前面撵出仇敌,说:毁灭吧!

If you are in the midst of frustration, fear and worry now, all you need is to begin to linger in the peaceful presence of God. Knowing that He is always with you makes so much difference to your reaction in life. The moment when you choose to relax in His everlasting arms, and know that how safe and secure you are, fear ceases and worry fades. Jesus is the only solid foundation that you can rely on, and do you know what? The moment when you choose to enjoy in His very presence, it produces joy and unmeasured fullness in your life!! You will start to praise Him, your heart will delight in Him, and you will celebrate His ultimate presence! Linger in His presence today, and know that you are always safe and secure in His everlasting arms! Amen!
