Do You Believe? 你信这话吗?

Saturday, January 20, 2024

John 11:26 and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
约翰福音 11:26 凡活着信我的人必永远不见死。你信这话吗?

Dear friend, we have a loving and caring God who has written all His promises for us in the Bible. But how many of us actually believe in what He has said?
Do you believe that when you have Jesus, you have everything?
Do you believe that He means what He said?
Do you believe that He is the faithful God?
In times of worrying, do you believe that God has the best solutions for you?
In times of lacking, do you believe that God can supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches?
When you are sick, do you believe that by Jesus's stripes, you are healed?
When you are lost, do you believe that Jesus-the good shepherd is in front of you guiding your path?
Now is the time to believe, beloved. Jesus has done it all and now is our turn to believe and receive all that He has prepared for us. Hallelujah!
