Be Still For He Is God 休息,知道祂是神

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God!"
诗篇 46:10 你们要休息,要知道我是神!

‭‭If you're weary and heavy laiden today, know that Jesus is your ultimate source of rest. As you come to Him as who you are, as you be yourself and pour out whatever that concerns you to Him, He will surely take care of you! My friends, As Christ is, so are you in this world; when the ocean rises and thunders roar against you, you'll definitely soaring with Jesus above them all! For your victory is found in Christ, for you can never be defeated by problems, for when even death could not hold Jesus back, nothing can Hold you back from fulfilling what God has called you to be! He is the King over the flood, and you just need to be still and know He is your God! ‬‬‬‬Amen!

如果你今天觉得疲乏困倦,当晓得耶稣是你休息的源头。当你坦然无惧,不带伪装的来到祂面前,把一切关乎你的事都交托给祂,祂必定看顾你!朋友,因为耶稣如何,你在这世上也如何;当海洋翻腾,雷鸣暴吼的时候,你晓得你是与耶稣同走在它们之上的!因为在基督里你已经得胜了,你永远不会被问题打倒,因为连当死亡都不能囚禁耶稣的时候,也没有什么可以拦阻你成为上帝要你成为的! 洪水泛滥的时候,祂坐着为王,你只需要安息,知道祂是神!阿们!