The Bread Of Life 生命的粮

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared,” I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
约翰福音 6:35 耶稣说:我就是生命的粮,到我这里来的,必定不饿;信我的,永远不渴。

Dear friend, is certainly that food is essential to all of us as we need food in order to sustain our life and able to live, right? Our Creator-God, described Himself as the bread of life, it is obvious that HE is a “must” in our life, right? We can’t live without HIM-the bread of our life! Perhaps you might think that it is impossible for us to EAT Him as the bread of life, because we cannot see Him, cannot touch Him, how can we take Him as the bread of life? Here is the truth, friend. In John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”. So now, can you see the word of God-BIBLE? God is so gracious that we have many different ways to in touch with the Word. So, today is your choice, beloved, you can choose to take the word of God (the bread of life). Stop looking around and concentrating on the circumstances around you, now is time to look to Jesus and eat the word of God. Every promises of God are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus! (2 Corinthians 1:20) Remember, in John 6:63 says that the words He has spoken to us are spirit and they are life. When the words came, eat them; they were your joy and your heart’s delight. (Jeremiah 15:16)

亲爱的朋友,食物在我们的日常生活中是必须的,因为我们需要食物来维持生命,对吗?我们的创造者 - 神,将自己形容成生命的粮,很明显地看见祂是我们生命所不能缺的,对吧?没有祂 - 生命的粮,我们就不能活了!也许你觉得我们不可能能够吃祂 - 生命的粮,因为我们既看不见祂,又摸不着祂,那么我们又怎能吃到祂 - 那生命的粮呢?真理就在此,朋友。在约翰福音1:1 说:“太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。”“所以现在,你能看见神的道 - 圣经吗?神是如此的恩典,让我们得以藉着多种方式接触到神的话。所以,今天是你的选择,亲爱的,你能选择吃神的话(生命的粮)。停止看向周围和专注旁边的环境,现在是时候看向耶稣并吃神的话了。神的每一个应许在基督里都是确实和实在的!(哥林多后书1:20)记得,在约翰福音6:63 说到耶稣对我们所说的就是灵就是生命。当神的话一来,把他们当食物吃了;他们是你心中的欢喜快乐。(耶利米书15:16)