Be Strong In Grace 在恩典上刚强起来

Saturday, February 10, 2024

‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬2 Timothy 2:1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
提摩太后书 2:1 我儿啊,你却要在基督耶稣的恩典上刚强起来。

You might be facing great challenges now that make you weak and unbearable. You might be feeling giving up in life, thinking that it is hard for you to move on. But do you know that God is a God of Hope? He is your source of solutions and help? Whatever that seems to be great challenges, His grace is always sufficient enough to sustain you and lead you through! Dear friends, be strong in the grace that's in Christ Jesus, He called you to be strong not depending on your own, but instead lean on and rely on His grace! His grace is inexhaustible, unending and overflowing; in His Grace, you find unmerited favor, even when your performance isn't good, even if you may be faithless at times, but in His grace, you can be strong! You can still move on, you can lift up your head! You are still more than a conqueror in life! There's nothing about your performance, but solely Jesus' perfect performance! Lean on Him today, and know that life has not come to the end yet, He is your way and hope!
