领受恩典福音,全方位大翻转! Transformation in All Aspects by the Gospel of Grace!

The High Priest Church 大祭司教会
Monday, October 28, 2019

The testimony owner chose to remain as Anonymous 分享见证者选择以匿名的方式发布:

Greetings to all brothers and sisters in The High Priest Church!

It is indeed a blessed moment to pen down some of the testimonies on what God has done for me. Let me first begin with a thankful heart to give all glory and praises to our Abba Father for sending His Son, Jesus Christ to accomplish what no man can do or qualify to do – that is the finished work on the cross for all mankind.
非常感恩可以写下一些上帝在我生命中的见证。 首先,我要以感恩的心把一切荣耀与颂赞都归于我们的阿爸父,因着祂把祂的独生爱子,耶稣基督给了我们,來完成没有一个人有能力或是有资格可以完成的事–那在十字架上的完工 – 就是给全人类的救恩。

When the true gospel of grace was preached, my life changed in an instant. As I could still remember clearly, the message that I heard was just plainly “To Let Go”, as Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Within the very second when the Word of God encompassed me, tears began to roll down. That moment, my heart sank and I wept for I was holding on to many things, my family, business, finances, future, failures and all the worries of life. It was like carrying the world upon my shoulders. In these 43 years, I was living in a broken world.
当我听见真正的恩典福音时,我的生命瞬间改变了。 我仍然清楚地记得,我听到的信息就是“放手”,如同耶稣在马太福音11:28-30中所说的:“凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式 。这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。”在神的话语包圍我的那一刻,我开始哭了。 那一刻,我的心被融化了,我低声哭泣着,因为我捉住很多的事,我的家庭、生意,金钱、未來,失意和生活中的种种烦恼。 就像把整个世界的重担扛在肩膀上。在这43年的人生中,我生活在支离破碎的世界中。

My life was in a mess for many years and I was in bondage. It was empty inside and no matter how many worldly things I have tried to fill in, it was still a vacuum on the inside. The irony was I accepted Christ and was baptized 18 or 20 years back and I even attended to bible study group, yet I was still feeling forsaken for I might had sinned and things would not get easy until I repent. At one point of my life, I was on depression and sedative drugs, I couldn’t sleep at night and the thought of taking my own life was vivid.

During that time of darkness, I resorted to alcohol and smoking as alternatives to the drugs that I was taking. My time spent at home were merely 5-6 hours a day. Even if I was at home, my mind and soul were somewhere else. My temper never left and it seemed to get worst daily. At times, I would hit my child and it resulted that he would distance himself from me fearful that I might beat him again. My wife and I often had heated up arguments and nothing seemed to be in agreement. If there were cheerful moments, it was probably only a brief one as it was accompanied by alcohol.

The distress and pressure of work were overwhelming, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day was a norm. The worries on finances literally choked me to the brink of nearly ending my life. The feeling of insecurity and lack were engulfing me. Health back then was in turmoil too, as I was often down with Gastrointestinal upsets, migraine and fever.

The turning point to all these is when the truth was preached. The moment when I believe and said that Jesus has bore all my burdens on the cross, there was peace transcended unto me and I was finally at rest. It was the gift of life that I never felt or had before. That very moment when I was restored, there was a still small voice in me assuring that “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

So every time when I hear “Amazing Grace”, I will be in tears. Isn’t that amazing that I was found again! I am renewed, Christ has set me free and I am no longer yoke again by the yoke of slavery! That very second, the anger left. No amount of work or therapy could erase that anger. I began to see things differently and the Word now is different from before.
所以每当我听到“ 奇异恩典”时,我都会掉泪。我再次被寻回,这不是很奇妙吗!我重新得力,基督叫我自由了,我不再被奴役的轭辖制!那一刻,无论多少的治疗及努力都无法平息的愤恨,却消失了。我看待事情的眼光开始不再一样,甚至看待主的话语也跟之前不一样了。

The relationship with my child and my wife were restored. All the broken pieces in my life were being put back together. Things started to get better each day. My child would talk to me again and we can even hug each other while watching movie! My time at home has greatly increased. Now, I love to stay at home and even if going out, I want their companions!
我跟孩子和妻子的关系重新修好。 我生命中所有的碎片都被重新拼凑在一起了。生活一天天开始变得更好。我的孩子再次跟我说话,我们在看电影时甚至可以互相拥抱!我待在家里的时间也大大增加了。现在,我更喜欢待在家里,即使外出,我也希望与我的家人同行!

But God did not stop there; He restored many more things that seemed like rotten in my life. He makes all things new and He has made my journey with Him a sweetest one! My health is now excellent. He removed my smoking addiction in just split second. I could remember that it was a fine Saturday morning; I went to grab my cigarettes after I washed my car. However, once I lighted it up and had a puff, it tasted so smelly like garbage! So, immediately I threw the whole pack away. From then on, I never pick up any cigarettes anymore nor having any withdrawal symptoms. My addiction to alcohol also has been tremendously reduced!
但是上帝的作为並沒有在此就停止。 祂恢复了我生命中许多看似已经朽坏的东西。祂使万物煥然一新,使我与祂的旅程是甜蜜的! 我现在的身体状况非常好。 祂使我的烟瘾瞬间没有了。我依稀记得那是一个美好的週六早晨,我洗完車后想去抽煙;但是,当我把烟一点燃时,它的味道就像垃圾一样臭!所以,我立即把整包烟都丢了。從那时起,我再也沒有碰香烟了,甚至没有任何难以自拔的征兆! 我对酒精的依赖也大大減少了!

Furthermore, God has blessed my business entirely and there are so much more growth to share about! I will write in again to share. Here, I would like to thank all the pastors and elder of The High Priest Church for their dedications in the Word which has transformed my life.
此外,上帝也大大的祝福我的事业,其实还有太多的见证可以分享! 我必将再次来分享。 在此,我要感谢大祭司教会所有的牧師和長老对我神话语的劝勉,这大大改变了我的生命。

A verse for all: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words will never pass away (Luke 21:33)

All glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ!