Impossible Is A Lie “不可能”是一个谎言

Monday, January 15, 2024

Mark 9:23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
马可福音 9:23 耶稣对他说:你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。

Impossible is a LIE. Do you ever encounter situation whereby you think that all things are not possible? The devil has been bombarding your mind with thousands of reasons, telling you how impossible it may be to see yourself recovered, prosper, change and moving to another level. But do you know that as a child of God, There's nothing impossible when you can believe in Jesus. Believing in Him simply means trusting that He is well able to do what He promised, that He is always faithful in keeping His Words and ultimately He is able! So, No matter how impossible it may be to be healed from that sickness, how impossible it may be to be successful, how impossible it may be to see that mountain removes, remember, when you believe in Jesus, He makes all things possible! So don't give up my friend!
