Grace 恩典

Friday, January 19, 2024

约翰福音 1:17。。。恩典和真理都是藉着耶稣基督来的。
John 1:17… grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Beloved, do you know what grace is? Grace is not a subject, grace is not a doctrine, grace is a person-JESUS. Grace reveals who God is. Grace is the person who was nailed to the cross for your redemption. Grace is the eternal life for us paid for by the blood-stained sacrifice at Calvary. Grace and truth came through the Son (John 1:17). Under grace, God provides righteousness as a gift. (Romans 3:24) Grace imparts hope to the hopeless and help to those who are helpless. So, friend, when you are under grace-the unmerited favor of God, you are given the strength and power to rise above your challenges! Jesus is your solution, He is your answer, He is you hope, joy, peace and security. When you have Jesus, you have everything. Whatever adversity, challenge or circumstance you may be faced with today, your answer is found in the person of Jesus, and that's why we need the word of God-which is Jesus (John 1:1). It's time for us to catch the revelation of grace, when we tap into, we are moving from defeat to victory and from breakdowns into breakthroughs! NOW is the time to encounter Jesus, friend. Stop struggling and leaning on ourselves, but to start eyeing on Jesus and believe what He has done at the cross 2023 years ago for you and me. Hallelujah! When we step into His unfailing love, that is when we shall see transformation from the inside out. It is all by the grace of God! (Hebrews 4:16 & Romans 11:6)

亲爱的,你知道恩典是什么吗?恩典不是一个科目,恩典不是一种教导,恩典是一个人-耶稣。恩典在显明神是誰。恩典就是那一位为了救赎你而被钉死在十字架上的。恩典就是那在加略山以宝血救赎我们给于我们永远的生命。恩典和真理是从神的儿子而来的 (约翰福音1:17)。在恩典之下,神给了我们公义这份礼物 (罗3:24)。 恩典使那绝望的人得着盼望,并且帮助那无助的人。所以朋友,当你在这恩典之下-就是那不能赚取神的恩惠时,你是得着力量和能力跨越一切挑战的!耶稣是你的解决,祂是你的答案,祂是你的盼望,喜乐,平安和安全感。当你有了耶稣,你就拥有了一切。不论有什么问题、挑战或是你现在所处于的环境,你所需要的答案都在这一人-耶稣那里找着了,那就是为什么我们需要神的话-就是耶稣(约翰福音1:1)。是时候让我们紧捉住恩典的启示了,当我们捉紧,我们是从失败进入胜利,从低谷进入突破!现在就是时候经历耶稣了,朋友。停止挣扎和依靠自己了,而是开始看向耶稣并且相信祂在2023年前在十字架上为你为我所成就的一切。哈利路亚!当我们进入祂那无条件的爱时,那就是时候我们看见从里到外的彻底改变了。一切都是凭着神的恩典 (希伯来书4:16 及 罗马书11:6) !