
Monday, June 9, 2014

2 Corinthians 6:18 – I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

There are a lot of people today think that God is really someone that is far away, majority of the Christians are living in religion consciousness rather than God consciousness. Many will think that God is a dictator that demands a lot and wants us to serve Him like a slave. But a thousand times no! If you are to know who is your God, you are to go back to the bible and search and understand your Father. He is definitely a loving Father that wants to have relationship with you rather than having a religion with you. Therefore He said, I will be a Father to you.

Many in this world carries a wrong concept about a father, they see the Father in heaven from the lens of this world. But know that God your Father is not the same as you know of from your earthly father, He wants to be a Father to you. To love you, protect you, provide you, understand you is all that He wants to do in your life. He wants you to live your life knowing that there is always a Father for you. You are never alone, but you are a child of God Most High. He is your Dad.

Therefore, today, come to Him boldly and you can call Him Abba Father! Enjoy in His embrace and enjoy in this fatherly love! :)