God Is The Shepherd Of Your Life 神是你生命的牧者

Friday, March 29, 2024

Psalm 28:9 Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.
诗篇 28:9 求祢拯救祢的百姓,赐福给祢的产业,牧养他们,扶持他们,直到永远。

God is the shepherd of your life and you shall never lack (Psalm 23:1). A shepherd watches over the sheep and therefore, He watches over your life. He is here to make sure that you are well taken care of and you are always in good hand. He is here to bless you and keep you from all harm. God carries you not just a day, not just two days, not just three days, not just a week, not just a month but He carries you forever! When He carries you, He will never let go! Dear God, Thank you for being my very good and loving shepherd. With you as a shepherd leading me, I know I will never be in want, I know I will never be down. You have saved me and blessed me. With you carrying me forever, I know I am secured in you. Amen!
